Budwig diet sample healing testimonials for cancer and other diseases
Compiled by www.healingcancernaturally.com
In-depth comprehensive; authoritative information on the Budwig protocol provided at www.healingcancernaturally.com/Budwig_protocol.html
Part I: Cancer healing testimonies thanks to the Budwig diet
Some testimonies are provided by Cliff Beckwith, some are excerpted from a Budwig support group’s archive section, some are translated and excerpted from Dr. Budwig‘s "Der Tod des Tumors - Band II" (The Death of the Tumor - Vol. II), courtesy of Wilhelm H, some are excerpted from www.whale.to/cancer/Budwig.html and the remainder is gleaned from various sources.
Part II: Pet healing stories thanks to the Budwig diet
collected by Cliff Beckwith
Part I:
(from Dr. Johanna Budwig‘s "Der Tod des Tumors - Band II [The Death of the Tumor, vol. 2])
Evidently bone cancer at various sites, including the collar bone (p. 14)
"The doctor brought the X ray pictures into the room and said beaming with happiness "Mrs. K., your are a wonder woman because almost half of the cancerous areas are healed. He showed the old and new X ray pictures. The healed holes were clearly visible. Think about it, on the old picture there was 3 cm of bone missing on the collarbone - on the new picture it was there again. I was amazed at how many cancerous sites there were before."
Sarcoma in the shinbone (p. 28)
The doctor recommended amputation of the leg as the only solution. "Because of the shock effect it had on the boy and after our meeting with Dr. Budwig we cancelled the operation which was scheduled for the following day. We began the Budwig Diet end of May 1956. Already after 14 days was he able to bend the knee again. Also, an X ray on August 20 showed an improvement! The original 3 cm swelling in the right leg has reduced to 1/2 cm as of today." (The letter was written in December 1956).
Facial bone cancer (p. 36)
"I have been in your care since October 1973 and have become strictly vegetarian as per your recommendation. I want to truly thank you for your care and advice. Today I fully believe that cancer can be healed by adhering to your Diet...
At the end of October, I had lost almost all hope of being healed. 35 cobalt radiations and 3 operations in 6 months, and the feeling of a swelling in the left palate took away my courage to live... I would surely not live anymore had I not at last come to be treated by you...
I have regained my will to live and my only regret is that I did not find out about your effective treatment earlier. That way my last (3rd) operation could have been avoided where I lost my right eye, part of my nose and mouth and the whole palate with teeth in the upper jaw, and I would not have had any reason today to complain about my health."
Dr. Budwig's comments regarding the above -
This patient was in the following situation when he came into my practice in October of 1973:
The diagnosis was clear. The patient had metastasis in several bones of his face and has had 3 operations. One eye had been removed, facial bones were removed from one side of his face, the upper jaw was removed.
Now he had to decide whether to go along with the urgent recommendation of the clinicians to have the second eye removed! Thus did this sick person come to me. He went on my Oil-Protein Diet and used Eldi Oils externally.
Today he is doing excellent. He feels well and looks healthy. The vision in his eye is restored.
This is one case of more than a hundred that I could write about. (Written in 1974)
Liver cancer and stomach cancer (p. 18)
"I went to the hospital because I could not properly eat anymore. I was cut open and closed up again. They could not help me anymore because I had stomach and liver cancer...
I immediately began with the Oil-Protein Diet. It was very agreeable and I felt better from day to day. Then I went for 5 weeks to the Black Forest to recuperate where I continued with the Oil-Protein Diet. It has worked well for me. Everything that I had before, restlessness, vomiting and loss of appetite has is gone. I am happy that I once again am healthy; because without this diet I would not live anymore today."
Colon cancer (p. 111)
This is a case of colon cancer, tumors on the liver and stomach as well as a myoma in the abdominal cavity. The colon cancer had already been present three years earlier.
Dr. Budwig writes:
"She came to the clinic in Göttingen. This Swiss patient was examined by several professors and was scheduled to be operated on Christmas Eve. It was feared that the tumor would cause a complete colon blockage. Upon my advice - I was active at the clinic at that time - did the patient only take my Oil-Protein Diet. The atony of the colon quickly subsided. Seven weeks later she was released without any detectable tumor.
Interesting is perhaps that the Swiss customs official did not want to believe this was her passport! So much had her looks changed to her advantage."
At home she was greeted thusly: "You look good, you look younger and more beautiful."
The patient writes further: "It is simply wonderful! And the instrument of saving my life is Dr. Johanna Budwig."
Malignant Melanoma (p. 85)
(A Mrs. Harriett had a malignant melanoma cut out of her thigh. About one and a half years later she had lymph node metastasis at her left temple, which was treated with radiation. Four months after that she had lymph node metastases at her left neck which were also brought under control with radiation. Two months after that she had several skin metastases over her body. That is when she came to Dr. Budwig, evidently on her own. What follows are excerpts of a letter from the woman's doctor to Dr. Budwig:)
"A patient of mine, Mrs. Harriett, has recently been treated by you..." A detailed history with dates follows as outlined above without dates. "...After your treatment, all lymph nodes and skin metastases were in remission. Also, all blood test indicators were normalized. I have never seen this happening with metastasised malignant melanoma. I would be extremely thankful if you could tell me which therapy you used. Since I have another patient with the same illness, I would be glad to send her to you so as to extend her life. On the other hand, I would naturally also gladly treat this patient here if you would instruct me of the method you used."
(from archive section of a Budwig support group)
I can tell you about one man who was under direct care of Dr. Budwig. He followed her regimen exactly.
His condition was far advanced with a tumor in his head called adenoma.
He could hardly see anymore. He went to see Dr. Budwig and began his treatment in Oct. 1997.
Two weeks later he began feeling better.
Three weeks later his vision began to improve.
Six months later he had the feeling that the tumor was gone.
Sometimes later that was confirmed.
He is well and active and runs his own business.
I last communicated with him about two months ago.
He was in good shape.
But he is still following the Budwig regimen except not as quite as strict as before.
The beauty of Dr. Budwig's flaxseed oil/cottage cheese protocol is that it seems to be effective against a wide variety of cancers, perhaps all of them - even leukemia. I have not heard of any exclusions.
In her latest book, Dr. Budwig says of brain tumors (without specifying any kind) that they respond surprisingly well to her flaxoil/cottage cheese protocol and that so long as the basic principles (of her protocol) are maintained, further tumors or metastasis do not occur.
Arthritis & bursitis
From AC
I will tell you about my own mother. After my dad was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma he started using the Budwig protocol and in sympathy, my mom started doing the protocol with my dad.
She had bursitis in her hip and very stiff swollen finger joints. She has been battling with arthritis for more than 15 years prior to starting the
Budwig protocol. In fact the pain in her hip was so severe that she could not climb stairs. She is 68 and my dad is 71. After 3 months on the protocol her hip has totally recovered and she now literally runs up and down stairs. She also has full movement in all her fingers and totally and completely stopped using all the pain killers. After some research I discovered that certain foods should be avoided namely nightshade family vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers. We included MSM, ginger (fresh) and bromelain, either in capsule form or simply by eating pineapple. Also, prior to the Budwig protocol she hardly ever sat in the sun because of her very sensitive skin. Now, breakfast and sometimes lunch is served outside on the patio, 'Al Fresco', and both my parents get at least 20 minutes of sun every day.
The improvement is remarkable and my mom cannot stop talking about how wonderful she feels. If you need more info or if you would like to write to my mom you can contact me and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to tell you about her dramatic improvement herself.
Arthritis & hypertension
I was diagnosed last October (2003) with advanced prostate cancer, the most aggressive type with lymph node involvement. I started soon afterward on flax oil/cottage cheese and have maintained it with some tailoring on my own. By this I mean the addition of turmeric and ginger to the mix. When all this started I was having severe arthritic pain in my arms and shoulders. If I got my arm up behind my head at night I could not get it down without reaching up with my other arm and pulling it down. Any kind of physical labor caused my whole body to ache. If I had to reach across the car and unlock the door for my wife my arm in the biceps area would hurt so bad I would get tears in my eyes. Soon after starting flaxseed oil/cottage cheese I was splitting wood and after about 2 hours it dawned on me that I was not hurting. I thought it would start when I went into the house. It never did start and I am totally free of the pain. I also have had a dramatic improvement in my hypertension. That is my experience with flaxseed oil/cottage cheese. My PSA is down from 358 to 4.7 some of that is due to hormone therapy [which Dr. Budwig advises against]. I feel good! I have more energy. I have no idea what is going on with the cancer. My bladder is now emptying and prostate has shrunk to normal. I will continue as long as i can with flaxseed oil/cottage cheese if for no other reason than the reasons I have mentioned.
Arthritis, breast cancer & sun sensitivity
I have been on the FO/CC protocol for three years. I am very fair skinned and had developed a sun rash every year during the summer. Since the protocol that has disappeared and I have been able to stay in the sun without being
burned. The arthritis in my left hand has goner and my breast cancer
with a single secondary in the spine also appears to have gone -
hopefully for good! (written November 2004)
Arthritis (Ankylosing Spondylitis)
My son Warren has arthritis and has been on medication for it for about four years. If he doesn't take the medication he gets so sore he can't even do everyday things. (can't even cut his own meat) When my husband first started on the flaxseed oil, Warren read Dr. Budwig’s English-language books. Long story short, he started on the flaxseed oil every day, to see if it would help his arthritis. That was about six or so months ago. After being on the oil for about two weeks he started to have less pain and as the time went on he just got better, and better. Although he still had to take his medication. He just told me today that he stopped taking his medication over a month ago, and is feeling just fine. Looks great, and has lots of energy, and is now able to keep a full-time job, which he could never do before, due to the pain.
Even Warren's doctor is amazed and is now interested in the flaxseed oil.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a kind of arthritis which usually starts in people between 25-40 years of age. Warren has had it for about 10 years. This is the first time that he has ever had relief, except for a short period when the doctor put him on cortisone which was because the pain was so bad he couldn't stand it. Warren is still doing well without his medication. He is very happy with the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. (written January 2005)
Basal cell carcinoma
Hi friends, I just want to report on a successful end to a basal cell carcinoma which had developed on my right hand. I showed it to a dermatologist who agreed with me that it was such. He scraped a sample and sent it to the pathology lab for analysis. His advice was to wait for the lab report before doing his next procedure. What I did was to make a poultice of ground flaxseeds and put it on the growth three times a day. I also rubbed flaxseed oil into my hands daily. Slowly and gradually the growth diminished in size so that by the time the path lab report was received, the growth had disappeared. The dermatologist was delighted with me that the carcinoma had dissolved under the flaxseed treatment.
Addendum by Cliff Beckwith:
I have put flax oil on suspicious "moles" and within a few days they fell off or loosened. They had little roots underneath and left nice, pink skin. I had them checked and they were some kind of an "angioma".
Bladder cancer
All I can say is that in September 2002 there was evidence of cancer in my bladder. I began the Dr Budwig treatment and followed it precisely. In April I had biopsy of my bladder. The pathology report shows no cancer. In June the urologist agreed with me that the flaxseed oil with cottage cheese was helpful for me. My next appointment is in December. My PSA is very low, 1.02. There is no evidence of CA in the bladder.
The only treatment I did was Dr Budwig's diet.
I will not add to that treatment or change it in any kind of way. I make a mixture in the morning, put it on my oatmeal, save some to use as my salad dressing for lunch. I am strong and feel wonderful. (written July 2003)
Bladder cancer & enemas
Thanks for talking to me on the phone and sending 10 tapes (recordings of “flax oil” cancer healing and success stories which Cliff Beckwith has been distributing for free) free to me. I gave one to a scientist and the following is an email from him to me. It was on Wednesday that I gave him the tape. The story is what happened from that moment until Saturday. Hope you can use it.
Dear Ron,
Not only did I enjoy the tape....I only got to the first three minutes before I realized what I was hearing. I have a very close friend that is in a coma from complications of bladder cancer. I took the tape to his wife. She immediately called a friend in Tyler [TX] to go by the grainery and get some cold pressed flax seed oil. The first three 'doses' had to be administered by enema, but today Bill was able to eat the oil and cottage cheese himself!!!
They had already called the 2 grown daughters to his bedside and the hospice personnel did not expect him to live through the night!! That was Wednesday evening and /this evening he got up and sat in his recliner in the living room for an hour./ HIS ways are far above our ways! What are the odds that I would just happen on to that information in just the nick of time?
(That was based on taking flaxseed oil by itself (not mixed with Quark or CC). That is quite different. Even Dr. Budwig cautioned against taking flaxseed oil by itself.)
Blood pressure, vertigo, diabetes, male breast cancer
Budwig is the best nutritional plan I have ever found. My husband and I have faithfully and happily followed the rules to the best of our ability for seven months.
We are full of energy, fit and healthy, we look fantastic, aches and pains have gone and both our blood pressures have normalised, my vertigo has stopped and my husband's diabetes is now undetectable with blood tests and his breast cancer is NED...(No Evidence of Disease)
WE have become food bores and spread the word of healthy eating and the wonders of the Budwig diet to all our friends... (February 2005)
Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade IV Brain Tumor
Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 10:22 am
On February 10th 2002 I brought my husband to the emergency room with a splitting headache and projectile vomiting. We thought it was a bad migraine but later found out that it was a brain tumor. On February 12th he had surgery and the surgeon told us and the lab work later confirmed that he had a Glioblastoma Multiforme IV. It is the most deadly and fast moving brain tumor you can have. The surgeon removed all of the tumor he could see. The doctor told our family that Tom had about 26 weeks to live if he didn‘t take any radiation and if he did take radiation it might give him a year. Tom was in the hospital for eight days. We were not sure what to do so we took the doctor‘s referral and went to radiation about a week after he got out of the hospital. Tom only took five days of radiation and it made him feel terrible, and sapped all of his energy.
We are Christians and knew that we needed to seek the Lord’s guidance in this crisis. So we went to our Church and had Tom anointed with oil and hands laid on in prayer by the elders of the Church (James 5:14). After that some friends came forward and told us of some alternative ways people were fighting and winning the battle against cancer. Since the doctors did not hold out any hope we decided to throw our lot in with the holistic treatments and did not take anymore radiation. We started the holistic regimen in March.
Tom‘s three month MRI looked good, his brain was clean and the hole where they removed the tumor was empty except for a tiny line around a portion of the inside of the hole. The doctor said that it could be scar tissue, a benign bit of tumor or a regrowth of the Glioblastoma.
At the six month MRI his brain was completely clean. There was no cancer at all. The doctor said that it was a miracle. In 14 years of practice he had not seen anything like it.
This is what we did:
Take 1/4 cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese and mix it with 1 tablespoon Flaxseed oil and eat it twice a day.
Take Three 750 mg Shark Cartilage capsules three times a day
Take a Borage Oil and CoQ10 supplement
Drink plenty of water
Try to get light exercise like walking
Get some sunlight
I also eat flaxoil/cottage cheese twice a day with my husband. I'm trying to get my kids to eat it too.
Tom walks at least 4 miles a day now and has started lifting weights too.
We are having good results with the flax oil/cottage cheese, and will keep it up for the rest of our lives.
Date: Fri Dec 6, 2002 11:59 am
Subject: Praise Report for Tom
We just got back from the Doctor, Tom's 9 month MRI was clear, No Cancer! Back in February Tom was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade IV Brain Tumor. Just wanted to keep everyone on the list updated. If anyone wants a copy of our testimony it's in the archives or email me kelly@flaxoflife.com - Kelly
Date: Thu Jan 2, 2003 9:48 am
Subject: We've got a testimony site up
Hi all,
I've made a little web site with my husband's testimony on it.
Flax oil/cottage cheese was central to his holistic treatment. He had a Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme. If you would like to check it out go to www.flaxoflife.com Thanks - Kelly
Ps-If anyone would like to contact us by phone just e-mail me and I'll send you our phone#
Date: Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:32 pm
Subject: Tom's 12 Month MRI Report
We just got Tom's 12 month MRI Report today. Tom is still cancer free, no sign of brain cancer. The Doctor said it is a miracle. We are praising the Lord for his blessings! The doc said for the next year he will have to go every 4 months for an MRI. We continue to take our flax oil and cottage cheese. Thanks to everyone on the list - Kelly www.flaxoflife.com
Date: Mon Jul 28, 2003 2:29 pm
Subject: Update on Tom's 16 month MRI
We just got the results from Tom's 16 month MRI. He is still GBM (aggressive brain cancer) free; we still follow a holistic regimen, flax oil and cottage cheese everyday, and have opted out of the conventional treatments. I have made a site with Tom's testimony at www.flaxoflife.com – Kelly & Tom
Breast cancer
From: "Bill and Nancy Parsons"
Date: Thu Oct 2, 2003
Hello Elena,
I feel real good about my case and will very soon have tests done that should give a definitive answer to how I am doing. I was diagnosed on Oct. 8, 2002 with a large breast cancer - "lobular infiltrating carcinoma".
I began that same day on flax oil/cottage cheese. My cancer was very painful at first - in fact that is when I discovered it, was when the pain awakened me at 5:00 a.m. I started that same day eating flaxseed oil/cottage cheese (Flax Oil/ low fat cottage cheese).
By the middle of November my pain was all gone and I have remained painfree.
The tumor has shrunk dramatically, and my doctor was even amazed. On October 14, I will have a CT scan. I have already had a PET scan. The results of both of these scans will tell me the whole story.
With the P.E.T. scan, they injected into my veins sugar and radio-active isotopes.
The sugar goes to all spots in my body where there is any cancer, and will even show how large it is. And it can be tracked by the radio active isotopes.
I can still feel a small ridge and I have wondered if that is scar tissue (since it has been so long since I have felt any pain).
Well, now when I get these results, I will know if it is still cancer or just scar tissue.
I had no doubts about beginning on the flax oil/cottage cheese regimen, as my husband had a very large, and metastasized pancreatic cancer, in 1994.
He took many things in the alternative field, but NOTHING IN the medical field, (unless you want to consider his 3 weeks of IV treatments of Laetrile)
He also took flax oil/cottage cheese 3 times a day.
To his surgeon's astonishment, he was well in 5 months after surgery. The surgeon had told us that he would die and that he might live 3 to 6 months - 3 being most likely.
He had gotten ill at the end of December, 1993 and was in and out of the hospital until May 25, he had exploratory surgery and got the grim reports I reports above. But after we got home and got him on the juicing, he just began getting better. I was making fresh vegetable juice and giving him 12 ounces about every 2 hours. And we followed the diet scrupulously - no meat, absolutely no pork, no sugar, no processed foods of any kind, etc. etc. and he just kept getting better.
Finally in November 1994, I wrote to the surgeon and ask him if he would schedule a CT scan for when we had an appointment on December 5, 1994.
He did that and when he came to give us the report, he was just shaking his head. He said "I don't know what to tell you folks, but there is no cancer in there. I even had the radiologist come back and study that with me and we can see nothing abnormal in there of any kind."
So with that kind of encouragement, I felt confident to do basically the same thing. Except that in the meantime, I have learned a lot more about FC/cottage cheese and so I am going mostly all the way with that.
I guess you could say I have put all my eggs in that one basket.
I know this is a long message and I am sorry. I hope it helps your mother.
My husband was 54 the year he got sick. He is still well and still with me today.
Update posted to the “cancercured” yahoo group:
OUR CANCER STORIES - as of March 27, 2004
Our background history: Both of my husband's parents died of cancer. His mother had breast cancer and his Dad had brain cancer. One of them had radiation treatments and the other had chemo. We saw their quality of life go downhill from then on, for aboout a year and they died. We said "if we ever get cancer, we are not going to take either one of those treatments." Maybe the treatments have improved over the years, but my mind has not changed. I refuse to let anything into my body that will harm it. I will only take something that will do something to build my body up and strengthen my immune system.
Then in 1994 Huck was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given possibly 3 months to live. We were fortunate to have an honest doctor who told us that it would serve no purpose for him to take radiation or chemo, because they cannot do any good, when cancer is in the pancreas. It was not hard to convince him, as that was already our decision, from years back.
We treated him from home, with alternative methods (before that time we knew nothing of any such treatments). We tried everything we heard of or could read about. Basically it was ALL DIETARY. We worked with a Doctor of Nutrition, who practices in Illinois. One thing he told us was to go to a health food store and buy Flax Seed Oil, that was being stored in a refrigerator. And to get some low fat cottage cheese. To mix these two together and eat a small amount 3 times a day. We had never heard of Flax Seed Oil, but we did as he said. Plus we did so many other things, including Huck taking many vitamins and going on a very restricted diet of only vegetables, beans, and grains. Within 6 months Huck had recovered from that "very large tumor". We asked the same surgeon to take a CAT scan and tell us what it looked like. His report? : He was astounded when he told us that there was no sign of cancer, that everything looked completely normal. Huck has remained free of cancer ever since then - 1994.
Then on October 8, 2002 I was awakened with serious pain in one breast. My hand went to that area and felt a large protrusion. I called, that day, for an appointment with my doctor. All tests were conducted and I was diagnosed with Lobular Infiltrating Carcinoma. I went that very day to the health food store and bought Flax Seed Oil and to the grocery for low fat cottage cheese. I have not missed a day of eating it since then. And I have learned a whole lot more about that cancer protocol, discovered by Dr. Johanna Budwig in the 1950s. The chemical composition of the mixture gives
you Omega III, which almost everyone is deficient of. By the end of two weeks, after I had begun taking this mixture, my pain subsided. I have had some pains VERY occasionally since then, but nothing lasting or severe. My energy has remained high and I have continued with my previous life style. I have not had one day of any kind of ill effects, or of even feeling tired.
In September 2003, my doctor order a P.E.T. scan and a CAT scan to be done. These showed that I had no cancer cells in my body except at the original site. And that the tumor had shrunk from 6 centimeters in the beginning to 1.3 centimeters. These are very expensive tests and Medicare will not pay for them if they are done more often than once a year, unless the patient is taking traditional AMA medicine (chemo or radiation). So I plan to have the tests repeated in September or October of 2004. I expect it to find no cancer cells anywhere in my body, by then.
Colon cancer
Some time ago my cousin, Emilie, now 80, developed Colon cancer. There was a tumor the size of an orange that was removed surgically.
She had also been put on chemo with a port installed. This was causing her problems.
Then she remembered the Flaxseed Oil process and decided to go that route. She put the flaxseed oil, cottage cheese and all kinds of good stuff in a blender and mixed it all at once.
Things didn't seem to be doing a lot of good. Finally we realized that she wasn't mixing the cottage cheese and the flaxseed oil together first. It was being diluted with all the other stuff.
There is a lot of belief that the protein isn't necessary, but Dr. Budwig says very much otherwise. If there is only a tablespoon of Flax oil, there may be enough protein in what we eat to do the job. I read that the Flax Oil should be used at meals because the protein made it more effective.
I have read some scientists saying the protein isn't necessary but I question whether they are talking about more than a tablespoonful.
If there is a larger amount of oil, I believe it is necessary to have the protein mixed with it first, either with cottage cheese or yogurt. If yogurt is used it needs to be three times as much as cottage cheese because the protein is only a third.
Meanwhile, another tumor was discovered in Emilie's upper thigh and it was operated on as well, including cutting a nerve that makes her right leg much harder to control. She has relearned to drive around town.
Now Emilie changed her approach. She blends the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese together first, and then adds the other goodies.
The Oncologist gave her a very hard time over her refusal to take more chemo.
Her daughter, an RN, urged her to take more chemo. She refused. She began feeling much better soon.
A couple of weeks ago she had an operation to repair a Hernia and had the port removed. The original Oncologists had not told her it needed to be flushed once a month.
Last night she called with the news that a Pet scan, insisted on by her daughter, had just shown no sign of cancer.
She is very excited. The Oncologist she is seeing now has declared her cancer free.
Lung cancer
Hi Cliff and All- My husband, Dick, passed away October 4. I feel I have to tell his story. In April of 2001 we were told he had non small cell carcinoma in right lung and had spread to the adrenal gland on top of left kidney. He had 2-4 months to live. My daughter-in-law heard of flax seed oil in a health food store in Toledo. We started him on it right away. Needless to say he lived 2 years and 5 months. He was doing real good, then in July he started going downhill. Coughing up blood and losing weight. He was given cough medicine and finally in August an x-ray. They said pneumonia. Three weeks later the pain set in and I took him to the emergency room. They said it was worse and admitted him. Our lung specialist ordered a ct scan. The cancer was no worse, still the same as day one. He had a big abscess in the bad lung. They drained it over 4 days and he came along great. They were so surprised the pus had no cancer in it. He came home and was good for 3 weeks then the cough started all over again. They x-rayed and the bag the abscess was in had filled with air. They said if he was healthy they would operate but he was to weak. So they just left him die. I just thank God he went fast. The bag left loose and he bled to death in a few minutes.
God Bless all of you. I really believe in flax and take it myself. I seen what it did for Dick. I know if it hadn't been for the abscess I would still have him. He passed away 13 days before our 50th anniversary. Thanks again for all the help and the encouragement you gave us. God Bless You all. Wilma
(giving further details to someone:) My husband had stage4 non small cell lung cancer. He was given 2-4 months as it had spread to the adrenal gland on top of his kidney. He started on flax seed oil and cottage cheese right away. His cancer never spread or got any worse. He lived 2 !/2 years and got an abscess in the same lung. When they drained it there was no cancer in the pus. Three weeks after they drained it the abscess came back and that is what he died from.
The cancer was no worse. I thank God, Cliff, Wilhelm and all the others for there information. The last year I had him on beta glucan and vitamin C and he never even got a cold. I truly believe in flax and gladly tell people every day. Wishing you the best and God Bless Wilma
Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
by Cheryl du Toit
My dad (70) was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma in March 2003. We didn't know about flax oil/cottage cheese and the Dr Budwig protocol at the time of his diagnoses. After some research I discovered the protocol and he started using flaxseed oil/cottage cheese on May 6 2003 while on chemo therapy. Before starting the protocol with only chemo therapy his blood count went right down and he didn't feel well at all. After just 3 weeks on the protocol there was a remarkable improvement in his overall health. On his follow-up visit to the oncologist all his blood counts were back to normal. The huge tumor he had in his groin totally disappeared and didn't even show up on his scan. The radiologist remarked in his report that "This patient has had a remarkable recovery". The surgery that was initially postponed till after the chemo was no longer necessary as there was no tumor left. Today, February 11 2004, my dad went back for follow-up tests. All and everything is still within normal range and he is still feeling very healthy. We are so grateful and thankful and I will keep you people updated.
Update by Cheryl from 30 September 2004:
My dad had grade 3 cancer. For the first 2 or 3 days on the Budwig protocol he ate 3 tablespoons of oil mixed with 6 tablespoons of cottage cheese and for the remaining 11 weeks, 6 tablespoons of oil mixed with 12 spoons of cottage cheese. After that, he was in remission and is now only using the maintenance protocol (2 tablespoons oil per day). Sometimes the hot flushes come back and when that happens, he increases his flax oil/cottage cheese and ground flaxseeds for a while. The main thing is that he is in control of his disease and he is doing this without chemical intervention and is feeling healthy and he is looking very good.
(In reply to a question on juicing): ...as far as the juicing is concerned - you can juice just about anything. This afternoon, I juiced some carrots, celery and apple (my fav). I have found that for ill people to get started on the protocol it is best to blend the flaxoil/cottage cheese mixture into the juiced veggies and fruits - It tastes like a fruit/veg shake and very ill people don't have that much trouble taking their oil and cheese that way.
Pancreatic Cancer 1
I had no doubts about beginning on the flax oil/cottage cheese regimen, as my husband had a very large, and metastasized pancreatic cancer, in 1994.
He took many things in the alternative field, but NOTHING IN the medical field, (unless you want to consider his 3 weeks of IV treatments of Laetrile)
He also took flaxoil/cottage cheese 3 times a day.
To his surgeon's astonishment, he was well in 5 months after surgery.
The surgeon had told us that he would die and that he might live 3 to 6 months - 3 being most likely.
He had gotten ill at the end of December, 1993 and was in and out of the
Hospital until May 25, he had exploratory surgery and got the grim reports I reports above.
But after we got home and got him on the juicing, he just began getting
I was making fresh vegetable juice and giving him 12 ounces about every 2
And we followed the diet scrupulously - no meat, absolutely no pork, no sugar, no processed foods of any kind, etc. etc. and he just kept getting better.
Finally in November 1994, I wrote to the surgeon and ask him if he would schedule a CT scan for when we had an appointment on December 5, 1994. He did that and when he came to give us the report, he was just shaking his head. He said "I don't know what to tell you folks, but there is no cancer in there. I even had the radiologist come back and study that with me and we can see nothing abnormal in there of any kind. "
So with that kind of encouragement, I felt confident to do basically the same thing. Except that in the meantime, I have learned a lot more about flaxseed oil/cottage cheese and so I am going mostly all the way with that.
I guess you could say I have put all my eggs in that one basket.
I know this is a long message and I am sorry. I hope it helps your mother.
My husband was 54 the year he got sick. He is still well and still with me today.
Hope this helps, Nan
Subject: Revises earlier message
This account of Pancreatic cancer was sent to me Friday Oct. 25 2002 by Nan
I thought I would add my story to the others you have collected.
My husband had pancreatic cancer in 1994 which was discovered during surgery. It was larger than they had thought from looking at his first C. A. T. Scan, and it had spread all around. Was grown around two of the body's main blood carrying vessels and was almost over to the liver. They removed nothing but took fine needle aspirations. The lab report on it came back as being Adenoma Carcinoma. They gave him possibly 3 months to live. When we got home, we treated him with everything in the alternative field that we could hear or learn about. One of these items was 1 Tablespoon low fat cottage cheese mixed with 1 Tablespoon Flax Seed oil, 3 times a day. He gradually got better, put back on 25 pounds and was feeling good, and so 5 months after the surgery, I requested another C. A. T. Scan. It showed that there was no cancer anywhere. The doctors were amazed and didn't know what to make of it.
Since we had used so many methods of Alternative, we didn't give the Flax Seed Oil all of the credit - we didn't know what had brought about the "all clear". But after reading your testimonies on the Internet, I have recently begun on it myself, having recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Now I am filled with hope.
Nan Parsons
In answer to my request for permission to publish this letter Nan wrote further as follows:
You are welcome to use this information any way you want. This story has been published in a widely read newsletter put out by The Health Resource in Conway, Arkansas.
It eventually reached the Cancer Control society in Los Angeles and they notified my husband and asked him to speak at their annual meeting. He declined as he does not see himself as a public speaker.
We have copies of he letters from the surgeon [Dr. Russell Postier] in Oklahoma City [affiliated with Oklahoma University Medical Center] to our local surgeon [Dr. Tim Gilbert] who referred us to Dr. Postier.
In his lab reports, Dr. Postier reported the type of cancer and gave his prognosis for my husband.
In spite of these reports we know that Dr. Gilbert absolutely refused to believe that my husband had ever had cancer when he was the one who had been searching for the reasons he had been so ill for five months, had him in the hospital here in Ponca City, Oklahoma for a week running tests and then finally sent us to Dr. Postier.
We do know that doctors do refuse to believe anything good can come out of the Alternative field.
Since that report was published we have sent out hundreds of copies of it to people all over the nation.
Update posted to the “cancercured” yahoo group:
OUR CANCER STORIES - as of March 27, 2004
Our background history: Both of my husband's parents died of cancer. His mother had breast cancer and his Dad had brain cancer. One of them had radiation treatments and the other had chemo. We saw their quality of life go downhill from then on, for about a year and they died. We said "if we ever get cancer, we are not going to take either one of those treatments." Maybe the treatments have improved over the years, but my mind has not changed. I refuse to let anything into my body that will harm it. I will only take something that will do something to build my body up and strengthen my immune system.
Then in 1994 Huck was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given possibly 3 months to live. We were fortunate to have an honest doctor who told us that it would serve no purpose for him to take radiation or chemo, because they cannot do any good, when cancer is in the pancreas. It was not hard to convince him, as that was already our decision, from years back.
We treated him from home, with alternative methods (before that time we knew nothing of any such treatments). We tried everything we heard of or could read about. Basically it was ALL DIETARY. We worked with a Doctor of Nutrition, who practices in Illinois. One thing he told us was to go to a health food store and buy Flax Seed Oil, that was being stored in a refrigerator. And to get some low fat cottage cheese. To mix these two together and eat a small amount 3 times a day. We had never heard of Flax Seed Oil, but we did as he said. Plus we did so many other things, including Huck taking many vitamins and going on a very restricted diet of only vegetables, beans, and grains. Within 6 months Huck had recovered from that "very large tumor". We asked the same surgeon to take a CAT scan and tell us what it looked like. His report? : He was astounded when he told us that there was no sign of cancer, that everything looked completely normal. Huck has remained free of cancer ever since then - 1994.
Then on October 8, 2002 I was awakened with serious pain in one breast. My hand went to that area and felt a large protrusion. I called, that day, for an appointment with my doctor. All tests were conducted and I was diagnosed with Lobular Infiltrating Carcinoma. I went that very day to the health food store and bought Flax Seed Oil and to the grocery for low fat cottage cheese. I have not missed a day of eating it since then. And I have learned a whole lot more about that cancer protocol, discovered by Dr. Johanna Budwig in the 1950s. The chemical composition of the mixture gives you Omega III, which almost everyone is deficient of. By the end of two weeks, after I had begun taking this mixture, my pain subsided. I have had some pains VERY occasionally since then, but nothing lasting or severe. My energy has remained high and I have continued with my previous life style. I have not had one day of any kind of ill effects, or of even feeling tired.
In September 2003, my doctor ordered a P.E.T. scan and a CAT scan to be done. These showed that I had no cancer cells in my body except at the original site. And that the tumor had shrunk from 6 centimeters in the beginning to 1.3 centimeters. These are very expensive tests and Medicare will not pay for them if they are done more often than once a year, unless the patient is taking traditional AMA medicine (chemo or radiation). So I plan to have the tests repeated in September or October of 2004. I expect it to find no cancer cells anywhere in my body, by then.
Pancreatic Cancer 2
Hi Kay:
I'm not as knowledgeable as many others on this site, but I do believe from reading and talking to others, and personal experience, that the flaxoil/cottage cheese does work. My Dad found out he had pancreatic cancer in January.
We used the flaxoil/cottage cheese, along with some other things, and it was gone by June.
Unfortunately, his heart gave out two weeks ago and he died. But it wasn't from the cancer.
I've become a believer in this, I take it once a day as a preventive, as I had cancer in 1995. I didn't know about this then, and fortunately surgery was able to take care of my cancer at that time.
I recommend you read as much as you can, get Dr. Budwig's books (they are on Amazon), and talk to more than one doctor about traditional care. I found with my Dad that there can be big differences in traditional care from one doctor to the next.
And look through the archives on this site, and contact women who have had breast cancer.
My prayers go with you and your Mom.
Pancreatic Cancer 3
Tue, 25 Jan 2005
Is this protocol effective with pancreatic and liver cancers?
The Budwig protocol is very effective with pancreatic cancer. There is a man in our group of flax oil/cottage cheese users who got the 'all clear' after using the protocol for 7 months for his pancreatic cancer. When I first saw this man he was very ill and there wasn't much hope of recovery. His life has returned to normal and now after almost 2 years, alive and healthy. With pancreatic cancer, you have to start really slowly (start with a teaspoon of oil) and gradually build up.
Monitor [the patient’s] reaction very carefully and if he tolerates the teaspoon of oil well, increase the amount by the teaspoon. This man eats only raw foods and mostly juiced fruits and veggies. Papaya and pineapple are two fruits that need to be taken daily and if they are not available I would most certainly include pancreatic enzymes.
I have his medical records but unfortunately it is not written in English. The terminology is so complicated that I cannot begin to try and translate the whole document. I will copy and paste the English part of the medical records for your information:
Contrasted spiral axial CT scans in an arterial and portal venous phase done through the liver, abdomen and pelvis with a collimation of 8mm,pitch of 1.5 and 7mm, reconstructions.150ml,Ultravist 300 injected 1V1.
The patient had a previous right nephrectomy.
The post-op changes in the region of the right bed within limits
The patient also had a partial pancreatectomy with excision of the pancreas head and with a Whipples by-pass procedure.
The post-op changes appear within limits and no obvious recurrence of the tumor demonstrated.
There is slight prominence of the intra-hepatic biliary duct with pneumatobilia.
No focal liver lesions seen.
No splenomegaly noted
Due to the pancreatectomy extensive collateral varicose veins present in the abdomen(cavernous transformation)
The aorta, IVC and para-aortic areas are normal and no metroperitoneal lymph adenopathy noted.
There is compensatory hypertrophy of the left kidney.
No focal left renal lesions seen.
No hydronephrosis noted.
The bowel has a normal configuration and no intra-abdominal masses or ascites seen.
The bladder is normal.
The bony elements and abdominal wall appear intact.
Follow-up post right nephrectomy and partial pancreatectomy with a whipples procedure.
Normal post surgical changes present and no signs of tumour recurrence demonstrated.
(provided by Cliff Beckwith)
Bladder cancer 1
(In the first year or so after I became aware of the flax oil/cottage cheese I was very "gung ho". I thought it was the magic bullet. Now I am aware of the fact that it is a little more complicated than that. Cliff Beckwith)
A man in our Church had bladder cancer. The doctor said it had crystallized and had no flexibility. He had to be where he could go to the toilet about every 15 minutes. He began to use the flaxoil/cottage cheese but only at a tablespoon or two a day. Some time went by and he seemed to be somewhat better but was getting tired of the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese.
He had a check up coming up and told a friend that if there wasn't a marked improvement he was going to quit the flaxoil/cottage cheese. When the doctor examined him he said, "I can't understand it, but the bladder no longer seems to be cancerous. It is soft and pliable and everything seems to be back to normal.
He later told a friend that he hadn't felt this good in years.
Bladder cancer 2
I just spoke with my dear friend Mary Jo Baird and she asked me to relay a message to you. A year and half ago doctors found cancer cells in her urine. She started on your flax oil regime immediately. 6 months later, the number of cancer cells was greatly decreased. The last test, even though she had numerous other health issues, showed zero cancer cells. She attributes it to the flax oil. She had been taking 2 T. per day religiously. She now is maintaining with 1 T per day.
I knew that you would want to hear one more example that flax does work.... now why can't the medical profession admit it?!?!
Brain cancer 1
Brain Tumors
I am not a doctor. I do have a graduate minor in Biology, and can observe things that have happened. A lot of what I am aware of recently came from a book written by Al Carter, a medical research journalist, entitled "The Cancer Answer". It is available at 1-888-464-5867. I am not an agent, this is simply an excellent book. There is also an excellent video on the immune system.
A few years back a friend of ours in Orrville, Ohio asked us to send a tape to a daughter in law in Florida who had a brain tumor. I don't know how long it was after that that we heard from them concerning this lady. By this time the tumor had completely disappeared. She was not telling anybody in the medical field what she was doing and the story was that the doctors were going nuts trying to figure out what happened. Her husband, in-laws and some friends were all on this regimen for prevention.
There has been no more contact. We have observed a lot over the last seven years. and I wish there were a way and time to update everyone with whom we have had contact.
Brain cancer 2
In early 1994 a young man 24 had a siezure at work and an MRI found he had a brain tumor. There was an operation at a major cancer center in The Southeast and a major part of it was removed but it could not all be excised and he was told that further effective treatment would not be possible. He might make it from two to four months.
About that time a friend gave him a tape and he began using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. Three months later he went back to the cancer center and there was no change. Three months later he went back for another checkup and the doctor told him, "I have no explanation for this but there is not further cause for concern. "
I knew about this because by this time his mother called me and told me. I heard no more for some time and then heard that the young man was in trouble again. He had figured that all was well and quit using the oil.
Again he used it and in a few weeks was doing well again. The next time I heard from them he had gone back to the center and phoned his mother that what was left of the tumor had shrunk in half. Now, for the first time he asked the doctor what he thought of using flaxseed oil. The Doctor said, "If you are using flaxseed oil, keep it up. I use it every day". This man is one of the top neurosurgeons in The Southeast. Then I heard from his mother that He had gone down for a check up and came home without waiting for the results. At the time she talked to me she felt very optimistic when the report came from the doctor. I know now that he had a grade 4 Astrocytoma which is usually fatal in six months to a year from its inception. On October 19, 1999 I met a man who knew him and he told me Mitch was not doing well. He passed away a short time later. He used the flax oil to the end.
Dr. Basile knew him well and told he that in part his death at that time came from complications from the chemo and steroids that he was still getting. The upside is that he had at least four years of good quality life added as a result of the use of Flaxseed Oil.
My Oncologist told me that no doctor believes that cancer is ever cured, but that all they can do is try to keep ahead of it as long as possible. Compared to normal expectations Mitch did well.
Brain cancer 3
One lady I know of is around 37 and has seven children. She also has a fast growing brain tumor. They are treating with chemo. I do not know whether they did any operating or not. The family was not willing that she should abandon standard treatment but finally did add the use of flax oil. The last I heard in early summer of 1999 she had about two months more of chemo scheduled and she is doing quite well. I believe that she has already made it longer than the doctors thought possible. We know by now that even if standard treatment is continued the use of the flaxseed oil appears to be highly beneficial.
As of today, Aug 3, 1999, I understand that there have been two operations which have left her somewhat impaired and the doctors are still giving her chemo. She is using flax oil and that appears to be causing her to survive or so her friends believe. No one can ever know what would have happened had she been put on heavy use of flax oil and not had the other treatments that have been damaging because no one can ever try it both ways. Her folks strongly opposed the use of Flaxseed Oil and herbs but finally relented somewhat and allowed it to be used along with the chemo and now, in December of 1999 are praising chemo for what it has done for their daughter.
She got weaker and weaker. The Family kept giving her the flaxoil/cottage cheese and the doctors kept pushing the chemo until the very last. She finally passed away in May of 2003 having gotten to the point where she was unaware of anything around her.
She lived much longer, and quite a little of it worthwhile, than was originally expected.
Brain tumor
My ex-husband Clayton was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had surgery to remove it in early May 2003. … I immediately began Clayton on the flax oil and cottage cheese just after the brain tumor was removed. Initially in the hospital, he was not able to refrigerate the flax oil bottle except on ice in his water pitcher. After discharge, he continued to take it faithfully and he did also take 14 days of radiation to his head. Today, July 16, he visited his neurologist, who wanted to review the results of a recent MRI of his head. The Neurologist was very excited, and told Clayton that there was no tumor left and no new growths! I truly believe that it was the flax oil that resulted in this excellent report!
Thanks to you all for this forum, for your posts and encouragement about the use of flax oil & cottage cheese, to treat various cancers.
GBM aggressive brain cancer
We just got the results from Tom's 16 month MRI. He is still GBM (aggressive brain cancer) free; we still follow a holistic regimen, flax oil and cottage cheese everyday, and have opted out of the conventional treatments. I have made a site with Tom's testimony at [www. flaxoflife. com].
Thanks to everyone at the flax oil sites! – Kelly & Tom
Breast Cancer 1
Hello Mr. Beckwith:
I gave a copy of your testimony to a lady who had one breast removed and was given a grim diagnosis that the cancer had spread and that within a year she would likely be back to remove the other one. She had received all the chemo and radiation she could take. The surgeon basically sent her home because there was nothing else they could do. She told me that she had no energy and that she had to give up all her activities. She believed that there was no hope and that it was just a matter of time.
She started the flax oil. For the first few days she felt more tired than ever. The fourth day she began to feel a surge of energy. She continued to feel stronger and stronger. Within a couple of weeks she felt so good that she re-joined all the clubs and activities that she had to abandon before. She went on a trip to Eastern Canada that involved a lot of walking and said that she had no problems at all.
Two weeks ago she had an appointment with the surgeon and found that the other breast was fine and that she had no sign of problems. He told her to come back in a year for another check-up.
She phoned me yesterday to thank me again for the info that gave her life back. According to her, she was already taking vitamin supplements and good eating habits but it was the flax oil that made this miraculous difference. She said that she would continue to take the 5 tablespoons of flax oil in yogurt.
Breast Cancer 2
A couple of years ago a friend of ours had a mammogram and it was suspicious. It was decided to do a biopsy in a couple of weeks and she immediately began using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at the rate of three tablespoons a day.
When the biopsy was done a malignancy was found. Other tests were done and a mastectomy was recommended. At this point she would have gone strictly with the flaxseed oil, but Tenncare would pay the $3000. 00 for the tests only if she did what was recommended. The operation was set up but was postponed six weeks to try to get a surgeon to do reconstructive surgery at the same time.
It couldn't be worked out so finally, it was felt that she should have the procedure before any spread occurred. The operation was performed and the removed tissue sent to the lab for analysis.
There were no cancer cells detectable. She said the only good thing about it was that she had told the surgeon what she was doing and he suddenly got very interested because his wife had advanced breast cancer, had had a double mastectomy and was not doing well at all. He had had her flown to clinics wherever there seemed to be any hope and it hadn't helped.
The last I heard his wife is doing very well.
Breast Cancer 3
A year ago last February through a real "coincidence" there were some tapes distributed at our PCa support group meeting and one man was there who never came again.
That night he and his wife visited and she got flaxseed oil to get started. .
She had had a mastectomy and there was a "bubble" appeared. The doctor said it was a hematoma and pay no attention. The bubble was still there and larger a month later. She went to a different doctor and was waiting for his report.
Two nights later she called. He found it was a very rare, fast growing cancer. He gave her little time and no hope except possibly a stem cell transplant. She was in tears and angry that the original doctor had passed it off and wasted a month. She was now using the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at six tablespoons a day.
When she had a checkup preparatory to the stem cell transplant the cancer had already disappeared. The doctor was mystified but told her he would guarantee it would return unless she did something else. He gave her something to boost her immune system and she became part of a study to test a new vaccine. They were aware that she was on the flaxseed oil. The last I knew sometime before Christmas 1999 she was doing fine and a friend and she were combining orders and staying on the flaxseed oil.
Breast Cancer 4
In the summer of 1996 Debbie stopped to see us on her way home from her third chemo treatment for breast cancer. She had just gotten a tape and listened to it on her way to the doctor's. She wanted to try flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.
When she went for her fourth chemo treatment and the white count was done to see how low it was it was found that instead of going down the count had actually gone up. She took the next treatment it had again gone up. She decided to discontinue the chemo and go with the flaxseed oil.
The doctor warned her against that course of action but she did.
The lump shrunk rapidly and she was excited. It did not disappear completely, but there has been no regrowth and she believes that what she can detect now is scar tissue. I have not heard from her for some time but I know she would call if there were any change. When I call her she answers the phone with "Praise the Lord".
Breast Cancer 5
In August of 1996 a lady who was a member of the church where one of my beekeeping friends attend had been found to have very advanced breast cancer that had metastasized to the bones. My friend gave her a tape and I called her one morning. She said she had been praying that she would be led as to the course of action to take.
The doctor wanted to give her chemo to shrink the cancer and then operate to prevent an eruption, but said it would not give her longer life or better quality of life. They did not give her but a few months in any event.
She refused the chemo and decided to go with flaxseed oil. The doctor was very upset and called her several times and urged her to follow his advice. The nurse told her she did not realize how ill she was. At this time she did not get out of the house on her own.
She started the oil and by late September was back in church playing the piano. I thought all was well and was excited for her. Then at Christmas time I heard she was in the hospital. We went to see her as soon as she got home and at that time she could only sit up in bed for a few minutes and was on hospice.
They had given her radiation to try to prevent pain in her spinal cord and it was not successful. They had not kept her warm enough and she got pneumonia. She told me she would never go back to the hospital again. She said they did something to her back that almost killed her.
Then I found out what had happened. She still used some oil after she felt better but stopped the protein. She hated cottage cheese. We got her started on Companion Nutrients.
The next I heard she had driven to the Easter Sunrise service and was driving to Knoxville. We stopped to see her a couple of times and she was mowing the lawn and caring for her garden. She said she still had problems but was improving.
Her daughter who was living with her told me that the hospice folks insisted on keeping her on a "pain patch" even though she didn't seem to have any pain by this time when it wasn't on for awhile. She said she didn't understand that.
Then she quit using the Companion Nutrients. She gradually went down hill and passed away.
At the funeral her daughter told me that the hospice nurse told her that when Emma Lee was sent home from the hospital that time the doctor told her [the nurse] that Emma Lee could not possibly last 30 days.
She lived over 22 months after that. Ond doctor told me that the material in the pain patch alone would damage her heart and liver if left on that period of time.
I wonder today if she had used the protein correctly with the flaxseed oil after she was back playing the piano in church if she would not still be with us. We can only go around once and we can't do it both ways.
Breast Cancer 6
Early last summer a teacher in a neighboring school district contacted us. A tape had been given to her husband.
This teacher had been fighting breast cancer with chemo and radiation for over seven years and was again in trouble. I do not know if a mastectomy had also been involved, but I don't think so.
They began using flaxseed oil and she was doing very well the last I knew. Her husband used to come by for oil but they are now getting their own.
Breast Cancer 7
Hi everybody
I was diagnosed with a her2/neu positive breast lump, 7. 5cm, of which only a third could be removed, and not having all options available then, as I have now, started with chemo in January - what medical doctor, who we all turn to for help when ill, is going to advise you otherwise ? I had already had 3 treatments, lost all my body hair, got really ill and had my immune system affected adversely, when my dear sister Cheryl in desperation started doing research on my behalf and came across the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese protocol and immediately started me on it. At that time my cancer count was 78. When I had my next full blood count 3 weeks later before the next round of chemo, the count had come down to 43 !!!! I know it was the flaxoil/cottage cheese because before that, with just chemo, the count did not move at all. By the time I finished chemo, the count was on 23 and now, 2 months (stopped chemo) later is still coming down.
But now the very best news : a friend of mine developed breast cancer, had a mastectomy and had to undergo chemo as well. She was a bit hesitant to follow my advice and Not have chemo, so before she started chemo, I put her on flaxoil/cottage cheese and my own supplementation programme and diet, which she followed religiously. She started chemo-exactly the same as I had-adriamycin, traditional hair remover, included. She has now finished the treatment and to this day, HAS NOT LOST ONE SINGLE HAIR!!!! Also, was never nauseous, never had a mouth sore, never had a problem with low white blood count, and never got sick with so much as a cold right through our very cold winter this year. It was as if water was poured into her! They can not even measure her cancer -the count is so low !
Also, my Dad who also got lymph cancer this year -can you believe it, was also put on the flaxoil/cottage cheese diet and is now in remission! It’s like a miracle. The huge lumps he had before is now just speckles on his scan and will soon disappear, I know.
All I can say is : IT WORKS !!! And I can not thank my sister enough. My life is really back to normal because of her dedication and the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese she fed me ! (am still taking it)
I eat it on fruit, jacket potatoes, in fruit shakes, as a dip with raw veggies, with organic honey on crackers. When you really feel you can't face it any more, just pinch your nose shut and swallow anyway!
Lynette at insureme.co.za
Breast Cancer 8
Nov. 3, 2003
To All,
Well, I have told you I would give this report, but have had the most exasperating WAITING experience, getting the full report from the Radiologist. But I got it this evening.
So now I will begin at the beginning.
When this lump came up in my breast, on Oct. 8, 2002, I went to the doctor. He looked at it and said "Boy, that is a big one!" He sent me to the hospital for an Ultrasound. And then a biopsy. (I can't believe that I let them do that biopsy, but I think I was in shock). Any way, from that biopsy, I learned that I had "lobular, infiltrating carcinoma“. When I went back to the doctor, he said "well it is malignant, so the first step will be a double mastectomy, followed by chemo". I said "wait, wait! No, I don't plan to do those things. My husband had pancreatic cancer in 1994, and we used alternative treatments and he recovered. I have written up a copy of his story, from my journal, and I have brought you a copy of it. I plan to do the same thing that my husband did, but I will need a doctor to order lab reports, etc." He said, "Sure, I will help you." As he left the room, he said "call me when you need something." From that day forward he would never return a call from me. I tried to call him for about 2 weeks. I presume, when he read that report and saw that it was all alternative things that we used, that it must have scared him to death, and he dropped me like a hot potato. "It was so unprofessional that I still cannot believe that a doctor would tell me what he did, and then would never return my calls. It seems like he should have been man enough to call me and tell me that he did not want to be involved with that kind of treatment. But NO, he said nothing.
So I had to get established with a new doctor. I selected a female doctor of osteopathic. When I saw her the first time, I told her the same thing I had told the first doctor and she agreed to work with me. I had the films with me and she studied them and did a physical exam. She found in the film, that a lymph node was also involved. She said I am going to measure (that lump) in the breast. She did and put the measurement down in my chart. The last time she measured it, she told me it was 6 centimeters in diameter.
Some months later, she recommended that I have a PET scan, which I found out, also included having a CAT scan. In the PET scan they inserted an IV into my arm. Away from the skin about 1 or 2 inches, the tube made a Y and then there were 2 tubes away from there. They put a syringe into each tube. One syringe contained radio-active isotopes and the other tube contained sugar water. They were inserted into the IV simultaneously. I was told that the sugar would go to every cancer cell in my body and they would be able to track it by the isotopes. The report showed that there were no cancer cells anywhere in my body, except some, still in the original site. But I have had a terrible time getting the measurement of it, as I was told I would be able to get. The radiologist "had to locate my files, and pull the film, and measure it" and he apparently could not find time to do that. I have called repeatedly.
Finally this evening I received the call I have been waiting for - - - at that time, in September, the tumor measured 1. 3 Hallelujah and Praise be to God!!!
Of course I knew that the tumor had shrunk, but nothing speaks as loudly as NUMBERS. I consider a reduction from 6 centimeters to 1. 3 is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! That much reduction has happened in 13 months, so I feel like surely that in 6 more months, it will be totally gone. The lymph node is completely diminished and cannot be seen in film or physical exam.
Coincidentally, I had decided today, to add vegetable juice to my regimen. I take the FL/cottage cheese for breakfast, the vegetable juice at noon, and eat a small amount in the evening.
I am so happy to be able to give you THIS report.
And there you have it - - - "the rest of the story".
I could not be more elated.
Breast cancer 9
This morning, March 26, 1999, there is a new development that I feel we should add to this document. On Saturday January 23 I went to a prostate cancer support group meeting for the first time.
It was a bad morning to drive and a gentleman came for the first, and perhaps only, time. He took a cancer tape with him. Just after that his wife was found to have a rare, fast growing tumor that was developing in the aftermath of a mastectomy.
The prognosis was very grim and the doctor gave her little hope. It was determined that chemo would be given in an effort to slow down the cancer but the only hope for survival would probably have to be stem cell transplants, which in itself is a dangerous procedure. She was very concerned and frightened concerning the future.
Having become aware of the values of flaxseed oil she began using it at six tablespoons a day and had gotten a rebounder and was using that at first, but had to abandon that because it aggravated something in connection with the chemo, as I understand. She told the doctor that she was using flaxseed oil. His only comment was that she should go ahead; that it couldn't hurt.
After the third treatment, the tumor has disappeared. The doctor told her that he could guarantee that the cancer would return unless she went with further treatment.
They are going to do further treatments with a drug that is supposed to strengthen the immune system. She is sure that the flaxseed oil has played the major role in the situation but that won't be recognized.
However the only thing that matters is that the crisis appears to be over, the stem cell procedure won't need to be used, she is feeling very good abut it but hardly daring to believe yet that she is facing a normal future.
She will be continuing the use of flaxseed oil and depending on a strong immune system to prevent any recurrence. She is very much aware that the meeting that day was more than coincidence. The weather was terrible, her husband almost turned back twice and Mary Anna was very much opposed to my going. She is aware that The Lord was watching over her and we believe that also.
Colon cancer
A few months ago a young woman brought her father in law for a visit. He had been found to have colon cancer and the tumors had practically filled the colon before it was realized.
The doctors decided to try a new approach and insert a tube to hold the tumors out of the way and allow normal functions while an experimental chemo was use in an attempt to shrink the tumors.
They came on a Saturday and the procedure was scheduled for Monday.
Not wishing to die for lack of trying all possibilities this man started using flax oil immediately at four tablespoons a day.
He was back in a few weeks for more oil, some for himself and some for some folks he knew, and was happy. He said the tube was uncomfortable. He said the tumors were shrinking rapidly and one day he had a big BM and the tube was not there any more. He has been back several times since then.
One problem is that he is not telling the doctors what he is doing. If he recovers, as it seems is happening, it will be an interesting result for the new chemo, or will it?
The end of this account is not happy. He stayed with the chemo because he didn't want to "make the doctors mad". Finally, one day when he was here he said he just had to get off the chemo because it was killing him and he was losing weight.
The doctors OK'd him to quit it and the weight loss stopped. However, a couple of months later he died. The chemo had done too much damage. It is wiser to tell the doctors one is using Flax Oil and if the doctors refuse to treat any longer one may be a lot better off.
Cancer of the esophagus 1
A few years back I received this message;
Yesterday I had a telephone call that seems to me significant. It is a way that I hear of the "unacceptable anecdotes" that I have mentioned from time to time.
The phone call was from a lady who has Lymphocytic Leukemia and she had been using Flaxseed Oil. The doctors are watching her white counts and do not feel there is any need for "treatment" at present. She was concerned about a rise in the white count. Earlier the white count had gone down. It seems to be fluctuating.
Then the significant part to me.
Her husband had cancer in the esophagus. He is a veteran and was being checked through a VA hospital. I do not know the treatment regimen.
However, he heard of the use of Flaxseed Oil and began using it. I believe at four tablespoons a day.
Now the cancer is gone. He continues to use the Flax Oil. He told the doctor what he is doing. The doctor told him that he didn't know about things like that but whatever he was doing, keep doing it.
This was not the major story as far as she was concerned. She only mentioned that as the reason that she had begun using it for her situation.
These were just matter of fact statements.
Over the years I have discovered that when one gets well or improves someone who knows them and also has cancer does not need clinical double blind studies to get started. I have known of quite a number of folks over the last eight or nine years who have died because they refused to do anything the doctors did not tell them to do or who believe that if anything is suggested other than what the doctors recommend it cannot be of any real value.
I would think that if doctors were really interested in getting people well there would at least be some that would be curious enough to seriously double check Dr. Budwig's work with the Flax Oil PLUS the protein which researchers are omitting in their experimental work.
Cancer of the esophagus 2
In our area about five years ago there lived a man in his forties who had cancer of the esophagus that was so bad that it had grown around his windpipe so tight he was talking with a squeaky voice. He had lung cancer as well and a lung had been removed at Vanderbilt. He had had so much chemo and radiation the doctors did not dare give him anymore because it would kill him.
He began using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese and it was not many months before to all outward appearance he was cancer free. He was living a normal life. I talked to him different times.
He was extremely tight with a dollar and now decided that he was well and didn't need any more flax oil. He quit and in a few months it was again becoming a problem.
Mutant cells are always present. If it were possible to "get them all killed" every day there would be more tomorrow. A strong immune system will keep them from getting anywhere. Somehow this may be one of the results of using flaxseed oil/cottage cheese.
He wouldn't return to using flaxseed oil and died.
Cancer of the esophagus 3
In 1993 or 94 a teacher friend suddenly found it hard to swallow. He had a check up and there was advanced cancer of the esophagus. The doctor gave him a short time to live. Miz Judy knows him. His name was Tom Milliken.
He started to use the FO/CC but his esophagus was rough and food would irritate it and he had trouble keeping things down. He had a lot of problems but did manage to get some down daily for some time and he did not stay with the chemo. Finally, he gave in and the doctor put a stomach tube in and he gradually went down hill and died.
He lived 22 months longer than the doctor thought possible. I
believe that if he had made up the oil mixture more liquid, and kept taking little sips all day long that he might well be with us today, but that is speculation.
Cancer of the esophagus 4
In the summer of 1992 we were in contact with a lady with Ovarian cancer. She had a high tumor count, around 1000 and used some flax oil but stayed with strong chemo. In spite of that there was some improvement but by the summer of 1993 she died. She did not actually use very much.
However, her mother knew about it and kept in contact with me for some years. I have no doubt she passed away a number of years ago. However, she told me of the choir director of her church who had recovered from cancer of the esophagus and was telling everyone of the value of flaxseed oil.
I did not take FO/CC for this condition but for prostate cancer, but a really nice "side effect" has been the end of the fibromyalgia which I have had much of my life. When I began physical therapy to repair muscles damaged by a very devastating fall in which I broke my wrist in three places and bruised my shoulders and back and legs, the therapist wanted to know how severe the fibromyalgia was because it was shown in my chart. BUT I had to confess that I did not seem to have any of the fibro pain. It had disappeared. I suspect, though, that if I stop the flax oil/cottage cheese the fibromyalgia will show its ugly painful head all over again. (written March 2005)
Cliff, I just received this from my daughter, whose husband, Mark, is taking chemo for leukemia. His doctor told him that they couldn't cure it, but maybe they could extend his life a couple years, and that "his kind of leukemia never gets better".
Hi dad,
Mark went in to the doctor and got the results to the blood test that was done yesterday. The doctor said something is working because there has been a drastic change. His platelet count has doubled and his white count is down by half. glory be to our God I feel as though I've got a marriage again. He's taking his flax oil and is very good about taking his silver water. love you dad
Lung cancer
So far, we have not seen a case of lung cancer not respond to flaxoil/cottage cheese.
Lung cancer 1
Saturday Aug 19, 2000 I had a call from Casper, WY, that was exciting. The caller told me that in March, 2000 he was diagnosed with a serious cancer in his right lung and told that he did not have more than 1 to 3 months to live.
He was given chemo and couldn't stand it. He was put on hospice with morphine patches in case the pain got too great. He was 73 and had just about decided to go to the hospital and die.
At this point a rancher friend who had gotten a tape on Flaxseed Oil at a Bible conference heard about his situation and gave it to him. He told me he listened to the tape and fell in love with what he heard and immediately began to use 6 tablespoons of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese a day.
He said it "kicked in" right away, though usually it does not work quite that quickly.
He had an appointment with the Oncologist before long and the doctor took X rays. The caller said he came out of the lab soon with a puzzled look on his face and asked him what, if anything, he had been doing.
He told the doctor he had been using flaxseed oil.
The doctor said that the tumor he had in his right lung had not changed, but the tumor in his left lung, about which he had not told him, had completely disappeared without a trace.
He gave the doctor a tape and told me that the doctor and nurses were making tapes and distributing them.
The caller said he was feeling good, continuing on the flaxseed oil and getting along well and seemed quite excited; as I was to hear it.
We are praising The Lord for His provision.
Lung cancer 2
A lady about 73 lived two houses down from us. She was a frail person and a smoker.
The doctors found a tumor about the size of a quarter on the lower part of her right lung and immediately urged an operation to remove half of the lung.
She was afraid she could not stand the operation and her grandson who knew us well urged her to go on Flax Oil. I talked to her as well.
She did but did not use it as she should have. Nevertheless there was no further growth of the tumor and I thought all was well.
About two years later I heard that she had died. Her grandson told me that on later checkups there was no growth of the cancer but the doctor kept urging an operation. The daughter that lived one door down did not want her to do it but she had five other children and they persuaded her to go along with the doctor's advice.
She did not make it off the operating table. The grandson did not feel kindly toward his aunts and uncles but rationalized that it was his Mamaw's time to go.
Lung cancer 3
About 6 years ago a friend of ours had a cousin who was a veteran of WW II. He had very serious lung cancer and it had spread to his upper arm.
He got started with Flax Oil and it was not many months before we heard he was cancer free in a check up at the VA hospital. He called me and talked about it and was a happy man.
About two years later I heard that he had passed away. Some folks have the idea that flax oil is like an antibiotic. He got well so he saw no further use for the oil. That is a mistake. One should have at least a maintenance dose of oil each day to keep healthy.
He didn't and the cancer redeveloped. He decided that since it hadn't cured him he wouldn't bother with it again.
Lung cancer 4
The brother in law of Betsy, a member of a local church was 47 years old and incapacitated with lung cancer. This was around 7 years ago as I remember.
He had been given up and was doing no standard treatment. He began using 4 tablespoons of Flaxseed Oil a day with cottage cheese and in time [I do not know exactly how long but it was not many months] the only souvenir left was a little scar tissue and he was back at work. I never knew his name but did not about him. Betsy is the best friend of a good friend of ours.
I visited the church occasionally as the main musician was a fellow teacher and good friend. Kim was also the pastor's niece.
The pastor's wife had colon cancer and had part of the colon removed and had been put on heavy chemo. Kim wanted her to switch to flax oil but a daughter was a student nurse, and told her "Momma, do what the doctor tells you". In a while the lady had virtually no immune system left and the doctor advised her to stay away from people lest she catch a cold and die and took her off the chemo to see if her body could rebuild. Now she began using Flax Oil. In a short time the white count was going up and she was able to be out in public again. She had an appointment with the doctor and told him what she was doing. He told her that had not done her any good. It was the chemo that was helping her. She was put back on chemo and in about three months she went into a coma and died. The chemo had destroyed her heart and liver.
One Sunday night the pastor, John, asked me for a tape. I didn't know he had not had one. A few weeks later I visited again and was talking with John after the service. He told me that he hoped I was wrong but that he believed I was right. He said, "They killed my wife". Then I asked him if he had heard about Betsy's brother in law. He said, "I hear he's pretty bad." I said, "He's well." Betsy was still there and John asked her how her brother in law was doing. She said, "He's well".
John looked at me, and with all the feeling he could put in it, he said, "There's going to be doctors in HELL because of things like this!!"
The average oncologist is doing the best he or she knows to do. The Hierarchy is another story as far as I can see. If FO/CC were to be recognized officially as effective it would kill the profitability of the Oncology industry.
Lung cancer 5
Last June a friend of ours from beekeeping stopped by. She is a heavy woman, probably over 250 lbs. She had been diagnosed with a rapidly growing cancer in her lung.
The doctor was really after her to get it cut out as soon as possible. She was resisting because she did not think she could stand the operation. She began using 8 tablespoons of flax oil a day [which would be too much I believe if it were kept up] and in a checkup 8 weeks later there had been no further growth. The doctor still urged her to get an operation. A subsequent X ray showed no growth but was a little fuzzy as to any reduction. She had an MRI Oct. 19 and a consultation Oct 25 but I haven't heard any results.
In January 2002 I learned that in early November of 2001 she had had a hip bone "explode" and had been hospitalized for quite a while, I think in late January before she was released. She did not have an opportunity to use the flaxoil/cottage cheese during that time.
She told me that the mass was still there but seemed to have changed its character. The doctor at that time did not believe it was malignant any longer but didn't want to go in and take anything for a biopsy as she was afraid she might bleed to death.
Today, June 30, 2002 I received word that she had passed away. I had not known any further details.
September 11, 2002 I received further word. The cancer had come back. She had gone back to the flaxoil/cottage cheese. At the time of her death the cancer had been eliminated except for two small spots in a lung and one in her liver.
She passed away as the result of ill health connected with Sugar Diabetes. A friend emphasized that it was not the cancer.
Lung cancer 6
About three years ago I was in my doctor's waiting room when a couple came in. I spoke to them briefly.
That night the lady called and told me that her husband was a retired college professor, 73, who had an 85% involvement with cancer in his left lung. The decision had been made to remove the lung at the Thompson Cancer center in Knoxville, Tn.
When the attempt was made it was determined that the cancer had spread further and they simply closed up and decided to use radiation and chemo.
The radiation had been done with no apparent results and he and his wife decided that rather than go through the misery of chemo they would just live as long as possible and forget it.
The Oncologist did not argue with that. She suggested that they come to Rutledge and get flax oil and get started with four to eight tablespoons a day with cottage cheese.
They decided on 6 and got two quarts and then got their own after that.
Three months later I was in again and asked if she had seen him again. She had seen him the previous week. The cancer was still there but he was holding his own.
I remembered him about a year and a half later and she said that he had died, but that he did not die of cancer. He was not a very active person and died of a blood clot that moved to his heart.
Lung cancer 7
Dear Cliff,
I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in January 2002. In March 2002 I had surgery and a nodule and the lower right lobe of my lung was removed. Five remaining nodules in both lungs. I began Iressa which is a oral cancer drug taken by mouth. At the same time I started taking 4 Tablespoons of
flaxseed oil with one half cup of cottage cheese daily. When my cancer was diagnosed I was given three months to live. I am now close to my two year anniversary and while I cannot discount the Iressa I take daily, I give most of the credit to the flaxseed oil and cottege cheese. While on a trip to Oregon, I was unable to get lactaid free cottage cheese and did not take it for two weeks and experienced severe chest pains. They stopped when I resumed my daily regimen of oil and cheese. I am convinced it is what keeps me feeling wonderful and I do not even know I have lung cancer. Doctors who treat me and friends who observe me say they cannot believe that I have lung cancer either.
Beverly Christensen
Lymph cancer
(excerpted from above breast cancer healing testimonial)
...Also, my Dad who also got lymph cancer this year -can you believe it, was also put on the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese diet and is now in remission ! Its like a miracle. The huge lumps he had before is now just speckles on his scan and will soon disappear, I know.
All I can say is : IT WORKS !!! And I can not thank my sister enough. My life is really back to normal because of her dedication and the flaxoil/cottage cheese she fed me ! (am still taking it)
I eat it on fruit, jacket potatoes, in fruit shakes, as a dip with raw veggies, with organic honey on crackers. When you really feel you can't face it any more, just pinch your nose shut and swallow anyway !
Lynette at insureme.co.za
Hi Jennifer, my name is Jim, im from Australia and i have been fighting non hodgkins Lymphoma since i was 17 yrs old, i am now 42. This is my 5th reoccurrence and until i started the Budwig diet nothing did any good in keeping this disease at bay. I have been through all the chemo and radiation and cobalt and surgery, scans, tests, tests, tests, etc, etc. My onco told me that as i got older that the cancer would show up in places that are more difficult to treat, he was right, this time the cancer is in my left leg, wrapped around like a snake but growing in amongst the muscles and tendons and nerves so surgery was not an option and there was no way i was having any more chemo, the last lot nearly killed me. About 2 or 3 months ago i could hardly walk, was in constant pain, and was basically house bound. I started the Budwig diet and within a few weeks the pain began to ease and the massive swelling began to go, at the moment i can walk without pain, i can play ball with my 10 yr old son!, can drive my car again and go where i please, nothing the doctors did gave me this freedom. Please stick to the diet jen, i cant believe the relief and freedom its given me, when i was on chemo i went from 10 stone [i don’t know lbs] to 6 stone in just over a month, my dad had to carry me to the car when they let me home for a weekend, i truly believe that the Budwig plan will save my life and i am willing to wager my life on it. . . I hope things work out for you and your family Jen, All the best, J. A., OZ.
Lymphoma ==New Hope
About 13 weeks [I don't remember when I wrote this-- It was around 3 years ago] a girl in our area was found to have non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. There were two lumps on her neck and a mass in her chest.
Her father was an engineer and a customer of a man in our church who filled him in on the flaxseed oil protocol
The doctors started chemo and her father started her on 6 tablespoons per day of Flaxseed oil with cottage cheese.
Within two weeks the lumps on her neck were gone and the mass in her chest was reduced by 42%.
A couple of weeks later the only thing showing on the X rays was a shadow where the mass had been.
The doctors have continued the chemo treatments though there have been no detectable cancer cells now for over a month. I think the last chemo that had been planned is now finished.
Her father has tried to talk about what they have been doing besides the chemo but the doctors seem to be avoiding the situation. He says they seem to realize that something unexpected is happening and don't want to talk about it.
I have just heard from her father on May 13, 2001 that she is taking a maintenance
amount of Flaxseed Oil, and there is no detectable cancer.
Mouth cancer
I truly believe the Budwig diet saved my life. I had inoperable mouth cancer which went into my lymph nodes. I was truly terminal. I rejected chemo and decided to try the Budwig flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. A number of members here have found it cute to jump on me like crazy when I told my story that I simply poured the flaxseed oil onto my cottage cheese and slightly stirred it up. Many members in this group were outraged that I wasn't adhering to the Budwig diet exactly. All I can say, is my stomach did the mixing up for me and as a result I am 100% cancer free. I think Dr. Budwig would appreciate that her recipe can work for some people such as myself without having to go through the chore of thoroughly mixing up the ingredients before hand. No kidding, I was two weeks shy of using a purchased gun to kill myself because of my dire death sentence So try and keep to the Budwig diet as close as you can and if you deviate a little such as not stirring the mixture up enough, know the mixture is somewhat forgiving and will work for you. I'm alive to testify you don't have to do the diet 100% by the book.
Multiple myeloma 1
At the time this was written I did not even know the full story of the Budwig protocol. All I knew was adding it to my regular diet. I am so thankful for those on this list that are doing more than I. ... I am thrilled that the things learned over the past years will continue to be of benefit to many.
Both Betsy and the one who wrote me the letter are gone for a number of years.
Both stayed on Chemo to the bitter end.
Betsy had a fairly remarkable recovery and was doing great except that she listened to her doctor and stayed with the chemo.
I deleted the doctor's name.
Chemo will kill if one just stays with it. That is based on observation.
This originally came from a friend of mine with advanced Prostate Cancer. He lived around 13 years from the time of diagnosis and had every chemo and treatment that standard medicine had to offer.
He used the flaxoil/cottage cheese for a while and improved but did not ever give up his doubts about the flaxoil/cottage cheese being that effective and depended on chemicals primarily.
Betsy is a friend of ours, in her 70s I suppose. She has multiple myeloma, a very deadly kind of bone cancer, and is being treated by the same oncologist I go to.
We saw Betsy a couple weeks ago. She's bright eyed and bushy tailed. . . her old self. She mentioned that Dr. ----- had recently told her she was his "miracle patient".
This spring I had heard about Betsy's situation. It was greatly different from what it is today. She was extremely sick and unable to eat. She could only lie in bed and was just wasting away. Her husband, Don, thought she was dying. He may have been right.
It had taken a long time for her doctors to diagnose an obviously deteriorating health condition as multiple myeloma, so that it was quite an advanced case before she was referred to Dr. -------as I understand it.
I believe she had recently been started on chemotherapy by Dr. -------- a little before I learned what was happening. But no matte how good his treatment might have been, if she couldn't eat she wasn't going to get better.
I went down to --------- and bought a pint of Barlean's lignan rich flaxseed oil, some low-fat cottage cheese, a pineapple and some honey, and took it over to Don.
Don made Betsy a smoothie, using some of the pineapple to cover the taste of the oil. A little later I learned that Betsy had called the smoothie "delicious food". She could eat it!
Later still, I heard that Betsy likes tuna fish in her flaxseed oil and cottage cheese smoothies, instead of the pineapple. You can use anything in the smoothies to make them taste good to you.
In the meantime, Don had ordered some of the oil direct from Barlean's.
If you're a cancer patient it's sold to you at wholesale and costs about half as much as at-------------or other health food stores, even with the shipping cost.
It wasn't too much longer before Betsy was able to get up and be in a wheelchair. Soon she was able to stand and get around a little with a walker.
A month or so ago she went in some cancer event that involved a 3-mile walk. She had intended only to do the first mile but ended up doing the whole thing! She was back.
Betsy is an avid gardener and has one of the city plots. She had been able to get the garden planted somehow, with help from Don, and has been delivering great quantities of produce all summer. Every now and then Don brings some by for us. He thinks I saved Betsy's life.
Is Betsy's amazing response to the treatment of this devastating kind of bone cancer because of the combined benefits of the flaxseed oil and chemotherapy?
My friend----------
There is controversy here. I see this as an example of the fact that the flaxseed oil will be of real benefit even though chemo is being used.
I personally do not know of many, if any, situations where the continuous use of chemo has resulted in real recovery.
Chemo does kill cancer cells, maybe 95 to 98% of them, but does not kill all of them.
The patient is now in remission but the resistant cells continue to survive and increase. As the "treatment" is continued, the cancer cells are not affected, but the good cells of the body and the immune system, heart, liver, etc. are contuing to be destroyed.
When the patient is aware that the cancer has "returned" a new chemo must be tried because the old one is no longer effective. The cycle is again followed and the patient is again in "remission". The word "remission" is used because there is no expectation of a cure.
With each new cycle of chemo the patient is increasingly weaker and less able to fight the invader and death will occur.
The flaxseed oil, with the Omega 3, may be a major help but cannot do the whole job against the destruction of the chemo.
I do not know the complete details, but I understand that the chemo was continued and eventually Betsy passed away.
Multiple myeloma 2
One of my wife's younger brothers was married to a lady who died in an auto
accident but whose mother is living and has Multiple Myaloma.
One of our nieces got her on Flaxseed Oil/Cottage Cheese quite a while ago.
I am not exactly sure of the starting date.
Our niece tells me that her grandmother is doing well. I hope to see her later this summer.
PS. I was updated on her situation very recently [Nov 22, 2003] and she is doing very well in spite of the fact that she is not taking this material as faithfully as she should.
Ovarian cancer
On [the www. beckwithfamily.com] website one of the earlier accounts is of "Joanie". She was an RN back from Sri Lanka where she and her husband were missionaries. From her Christmas letter in December of 1991 we learned hat she had Ovarian Cancer, had tried 5 rounds of chemo and couldn't hack it and just had given up. Her C25 score was 73 at the time. She knew the prognosis. Later I learned she had visited my sister in September of 1991 and was really down. We wrote about the Flax Oil in our Christmas letter and the whole family began using it immediately. In April she had another C125 and the count was 2. In October she had another and the count was 1. In none of the situations then or in the document that follows did anyone follow the full Budwig Protocol. All that was done was that the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese was added. I believe the closer the Budwig protocol is followed the better, but at that time, and the time of the accounts on the website, we did not really know what the complete Budwig regimen was.
The last I heard from Joanie was last Christmas and at that time everything was fine. I am sure I would have heard if anything was different. That is eleven years and six months so far after she had given up.
Pancreatic cancer 1
A couple of years after I was first diagnosed a fellow teacher had a friend whose father had Pancreatic Cancer. He had been in the UT hospital twice in ten days not expected to live through the night. He did rally and got home.
The son brought his father out one evening in early April and we talked a little bit and he got some oil and got started, I believe with four tablespoons a day.
I heard he was doing well and in late August I heard he had just had a checkup and there was no evidence of cancer. The doctors felt they had made a mistake. He couldn't have had cancer. The following February another checkup and everything was clear.
I did not hear anything more for over a year. Then I heard he was back in the hospital and the doctors were giving him a drug that they thought might add a year to his life.
A short while later I heard that he had died. The person who told me that told me that he had quit taking the oil. One cannot do that. This is a lifetime proposition. The oil works in some way to enable the body to defeat the cancer and if it is stopped the conditions that allowed the cancer to develop in the first place will develop again. This is not something like taking an antibiotic for a sore throat and when the throat is well stop the antibiotic.
Apparently he felt the oil really hadn't cured the cancer so he did not go back to it again.
Pancreatic cancer 2
A number of years ago a lady stopped at a Greenhouse in Georgia operated by our niece and nephew. She had a brother, 41, a truck driver, who had developed Pancreatic Cancer and could no longer work.
My niece gave her a tape and she and her mother drove to her brother's that night. He began using the flaxseed oil immediately, I think at four tablespoons a day, and in three weeks the count had dropped from 560 to 280.
Three and a half weeks later it was 165. Normal is 100.
He had a standing appointment with his family doctor and was a week and half late. When he walked in the doctor was quite surprised and said, "When you didn't show up I assumed you had died. The doctor told him it was the first time he had ever heard of a count going down with Pancreatic Cancer.
Then someone told him about a Japanese mushroom tea. If made properly it can be helpful, but if not it can be very dangerous. He got some that was not made properly and died of mushroom poisoning.
Pancreatic cancer 3
A number of years ago I learned of a man in Knoxville who had Pancreatic cancer. His sister in law was telling me about him. She told me that it had gone far enough that he was losing ground and his skin was the color of a pumpkin. She said that he had listened to a tape and began using flaxseed oil and today was the picture of health.
Then she told me that her husband, this man's brother, had just had the same experience. I don't know any more details on those two situations.
Pancreatic cancer 4
While this may be early, and is not yet the full story it is exciting enough that I am going to include it.
Last October I became acquainted with a member of another ship at a Navy reunion in Indianapolis and we talked about the use of Flaxseed Oil in the case of cancer.
In mid May he called me and told me that he had suddenly found he had very advanced pancreatic cancer that had spread to the liver and lymph glands in the lower part of the body through the stomach wall.
The doctor said he had probably 3 to 5 months maximum. While this cancer does not usually respond to chemo, there was a new one, Gemzar, that might give him an extra 2 to 6 months. It would be his only chance to prolong his life, according to the doctor.
The started Gemzar, but at the same time Bill began using 4 tablespoons of Flax oil and cottage cheese per day. His tumor count was 2129 on May 18.
June 6 the count was 2780. Ho told me that 35 or below is normal. He was unable to get out of bed by this time.
A week and a half ago he called me and told me that he had had blood taken for a tumor count on June 27 and he had just found out that the count had dropped to 1287, less than half of the high point. By this time he was out of bed, gone shopping with his wife, mowed the lawn, gone to a tractor pull and gone fishing. He said that his activities were getting back to normal. He is getting blood counts every three weeks and this evening he called and said that he had another blood sample taken July 18 and he called the nurse and found the count is now down to 953. He feels great, has a great appetite
and is back to normal activity. He is excited and happy, and I am excited for him.
I received a letter Aug 15 that gave his most recent count at 810.
I received a letter Aug. 24 that gave his most recent count at 504. 2
There is no doubt that in the mind of himself and his family that the flaxseed oil is the main cause of the improvement but the Gemzar may also be helping. The doctor told him originally that the Gemzar might be able to give him an extra 2 to 6 months.
He told me that in the last visit to the doctor a stomach and pelvic exam showed that the stomach which had been rigid was now pliable and normal feeling and the doctor thought that was great.
I will add that a few years ago a doctor told me that he had never heard of a count coming down with Pancreatic Cancer. Another doctor told me two days ago that the prognosis with Pancreatic Cancer was usually bad.
Prostate Cancer 1
...a letter I received today (11 Dec 2004). It is a little long but worth reading. This man has kept a diary of what has happened.
Below is a summary.
I'm writing to thank you for the wonderful information that you were able to give. When I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer I was devastated.
I was having my annual physical, and my PSA was found to be 7.5.My doctor set up a biopsy by a Urologist. Three out of 6 samples were cancers. The Dr. advised that he operate immediately. I asked him a lot of questions and he told me that I could think about what wanted to do.
I did some research, read some books, leaflets and different articles. I found out that many of these operations left the patient sexually inactive.
I received much advice from my family, friends and was very unwilling to have the operation. I decided that if I had an operation I still might not survive so I did nothing at all!
A few weeks had gone by when I received a package in the mail. A friend of mine had known of Cliff and his condition and he sent me a copy of his tape. He told me to listen to it and then to call him. I listened and I called him. We talked for a time and he suggested we call Cliff and talk 3 way.
Cliff told me his experience, and after many questions this certainly sounded like the way I would go. My family and I decided that we would try this remedy to see what if anything would happen.
Well, I was diagnosed with cancer Jan 12, 2002 and by Feb 1st 2002 had begun my cure. I took 3 tablespoons of Flaxseed Oil with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese every day for 3 months and then had a PSA done. I learned where to get the oil and how it had to be pressed and how it needed to be kept.
I made an appoint for a PSA and on 3/29/02 I got the result. It was 5.8. While I was buying my Flaxseed oil the sales lady told me that I should buy this new capsule, Prostate 5 LX, 3 months worth for $55.00.
After taking it for about 2 weeks I started feeling bad so I stopped taking it. I took the rest of the bottle back and found out that it was to kill the cancer cells.
The next PSA went back up to 7.5. When I bought the capsules I thought they were to cure me, but this wasn't what happened. I knew that Flaxoil healed the cancer cells so he oil is all that I needed. I now the saying, if its working why add anything.
On 10/26/02 Another test showed the PSA had dropped from 7.5 to 5.2. It has continued to go down 4.1 then 3.5 etc. Through this whole time I could describe my body feelings as good and bad. I would feel good for awhile and then but but now I feel Great!
On 11/10/04 I changed to a new Doctor, one that I had used before but because of Insurance had to leave her and accept another that really only knew me because he had my personal physical folder. Most Doctors only know you by what’s in your folder.
One time my nurse asked me if I had ever been operated on. I told her no. She told me that she didn't know of anyone that hadn't been operated on that had had their PSA go down!
This doctor was concerned about me having cancer and had a PSA that was 5.4 so she sent me to the hospital to have pictures made of my whole body, upper, stomach and Pelvis and the results came back all negative; no detectable cancer.
Here is the answer, Flaxseed Oil, 3 tablespoons in 1/2 cup of cottage cheese everyday without fail. I missed it a couple of times but always took it by the next day. When I am away from home I always carry my Flax Oil with me in a cooler so I would always have it.
My phone number is 706 625 2082. Anyone that needs more info can call me.
Jim Matsko
Prostate Cancer 2
My brother had not had a physical in years and finally did. He had a PSA of 785. Cancer had spread through the spinal column into his skull. It was in the bladder and one kidney. He was a member of an HMO and they put him on Stilbesterol. He had been unable to eat for six weeks and lost 50 pounds and suddenly was able to eat again. He also began taking Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. In a few weeks he had gained 40 pounds, was working again and had a PSA of 8. The Prostate had gone from the size of a baseball to normal size. The bone involvement was improving.
About that time an herbalist "friend" told my brother to get flaxseeds and boil them to get the oil as it would be much cheaper. What he did not know was that the heat destroys Omega 3. He had quit the Stilbesterol as he did not like the side effects. In essence he was now doing nothing. In time the PSA began to rise. He began to eat Apricot seeds like they were going out of style. He had heard about Laetrile.
He did not realize that Apricot seeds also have Cyanide and he did not quit until he developed symptoms of Cyanide poisoning. He did not return to the right use of Flaxseed Oil and died a few months later.
(Intro to the following Prostate Cancer testimonials by Cliff Beckwith:
It is my intention to give a very short summary of the situations involving PCa and the use of flaxseed oil that I remember, other than my own situation. I do not know many details in many of these situations; only the results. Nevertheless, one thing that is evident is that the use of the flaxseed oil did not cause the PCa to grow faster than normal.
In the summer of 1992 I began to write a long letter to a friend and decided to talk it into a tape as I hate writing long letters. It wasn't easier but it was accomplished. I made a copy in case anyone else wanted to listen to it. Things grew from there through seven revisions and widespread tape distribution at our expense. We have not advised anyone; just told things that have happened. There has been some feedback over the years. The things that I am describing, not necessarily in chronological order, are a result of the tapes being spread. I will add further that at that time I thought that Flaxseed oil was the magic bullet, by now I realize that it appears to be only a powerful weapon that is being ignored.
Had I known at the time that it was believed in some medical circles to be dangerous I would not have felt as I did. Thank God I did not know. I would have not used it and been long dead and there would be no lists. We have not seen any of the results against which we have been warned. Quite the contrary.)
Prostate Cancer 3
One man in our town had been diagnosed with PCa about the same time that I was in early 1991 and the prognosis was not good. He began using flaxseed oil and is using it today, Oct. 26, 1999 and is apparently cancer free, and has been since late 1991.
Prostate Cancer 4
The husband of a teacher friend of mine had a PSA of 37 in early 1991.
He began using flaxseed oil and the PSA dropped to 13 something and then to 1.2 or so. He asked me if I thought he would need to worry about that anymore. The last I knew he was still doing well.
Prostate Cancer 5
A few years ago a lady near Columbus, Ohio wanted a tape. Her husband had been diagnosed with PCa. The doctor recommended an RP. He began the use of the Flax Oil in October but was not at ease and in December went for five second opinions. All recommended an RP. In February it was done.
The doctor said it was the hardest operation he had ever done. It took eight pints of blood. As is normal, the removed tissue was taken to the lab for analysis. A week went by with no word of the result so the folks called the doctor and asked him if the Prostate had been malignant. He replied that he couldn't say that it was, but it had potential. In other words, it was over.
Prostate Cancer 6
A number of years ago a young lady in our Lions Club told me her father had PCa and wanted a tape. I gave it to her and forgot about it. About a year later I remembered and asked her how her father was getting along. "Oh, he's had a complete recovery and they are as happy as they can be."
Prostate Cancer 7
Before we made any tapes I was talking with a man who told me that his father had PCa and was unable to work any longer. We talked about the flaxseed oil and he told his father and his father began to use it. It was not long before he was doing the things he had always done. The last I heard he had made a strong recovery.
Prostate Cancer 8
About six years ago a good friend of mine was found to have PCa with a PSA of 10. He was scared to death and had an RP. The count was 0.0 and he was happy. A few months later it began to rise and again reached 10. He began to use Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at one tablespoon per day. The count went to 13. We talked about it together and he went to three tablespoons per day and the PSA began to drop. The last time I saw him a few months back he told me he had just had a PSA and the count was 0.0. He weighs about 220. In April 2000 he will be eighty.
Prostate Cancer 9
About six years ago a man I knew slightly, then 75 years old, was found to have a PSA of 73. He had learned of the use of Flaxseed oil and for three months ate nothing but uncooked fruits and vegetables and flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. In that three months his PSA dropped to 13; a 60 point drop in 90 days. It would seem that it may be the combined effect of the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese and the enzymes in the fresh fruits and vegetables.
Prostate Cancer 10
One of my friends has a PSA of 0.1. He has been using the Flaxseed Oil for some time as a deterrent to further rise in the PSA. So far there had been no rise.
Prostate Cancer 11
About five years ago a former missionary in our area developed a very advanced case of PCa. It had spread and he was given a short time to live. His sister told him of the flaxseed oil and he began to use it correctly.
About six months later his sister told me that he was making remarkable progress and the doctors were amazed. It was some time before I heard anything again and then I heard he was going down hill again. I never knew any PSA scores. It turned out he had switched from flaxseed oil to flax flakes and was not using the protein with them. I am not certain whether he ever did go back to doing it according to Dr. Budwig's protocol, but he passed away a few months later. It seems it is important to use the concentrated stuff with the proper sulfur based proteins.
Prostate Cancer 12
In the very early days of our usage of this material I learned of a man in our area who had a very advanced case of prostate cancer. I know of no details except that he could do very little except lie on the couch and hurt. I know of no treatment that he was taking at that time, nor do I know what had been the situation earlier. His daughter with whom he lived learned of the flaxseed oil and he began taking it at around two tablespoons a day. There were no guidelines then. We were all guessing. Within a few weeks he was out driving his truck and feeling much better. He was calling his friends and telling them about flaxseed oil and how it had helped. Sometime later I heard he was doing real well. A year or so later I heard that he had passed away. His daughter told me that he had switched to capsules. They are useless as far as I am concerned in the face of anything serious.
Prostate Cancer 13
After we had been making tapes for a couple of years I received a call one day from a pastor of a church in Alabama. He told me that one of his parishioners had PCa so advanced he couldn't walk. The family had been called in as he was not expected to live. However, a friend of his had sent him a tape and they got flaxseed oil and he began to use it. It was not long before he was out riding around and on the road to recovery. I haven't heard anything else.
Prostate Cancer 14
A while ago my sister in law gave a tape to a Nazarene Missionary who was afflicted with PCa and had had to come home. He began to use the flaxseed oil and I understand from my sister in law that he is doing very well and is back on the field continuing his ministry.
Prostate Cancer 15
Recently a man came to get some flax oil for his brother. I am not in business. I just share it at cost for anyone who wishes to stop rather than order their own and I get it wholesale. His brother had been diagnosed with cancer a PSA of 32. He had gotten flaxoil at that time as well and his brother began using it. It was some time before the doctor decided what treatment to recommend. By that time the PSA had been reduced to 0.2.
Nothing had been done but the flax oil. The doctor said that he had no explanation but "just to be sure" the brother should have a series of radiation treatments. The only result was damage to the colon and bleeding that he is having a hard time overcoming.
Prostate Cancer 16
Recently a lady I know in California learned the husband of one of her friends had just found he had PCa. The PSA was not real high but he was scared, as those of us who have it can understand. My friend told them about the flax oil. He felt that was silly, but went along with it. In a fairly short time the PSA had been cut in half. The doctor said that nothing could happen that fast and the effect of the flax oil was merely masking the symptoms and nothing had changed. The man with the PCa quit the flax oil and embarked on a regimen of radiation being assured by the doctor that there would be no side effects.
Prostate Cancer 17
Over four years ago I visited a doctor to talk hormone replacement therapy, as I thought I might be too low on testosterone. He was a GP specializing in nutritional therapies. He was much interested in my situation and wanted a tape. Two days later he called and wanted a tape sent to a patient of his who had ovarian cancer. The next time I heard from him was a few weeks ago. He had heard that my PSA had risen somewhat and asked how I was. It seems that he had had a PSA that was 0.2. The next time it was checked it was 380, the prostate was greatly enlarged and there was extensive bone involvement. He is in his early seventies. He had gone on hormone blockade and flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. Now the PSA is 5, the prostate gland is normal and the bone involvement is still there but greatly improved. Subsequently he left the flax Oil and stayed with standard treatment. He died Dec. 4, 2000.
Prostate Cancer 18
Five years ago a friend asked us to send a tape to Chester Sexton, a barber in Onieda, TN. He had Advanced PCa. He was around 70. He wanted to keep barbering as long as possible. I do not know what treatment he had had up to that time. I asked the friend about six months later and asked them how Chester was getting along and she said that he was doing very well.
Two years ago last Christmas Chester called and said that he had gotten the tape and felt he had to get some of that. He started using six tablespoons per day. He said that he got over his cancer. His best friend likewise got over PCa and his girl friend got over diabetes. Then some of his customers wanted tapes so he made them. Some wanted tapes for friends. He said that some listened and used the oil. He said that some didn't use it. He said "They died".
Very recently a lady from Onieda got in touch with us. Her husband had just found out he had PCa. Chester is selling oil from a freezer in his barber shop at cost as a service.
This lady had worked for Chester and his wife in a store as a teenager. She is getting oil from Chester and filled me in on his present condition.
Chester is now 75 and has a PSA of 1.5. He is still enjoying his barbering.
Skin cancer
I have known a number of people who simply applied flax oil directly to skin cancers and they dried up and dropped off. One is a cousin.
Another man got flax oil for several years and felt it was successful in this area.
From www.whale.to/cancer/Budwig.html (excerpt)
”In one of my interviews with Dr. Budwig I was introduced to Siegfried Ernst, M.D.. He is a rare and dedicated man who counts among his personal friends the current Pope as well as many other dignitaries.
Seventeen years ago Dr. Ernst had developed cancer for which he had major surgery requiring removal of his stomach. Two years later he had a recurrence of the cancer and was offered chemotherapy as the only available remedy. There was little hope for survival as virtually all individuals with recurrence of this type of cancer rarely last a year.
Dr. Ernst knew that chemotherapy was not only ineffective for his type of cancer but completely destructive of the quality of life, so he refused.
He turned to Dr. Budwig and her formula for help. He religiously followed Dr. Budwig's formula and fifteen years later has not had any recurrence of cancer. As a matter of fact he seemed to me to be in perfect health and is tireless for a man in his late seventies.
Maria W. tells her story in her own words: "I was told by the most expert of doctors that I would have to be operated on to cut out the cancerous tumor that was causing a swelling under my eye. They explained that the size of the tumor was much greater inside and that there was very serious bone involvement. The malignancy was too far advanced to respond to radiation treatment. The doctors planned to remove considerable facial tissue and bone. I was afraid for my life, but being a young woman, couldn't bear the thought of such disfigurement.
When I heard about Dr. Budwig's natural formula, I was skeptical but desperate for help. After four months on this regimen, the swelling under my left eye completely disappeared. The doctors at the University hospital gave me many exhausting tests. One told me, 'If I didn't have your previous x-rays and medical history in front of me, I wouldn't believe that you ever had cancer. There is hardly any indication of a tumor remaining.' I never thought using Dr, Budwig's formula would be so successful. My whole family and I are very grateful.’
An examination of Sandy A. revealed arachnoidal bleeding due to an inoperable brain tumor. The doctors informed Sandy that he was beyond medical help. At his expressed wish, Sandy was discharged from the hospital and sent home to die in peace.
A friend brought Dr. Budwig’s formula to Sandy’s attention. Sandy writes. ‘Since I went on the Budwig regimen, the paralysis is of my eyes, arms, and legs has receded daily. After only a short period of time, I was able to urinate normally. My health improved so rapidly that I was soon able to return to my work part-time. Shortly after that, I was again examined at the Research Center and my reflexes were completely normal. The Budwig diet saved my life! Ten years later, I was given a thorough examination at the Center as a follow-up. My incredible recovery has been written up In many medical journals and I have become what they call a 'text-book case,' and all because of Dr. Johanna Budwig's simple diet.’
Seven years ago Timmy G. was diagnosed as having Hodgkin’s disease. The child was operated on and underwent 24 radiation treatments, plus additional experimental therapies that the experts hoped would be of some small help. When Timmy failed to respond favorably to these heroic measures, he was discharged as incurable, and given six months to live and sent home to die.
The desperate parents contacted specialists all over the world. A famous newspaper took up Timmy's cause and ran editorials pleading for someone to come forth who could offer hope for the life of a child. All the specialists who replied confirmed the cruel prognosis: There was no hope or help for Timmy. At this dark hour the miracle the family had prayed for happened! Timmy's mother told her story to the press:
‘A friend sent me a printed piece about one of Dr. Budwig's speeches. This material gave us hope and I contacted Dr. Budwig.
In just five days, (on the Budwig regimen) Timmy's breathing became normal for the first time in almost two years. From this day on, Timmy began to feel good again. He went back to school, started swimming and by winter he was doing craft work. Everyone who knows him says how well he looks.’ At age 18 Timmy is showing great promise in his university work. He knows he owes his life to Dr. Budwig and thanks her daily in his prayers.”
(from www.yasg.com/treatments.html Young Adults Surviving Glioblastoma)
Brain cancer
Tom Rolland - Treatment
Tom's three month MRI looked good, his brain was clean and the hole where they removed the tumor was empty except for a tiny line around a portion of the inside of the hole. The doctor said that it could be scar tissue, a benign bit of tumor or a regrowth of the Glioblastoma. At the six month MRI his brain was completely clean. There was no cancer at all. The doctor said that it was a miracle. In 14 years of practice he had not seen anything like it. This is what we did:
Take 1/4 cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese and mix it with 1 tablespoon Flaxseed oil and eat it twice a day.
Take Three 750 mg Shark Cartilage capsules three times a day
Take a Borage Oil and CoQ10 supplement
Drink plenty of water
Try to get light exercise, walking is best
Get some sunlight
For the first three months I also rubbed Frankincense on his head because it is supposed to have anti-tumor properties.
I searched on the Internet to see if there were other people having success with the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. Go to www.beckwithfamily.com for some good testimonies and links. I found other sites like www.curezone.com where people were having success beating their cancer through holistic means. Another good sight is www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com After doing more research and talking to more people we added some things to our regimen after the first three-month MRI.
Graviola 5 drops 3 times a day
The AIM Garden Trio (BarleyLife, Carrots, Beets)
He started using an extract of a Brazilian fruit plant called Graviola (5 drops three times a day). We also added the AIM Garden Trio twice a day to build up Tom's health. Our whole family tries to take at least one AIM Garden Trio a day now.
Tom did not go vegetarian, but we did cut back on meat and sugar. We follow the biblical eating laws and do not eat any pork or unclean fish. It makes it harder for your body to fight cancer if you put unclean and artificial things into it. We think artificial sweetener caused Tom's cancer. He used to drink at least 2 liters a day of diet soda. Go to www.dorway.com for more info.
Please feel free to call Tom or I if you have any questions at all.
Tom and Kelly Rolland 985-223-1328 or Email kellyrolland@hotmail.com or Kelly@flaxoflife.com Tcrolland@hotmail.com
We just got Tom's 9 month MRI info at the beginning of December 2002. He is all clear no sign of cancer. He is back to work and back to normal. Praise the Lord Jesus!
Here is the info if you need to order any of the things that I've mentioned in my note.
Swanson Health Products 1-800-437-4148 or go to swansonvitamins.com I order the flaxseed oil, shark cartilage, CoQ10 and Borage Oil from them because they have the best prices I've found. You can find these things at a health food store too.
I ordered my Frankincense from Young Living essential oils, they are therapeutic grade oils, not perfume. Call 1-800-371-2928 and use customer #535072 to become a member
Aim Products Garden Trio
Call 1-800-456-2462 and use member ID 579373 to join. You will get wholesale prices with a membership. If you are not able to order the Garden Trio (Carrots, Beets, and Barley) I would suggest at least getting the BarleyLife. You can get these in a powder or caplets.
I get my Graviola from M7 or you can do a search for graviola on the Internet and you can buy it in capsule form.
(from http://groups. yahoo. com/group/cancer-testimonials/)
Multiple Myeloma, bone marrow cancer
Pancreatic cancer & breast cancer (lobular infiltrating carcinoma)
March 27, 2004
Our background history: Both of my husband's (I call him Huck) parents died of cancer. His mother had breast cancer and his Dad had brain cancer.
One of them had radiation treatments and the other had chemo. We saw their quality of life go down hill from then on, for about a year and they died.
We said "if we ever get cancer, we are not going to take either one of those treatments." Maybe the treatments have improved over the years, but my mind has not changed. I refuse to let anything into my body that will harm it. I will only take something that will do something to build my body up and strengthen my immune system.
Then in 1994 Huck was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given possibly 3 months to live. We were fortunate to have an honest doctor who told us that it would serve no purpose for him to take radiation or chemo, because they cannot do any good, when cancer is in the pancreas. It was not hard to convince him, as that was already our decision, from years back.
We treated him from home, with alternative methods (before that time we knew nothing of any such treatments). We tried everything we heard of or could read about. Basically it was ALL DIETARY. We worked with a Doctor of Nutrition, who practices in Illinois. One thing he told us was to go to a health food store and buy Flax Seed Oil, that was being stored in a refrigerator. And to get some low fat cottage cheese. To mix these two together and eat a small amount 3 times a day. We had never heard of Flax Seed Oil, but we did as he said. Plus we did so many other things, including Huck taking many vitamins and going on a very restricted diet of only vegetables, beans, and grains. Within 6 months Huck had recovered from that "very large tumor". We asked the same surgeon to take a CAT scan and tell us what it looked like. His report? : He was astounded when he told us that there was no sign of cancer, that everything looked completely normal. Huck has remained free of cancer ever since then - 1994.
Then on October 8, 2002 I was awakened with serious pain in one breast. My hand went to that area and felt a large protrusion. I called, that day, for an appointment with my doctor. All tests were conducted and I was diagnosed with Lobular Infiltrating Carcinoma. I went that very day to the health food store and bought Flax Seed Oil and to the grocery for low fat cottage cheese. I have not missed a day of eating it since then. And I have learned a whole lot more about that cancer protocol, discovered by Dr. Johanna Budwig in the 1950s. The chemical composition of the mixture gives you Omega III, which almost everyone is deficient of. By the end of two weeks, after I had begun taking this mixture, my pain subsided. I have had some pains VERY occasionally since then, but nothing lasting or severe. My energy has remained high and I have continued with my previous life style.
I have not had one day of any kind of ill effects, or of even feeling tired.
In September 2003, my doctor ordered a P.E.T. scan and a CAT scan to be done. These showed that I had no cancer cells in my body except at the original site. And that the tumor had shrunk from 6 centimeters in the beginning to 1.3 centimeters. These are very expensive tests and Medicare will not pay for them if they are done more often than once a year, unless the patient is taking traditional AMA medicine (chemo or radiation). So I plan to have the tests repeated in September or October of 2004. I expect it to find no cancer cells anywhere in my body, by then. Nan Parsons
provided by Sue Norris, Feb 27, 2000
Dr. Budwig's successes
Dear Damon (and everyone else who's interested),
Last year when I was thinking of writing an article on the benefits of flax oil and cottage cheese for treating cancer, I called Dr. Budwig in Germany and spoke with her directly. She was reluctant to give specifics, since she was involved with an upcoming court case being brought against her by what she described as the German equivalent of Kenneth Starr. (She said at that time, that she's been taken to court before, but has always prevailed, and that she could do it again.)
She said that the medical establishment is against her because she refuses to combine her treatment with chemo and/or other standard treatments that can break down the immune system. It should be noted that Dr. Budwig has been nominated not once, but seven times, for the Nobel Prize for her research. She didn't want me to write an article in layman's terms about her work, because she felt it would diminish its importance. She did tell me that she has successfully treated cancer patients whose doctors had given them only weeks or days to live, and said that at that time she was still treating patients who come to her from all over the world. She didn't mention specific types of cancer. But said she has had a success rate approaching 98%. I asked her to translate that into an actual figure, and she said the number of patients she's successfully treated is approximately 1000. She also said that a hospital in Spain is using her methods, and has experienced a similar rate of success. She urged me to fly to Germany to see her work for myself.
During the time when I was gathering information for my proposed article, I was informed that the market was already flooded with research articles showing that flax oil (while promising) has not been shown to be a cure for cancer.
I read two of these articles at that time (though I can't remember what magazines they were in). Each said that flax oil had helped, but not cured or even significantly reduced the cancer it was being used to treat. The key factor that was missing in this research was the need for a sulfur based protein combined with the Omega 3 found in the flax oil. I tried to convince several editors that my proposed article differed from the others in that it tells of Dr. Budwig's research and the need for the protein found in quark or cottage cheese. But the editors weren't interested.
I have personally spoken by phone to six of the people Cliff tells about on his tape. They basically told me the same thing they told him. Of the 7 people I've convinced to try the flax oil and cottage cheese for their cancer (prostate, stomach, bone, and/or lymphoma), here are the results to date:
Two started taking it and were beginning to see results. One of these had a PSA of 7, and the flax oil and cottage cheese brought it down to point five. The other had bone cancer. The prostate cancer patient's doctor told him nothing could work that fast. He said the flax oil must be masking the symptoms, and told him to stop taking it . He did, and his PSA went back up. The doctor removed his prostate and performed an angioplasty. The bone cancer patient's doctor told her only chance of survival was a massive dose of chemo. She took it, and it killed her within 24 hours.
A third started, then quit, then started again, then quit again without even giving it a chance. She is currently in the hospital, being given a month to live.
A former prostate cancer sufferer (number 4) who had his prostate removed before hearing about Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese now has a cancerous tumor on his spine. He started taking 6 T of oil with 1 1/4 c of cottage cheese a day. After one month, his PSA had dropped from the high 30's to two point five. He is ecstatic, and looking forward to his next bone scan.
A friend's grandmother (number 5), who's been taking it for about a month, hasn't yet let me know whether she's seeing any results.
The remaining two are now cancer free.
Sue Norris Holmes
More information on the Budwig diet and protocol: www.healingcancernaturally.com/Budwig_protocol.html
Part II: Pet cancer healing testimonies
(written/provided by Cliff Beckwith)
(In the future, if anyone reading this can furnish us with any result of the use of flax oil with our pet, I will add it to this account for the benefit of future contacts. Of course, I am now seventy seven, so how many years I have is uncertain, though I do not see any immediate problems. The flax oil has arrested the problem long ago, but it had come back a little because I had not known that Dr. Budwig recommended one tablespoon a day per hundred lb. Body weight and not just a tablespoon a day. We've increased and seem on the right road again. Whether man or pet, this must be kept up for life to keep bodies able to handle cancer cells.)
The first thought of pet application came when a man told me about his dog. He was getting along in dog years and had developed cancer. His eyes were dull and he was so weak that he couldn't lift his leg. This man told me that he mixed up a couple of tablespoons with some cottage cheese a couple of times a day and the dog wolfed it down. He said it wasn't long before the dog's eyes were bright, his coat was shiny and he was running all over the place.
The second that I knew of was a similar situation with a dog that was owned by my cousin's daughter. In both cases the dogs lived out a normal doggy life.
Then a few years ago I received, in a Christmas card, an item cut out of a paper in Maine. My friend told me that I would enjoy it. It was a question to the veterinary column. The question was how to prevent his pet squirrel from losing its hair. The answer was to feed it flaxseed oil. It would build up its immune system and it wouldn't lose its hair.
A few years ago a young kitty cat wandered in, very malnourished, and had very little hair. I thought of the article, and put out cottage cheese with around a teaspoon of flaxseed in it. She had that every day along with regular cat food. It wasn't but a short time that she developed a shiny coat, and is today a beautiful cat. After that she wouldn't eat it anymore. Maybe animals have an instinct about things like that.
One lady I know had a large dog that had developed cancer that was fairly advanced. The folks tried everything to get it to eat food with flax oil in it, and it just wouldn't. It did die.
One man wrote to me from Wisconsin and told me about their dog. I quote from his letter as follows, "Results! Our dog, Penny, was to have died two and a half years ago from several cancerous tumors. We changed her diet, gave her many nutritious supplements and herbs. She survived..but..was still in pain and slept most of the day away. So, she is a member of the family too, so we gave her one Tablespoon of the Flax Oil daily [she is a small dog of about 35 pounds]. Now she goes for a four mile morning walk with Ina and seems to be better than before and many of the tumors have receded."
I know of other situations in general, but not in specific detail. I do know that our local vet is impressed enough with it that she is recommending flax oil when people bring in pets with cancer.
One of our correspondents, Ron Conley of Texas, has a Siberian Huskey, Natasha, that had been in serious trouble with cancer. He has a detailed account of what was done to treat her over four months time. I believe the vet had believed that she could not live more than 30 to 60 days. The treatments involved a lot of things with flaxseed oil a major support. The dog is doing very well today, and his web page includes references to several different pet situations. For information, check his web site: http://home.earthlink.net/~texas2step/cancerfightnewsletter.html#Month14/
It is an inspiring story.
Our 9 month old puppy was diagnosed with a mast cell tumor at 6 months - we have had her on 1 cup of kefir with 6 T of flax oil daily for the past two months. Last week we noticed another bump on her leg (about an inch from the original tumor, which was surgically removed) & have a feeling that it's another tumor. Any suggestions? I'm beginning to wonder if Kefir wasn't the appropriate sulphur protein to mix with the flax oil, but I've read that it's ok. Should I up the dosage? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
We have an old dog, with arthritis, etc. that go with old age, and so I have been mixing my FO/CC every morning and giving her 2 Tablespoons of it (she is a very small terrier). I do mix the Flaxseed oil with low fat cottage cheese and Flax seeds. The first time I offered it to her, she turned up her nose and walked away. I thought "Little lady, you ARE going to eat that." So the next morning I prepared it as usual and spoon fed it to her. She did not resist, but swallowed it right down. After 3 days of spoon feeding, I just put it on a saucer and held the saucer down to her, but kept holding it (I thought maybe that would be to her about the same as me spoon feeding her). She lapped the saucer clean. The next day I sat the saucer down on the floor right beside me and she ate it all.
Now, when I begin to make my mixture every morning, as soon as she hears the blender running, she comes running from wherever she was, and stands very close to me, licking her lips (literally) and quivering with excitement. Ever since then she has eaten it faithfully and eagerly.
I give it to her before I add fruit, as she does not seem to like the fruit. The mixture I give her 2 Tablespoons of, consists of:
2 or 3 Tablespoons of skim milk
3 Tablespoons of Flaxseed oil
2 Tablespoons of Flax seeds
Blend slightly.
Then I add 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, a little bit at a time, blending after each addition.
Next I add 1 Tablespoon of raw honey.
I give her 2 Tablespoons of this mixture.
Then I add 1/2 cup 100% grape juice.
I drink this with as much relish as my little dog shows.
She shows no signs of cancer, but I do have diagnosed breast cancer, which became apparent on Oct. 8, 2002. I began the FO/CC the same day. My tumor has shrunk dramatically (within days I should know the exact measurement of it - - from the radiologist, who has said he will look up my file and measure it). But I know this much, at the beginning I also had a lymph node that was involved - - - (it is completely reduced now, and my doctor can no longer find it. ) The entire tumor has shrunk dramatically. I had entire body scans recently and they show that I have no cancer cells in my body, except the original ones in the breast. I plan to continue eating my FO/CC until it is all gone. I expect that it will be in another year.
If I were you, I would make this mixture that I have written about and give it to your little dog. I believe that it would cure her of cancer, if you are faithful in giving it to her, and do not give up, but continue it indefinitely.
I hope you can do this. I understand how much you love your dog - - - just as I love mine.
My sympathy and understanding goes out to you. And please keep us updated on how your little dog does.
I don't know what Kefir is, but I know that Dr. Budwig said to use low fat cottage cheese, and that is THE ONLY THING that I would mix the oil with.
(see "Bill and Nancy Parsons " Breast cancer healing story above)
I have recently started giving my 3 dogs the FO/CC with raw honey but without the fruit also. My dogs are on ave 12 human years. One had a huge tumor on his hip, now it is greatly reduced (a couple of weeks). This dog was not eating very well at all and now he is eating with gusto. Another one of my dogs has some ugly looking moles. I have seem some change there also.
(This is One of the most remarkable evidences of the power of Omega 3 that I have. This dog was getting the equivalent of 9 tablespoons a day for a 165 pound man.)
Dear Mr. Beckwith, My dog, Shilo was diagnosed with Myelogenous Leukemia with suppression of red blood cells and platelet production on 3/18/99. The U.OFM. in ST. Paul which is one of the best vet hospitals in the country did a bone marrow on Shilo who is only 3 and half years old and a CBC and found cancer cells a lot in his blood . All they could offer was to put him on Predizone and by him a little time. Depressed and very sad I went on the Internet and with the help of GOD I found your page on Flax OIL and read the testimonials. The next day I started Shilo on Flax Oil and cottage Cheese 3 Tablespoons a day and right away I started seeing results. Four days later I took him back to the Vets and they did a CBC Blood test and they were amazed and didn't understand why his white count was normal {after having hardly any white blood cells at all} his Platelets were clotting normal. and he was producing red blood cells at a fast rate. The Veterinarians were baffled. They also could not find one Cancer cell in his blood !! Besides The Flax Oil I have him on vitamin C, E, Genistein, and a multi vitamin for dogs to help his Immune system I know in my heart the thing that really made the difference was the Flax seed OIL. Shilo weighs 56 pounds and is a Golden Retriever. I will be seeing the vet in another week for a blood test and I know it will come out cancer free. Shilo is feeling great and acting like a normal dog and 10 days ago he had a 106 temp and dying. Bless You Mr. Beckwith, Shirley, and Ms. Budwig!! Please right back to me God Bless, Kirk Heckel, and Tim Brown.
Dear Cliff, Just to let you know Shilo had a blood test today and there was NO sign of cancer cells in his blood and his platelets and Red blood cells were normal. He is still getting 3 tablespoons of Flaxoil and cottage cheese a day. D242
Hi Cliff, Thank you for the info on the lady from Missouri. It‘s so wonderful to know that I can help other people, like you and others have helped me. Your testimonials saved Shilo's life. Shilo is doing great. Shilo and Woodson {My other dog} are both on Flax oil and cottage cheese and vitamins. Their energy level is so much better and Shilo seems even more healthier than even before he was sick. Everybody who has seen Shilo can't believe how good he looks and how his fur coat is so shiny and thick. My Grandmas dog "Jake" has had problems with hot spots. She started him on flax oil with cottage cheese and the hot spots are going away. My mom and Dad and sister are giving it to themselves and their dogs. AS for my vets, my vet knows about the flax oil but the vets at the University Of Minnesota don't know yet. They probably think Shilo is dead, because I haven't seen them since May. I believe timing is everything so I plan on sending them a Christmas card with a picture of Shilo and a letter saying he is alive and well . I will explain to them what I have been doing and I will suggest to them that they need to do a study on flax oil and cancer with terminal dogs. Maybe that will floor them. Have any other suggestions? Ron Conley is working on Shilo's story for an upcoming news letter. It should be pretty cool. I have to tell you something, you should get a kick out of this. Shilo, Woodson and myself take the flax oil and cottage cheese. As you can guess I go thru a lot of cottage cheese each week. So when ever there is a sale on cottage cheese I stock up. Last week I went to the grocery store and saw a sale on cottage cheese, so I bought about 10 containers. They also had a sale on pickles so I bought a couple of jars. So I am going up to the register and getting weird looks from people. The cashier gives me a funny look . I start laughing. I thought they must think I have a pregnant wife or I have strange food cravings, pickles and cottage cheese. Oh well. I hope everything is going good for you, keep me updated, take care, D242
This was on the Sheltie Naturals list and I thought it would be of interest to you...
Diamond featured in the Whole Dog Journal
In the August 2000 issue of Whole Dog Journal, there is a great article written by Barb Hamlin, a dog owner from Michigan. Hamlin tells the story of her German Shepherd's recovery from soft tissue cancer - which did NOT involve chemotherapy or radiation. Instead, Hamlin employed a nutritional approach she found on the internet. . . . This approach was developed by a German scientist, Dr. Joanna Budwig, who has written several books about her successes in treating all sorts of cancers with a supplement made of cottage cheese and flax oil. Dr. Budwig's most recent book is 'Flax Oil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Disease, Cancer, and Other Diseases'.
Hamlin gave her dog 1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese and 1 1/2 tablespoons of Barlean's Organic Flax Seed Oil two times a day, as well as supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, juiced vegetables, and digestive enzymes. She also fasted her dog once a week, and withheld any vaccinations or chemical flea or tick treatments. Within three months, the tumor had Completely disappeared.
Hamlin describes her protocol thoroughly in the WDJ article, which is available for purchase from the publisher, Belvoir Publications, by calling 800-424-7887 or writing to customer_service@b.... As of October 2000 Barb reports that Diamond is doing great!
I will be awaiting further experiences to pass on to pet owners.
Extensive information on the Budwig diet and protocol including many healing testimonials: www.healingcancernaturally.com/budwig_protocol.html
My neighbors dog has inoperable bladder cancer. He was diagnosed 1 and 1/2 years ago and has been on the cottage cheese flax oil diet. He also gets a pancreatic enzyme and IP6. So far he is acting normal and has high energy. I will keep posting as I get updates.
I have been following this website for more than 2 years now, admin kindly post and share this to give other brain tumor patients hope that they can get a cure.
Three years ago I was diagnosed with GBM after a CAT scan. I went through neurosurgery, radiation, and 14 months of chemo treatments but the symptoms all remained and even doubled, the constant thundering headache, seizures was twice than it was before, i could no longer think straight and i had constant mood swing and trouble speaking i was almost feeling at the gate of hell because these symptoms were unbearable. I am retired but very active spending my time to make the world a better place. I retired from a career in law and non-profit administration, and judging from how active i was this new life was not working and i was patiently waiting for when i will give up the ghost. My husband never accepted the fact that he will lose me to the cold hands of death which was what made him to seek other treatment options and that was how he came across "elixir" a herbal medicine treatment which i took for 12 weeks and it gave me a second chance in life, gave me a new life and totally cured me of my cancer. My neurologist had told me before then while i was at the hospital that i had less than 4 months with the rate at which the tumor was growing and expanding. I am happy today because i am completely free of cancer because i have ran several tests and diagnosis because i am still in shock on the efficacy of elixir. Never give up hope or rely only on chemo or other surgical treatments because herbs work too, i never believed until now that i have experienced it. You can contact doctor Rahul personally for advise, counselling and how to get elixir on drghandiherbs@gmail.com I am grateful for every day that I am still alive and well.
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