Thursday, September 29, 2016



Nigella sativa or Black Seed is an annual flowering plant, native to southwest Asia, eastern coastal
countries of Mediterranean region and North Africa. Nigella is a derived from Latin word Niger (black).  It grows to 20–30 cm tall, with finely divided, linear leaves. The flowers are delicate and usually colored pale blue and white, with five to ten petals. The fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of three to seven united follicles, each containing numerous seeds.
The Black seeds have a rough surface and an oily white interior, similar to onion seeds. Black seed has a peculiar aromatic and pungent smell, while onion seeds don’t have this smell. Black seeds have a slightly bitter, peppery flavor and a crunchy texture. The seed is used as a spice, medicine, cosmetic and flavoring agent.

Common names

In English, Nigella sativa is variously called fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Love-in-mist (as Nigella flower resembles with that of Love-in-mist), black caraway, Roman coriander, black cumin. Other names used, sometimes misleadingly, are onion seed and black sesame, both of which are similar-looking, but unrelated. It is called Krishna Jeera in Sanskrit, kalongi كلونجى in Urdu, Kala Jeero কালোজিরা in Bengali, Karum seeragam கருஞ்சீரகம் in Tamil, Nallajeelakarra in Telugu, Karinjirakam  in Malayalam, çörek otu in Turkey, habbat al-barakah  حبة البركة (seed of blessing) in Egypt, Habbet al-sauda in Arabic,  سیاه‌دانه siyâh dâne in Persia, Shuniz in Iran, and chernushka in Russian.

History of Black Seed

The Black Seed has been in use worldwide for over 3000 years. Nigella Sativa was first discovered in Tutankhamen's tomb of Egypt, implying that it was one of items entombed with a king to assist him in the afterlife.
Easton’s Bible dictionary states the Hebrew word ketsah refers to N. sativa without doubt.
Discoredes, a Greek physician of the 1st Century A.D. said that black seeds were taken to treat Headaches, flu, toothache, and intestinal worms. They also used it as a diuretic, to promote menstruation and increase milk production in women.
Ibn Sina (980-1037), most famous for his volumes called "The Canon of Medicine", regarded by many as the most famous book in the history of medicine, East or west, refers to black seed as the seed that's stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue. Black seed was  included in the list of natural drugs of Al-Tibb al-Nabawi. Recent research indicates that black seed boosts the human immune system if taken over time.

Narrations found in Islamic literature

Khalid bin Sad said, "We went out and with us was Ghazi bin Abjar. He fell sick along the way to al-Madinah. Ibn Abu 'Atiq came to visit him and said, 'You should use this black seed. Take five or seven seeds and grind them, then apply to his nostrils with drops of olive oil and Ayesha narrated to them that she heard the Messenger say, "This black seed is a cure for every disease except death." [Saheeh Sunan ibn Majah (3449)]. Ibnul Qaiyum said, "It  is a cure for every disease except death is like the statement of Allah."
Cleopatra, the Beautiful and mysterious queen of Egypt had been using black seed oil in her cosmetics and soaps.

Nutritional Power House

The Black Seed contains 40% fixed oils and 1.4% volatile oils. The most effective compounds  are thymoquinone, dithymoquinone, thymohydroquinone and thymol. These are powerful Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral against 30 different pathogens tested; TQ is the best anti-fungal against dermatophytes and yeasts, and thymol against mold.
Black Seed is high in 15 essential amino acids, protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin as well as calcium, potassium and iron. It also contains sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which has anti-carcinogenic properties. Black Seed has a number of useful properties such as
Analgesic (pain-killing)
Renoprotective (kidney protecting)
Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor
Interferon inducer
Leukotriene antagonist
Gluconeogenesis inhibitor (anti-diabetic)
Hepatoprotective (liver protecting)
Insulin sensitizing

The benefits and uses of the Black Seed

     Backache & other kinds of rheumatism Mildly heat a small amount of Black Seed Oil and then .
stroke the rheumatic area intensely. A tsp of the oil should also be drunk three times daily

 Black Seed Oil for Pain Relief

Kalonji alone or in combination with other herbs are beneficial for pain relief.
The mix of vinegar (1 tsp), honey (2 tsp) and kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) when taken twice a day is helpful in pain management. The massage with black seeds oil is helpful for relieving the effects of arthritis. Eating two pieces of dry fig along with 4 drops of kalonji oil is beneficial in joint pain, backache, and neck pain.
     Diabetes Black seed oil causes gradual partial regeneration of pancreatic beta-cells, increases the insulin concentrations, and decreases the elevated glucose, according to the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Mix a cup of whole Black Seeds, a cup of watercress or mustard seeds, half a cup of pomegranate peel, and half a cup of fumitory. Grind the mixture. Take half a tsp of the mixture together with a tsp of Black Seed Oil daily before breakfast for one month.
Diarrhea Mix a tsp of Black Seed Oil with a cup of yoghurt. Drinking the mixture twice a day until symptoms disappear.
Asthma, Dry Cough & Bronchial Problems - Black seed improves lung function, reduces respiratory symptoms and chest wheezing. Mix a tsp of Black Seed Oil in coffee. Take twice daily. Also rub chest with Black Seed Oil every night and inhale the vapor of Black Seed Oil in hot water.
Flu & Nasal Congestion Placing three to four drops of Black Seed Oil in each nostril can relieve nasal congestion.

Black Seed Oil for Hair Problems

Smooth and stronger hair  Black Seed Oil is an important remedy.   
1- Baldness Rub Kalonji oil on the head twice a day, which is helpful to prevent baldness. Baldness can also be prevented when a mixture of coffee (one cup) is taken along with Kalonji oil (1/2 spoon) twice a day.
2- Rub your hair with lime juice, leave it for 15 minutes. Now, wash it with shampoo and use Kalonji oil when hair gets dry. Following the procedure for one week will prevent premature falling of hair.
3- Dandruff - Heat the mix of Black Seed Oil (10 grams), Coconut oil (30 grams) and Mehandi powder (30 grams) for few minutes till it converted into paste. Apply the paste over your head and wash.

Black Seed Oil for Migraine

Kalonji oil is good in the treatment of headache. To cure migraine, it is suggested to instill Black

Seed Oil (one drop) in the opposite nasal area of the headache. Take Black Seed Oil half tea spoon twice a day is good to overcome migraine. To relieve from headache, massage with Kalonji oil is also effective.

Black Seed Oil for Beauty 

The mix of olive oil (1 tsp) and Black Seed Oil (1/2 tsp) rubs on the face, left it for an hour and wash./2 tsp) twice a day. It is beneficial against pimples, red spots and blackheads. You see results after 4 weeks. Take the mix of honey (2 tsp) + Black Seed Oil (1/2 tsp) + coconut oil (1/2 tsp). Use it twice a day for one month. You will get smooth skin. Continue it for a week. This is one of the fine beauty tips for face. Take a cup of orange juice and mix Black Seed Oil (1
Hypertension Nigella sativa helps to lower blood pressure. Mix any drink with a tsp of Black Seed Oil and also take two cloves of garlic every morning with breakfast. Rub all the body with Black Seed Oil and expose your body to sun rays for half an hour once every three days. Repeat for one month.
Laziness and Fatigue One tablespoon of Black Seed Oil with a glass of pure orange juice every morning for at least 10 days.
Memory Improvement A tsp of Black Seed Oil mixed in 100mg of boiled mint for at least 15 days.
Parkinson’s disease and dementia - A tsp of Black Seed Oil with a cup of tea/coffee to be taken three times daily. Thymoquinone was shown to protect neurons against synapse damage, thus, it could be therapeutic in Parkinson’s disease and dementia.
Sexual Impotency Mix 200g of ground Black Seeds with Olive Oil & l00g of ground Frankincense & 50g of Black Seed Oil & 50g of olive oil & 200g of pure honey. Mix thoroughly and take a tablespoon after every meal.
Sleeping Disorder A tablespoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with honey in any hot drink in the evening.

Black Seed Oil for Dental Problems

To get relief from painful tooth and soreness, Black Seed Oil can be rubbed over the affected part. Continue the after 15 seconds. Dental problems such as premature fall of teeth, teeth weakening, bleeding from teeth, bad smell, etc. it is advisable to take the mix of Black Seed Oil (1/2 tsp) and 1 cup of curd twice a day.
Ulcers Roast the Black Seeds and mix them with oil of orrisroot, or the oil of henna plant, making an ointment that is applied over the festering rural ulcers. After washing treat with vinegar.
Drug addiction Black seed helps people recover from drug addiction. A study of 35 opiate addicts found black seed was an effective therapy in long-term treatment of drug  dependence.
Liver health It supports liver health. 
Obesity – Black seed oil gives satisfactory results. 
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)  
Post-surgical scar prevention

Black Seed Immunity Booster

The Black Seed is an excellent herb for maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. The
prophetic reference that the Black Seed cures all illnesses is not exaggerated as it at first appears. The Black Seed has been used for a variety of medical problems for several thousand years.
Dr. Qaadi started a series of researches in the United States and proved that the use of the Black Seed strengthens immunity since the ratio of the T assistant lymph cells increased by an average of 72% compared to the restraining cells. Also, there was a considerable development in the activity of natural killer cells with an average of 74%. 


The study, published in a famous African Journal of Medicine, tells the story of an HIV patient who went into complete remission after black seed treatment. The patient was treated with Nigella sativa for a period of six months, after which there was no detectable HIV virus or antibodies against HIV in his bloodstream. Further, the HIV stayed gone.

Black Seed cures Cancer 

Nigella sativa is an incredibly powerful and natural cancer cure. It is the best of the best and wipe out cancer cells very quickly in every type of cancer. There are literally tons and tons of information and in depth research results on the remarkable benefits of Nigella sativa on cancer. It seems to have a strong affiliation for colon, brain, bone, blood, cervical, prostate, breast and pancreatic cancers.  
In a recent study, at the Kimmel Cancer Centre, Jefferson were able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that black seed destroys pancreatic tumor cells at a rapid rate with an astonishing 80 percent success rate! Further research at South Carolina found that black seed increased the growth rate of bone marrow cells by an incredible 250 percent and it also inhibited the growth rate of all tumors by a minimum 50 percent!
Black seed works to fend off cancer through a variety of mechanisms:
1.     Anti-proliferation
2.     Apoptosis induction
3.     Cell cycle arrest
4.     Reactive oxygen species generation
5.     Anti-metastasis
6.     Anti-angiogenesis
Black cumin expert, Maria Hurairah recommends 3 tsps of oil a day or 2 tsps of oil  + 1 tsp of seed powder mixed with raw honey or freshly squeezed juice. It must be taken on an empty stomach one hour before a meal. You can increase the dosage after 2-3 weeks if desired. This is the basic plan, however, to thoroughly target cancer olive leaf, luffah leaves and energizing honey is also used along with healthy diet. 

ورد حديث في صحيح البخاري عن عائشة - رضي الله عنها - أنها قالت: قال رسول الله -
صلى الله عليه وسلم: " إن هذه الحبة السوداء شفاء من كل داء إلا السام، قلت: وما السام؟ قال الموت


Unknown said...

MY HIV DISEASE WAS CURED BY DR,A MAN CALLED dr eveoko, WITH HIS HERBAL HEALING SPELL/ All thanks to DR,eveoko for curing my HIV positive to Negative, i do not have much to say but with all my man i will for ever be grateful to him and God Almighty for using DR,eveok to reach me when i thought it is all over, today am happy with my two kids and my husband after the medical doctor have confirmed my HIV status Negative,i have never in my man believed that HIV could be cure by any herbal medicine. so i want to use this means to reach other persons who have this disease by testifying the wonderful herbs and power of .or call him whats app +2348022010422 ..GOD BLESS!

Anonymous said...

I am indeed very happy for my life; My name is Vargas cynthia maye, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past 5 years now; I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until last Month, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how DR. Ben helped someone in curing her HIV disease, quickly I copied his email which is ( spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in my life. if you are having a similar problems just email him on ( or simply whatsapp him on: +2348144631509.He can also cure disease like Cancer, Diabeties, Herpes. Etc. You can reach me on email:

maria cooker said...

I'm maria cooker , I contracted HIV in 2009, I was told by my doctor that there's no possible cure for HIV. I started taking my ARV's, My CD4 was 77 and viral load was 112,450. I saw a website of Dr. amadu, also I saw a lot of testimonials about him on how he uses herbal medicine to cure HIV. I contacted him and told him my problems, He sent me the herbal medicine and I took it for 7 days after then I went for check-up and I was cured. The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, there's no special diet when taking the medicine. He also cure ALS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES, DIABETES and lots more. You can reach him on or or call/Whatsapp +2349052645237.

Anonymous said...

its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about this wonderful thing that happened to me last week on how i got my HIV aids cured, i have been reading so-many post of some people who were cured of HIV, but i never believed them, I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try dr.okougbo then i contacted him on his email on dr.okougbo, when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out, its a great success that he healed just as he promised, he told me that in three days time that i should go and check on my HIV status, I was floored that when i went to the hospital to check of my status that i was HIV negative, i never thought possible that dr.okougbo can do miracles, i never really believed in magic but I played along with a little hope and and faith and after everything but dr okougbo changed my life and made me a true believer you can contact him on, or or can whtasapp him +2347039268061 so he can help you out

Blogger said...

3 Researches SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

The meaning of this is that you actually burn fat by eating coconut fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

These 3 studies from major medical journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!

Unknown said...

I am here to express my profound warm gratitude to the Natural Herbal Medicine, which i got from Dr Ebalewel,after 3 days of communication he sent some herbal medicines to me. I am now leaving a healthy life since the past 5 months after the completion of my Genital and Oral Herpes treatment with the Dr Ebalewel Natural Healing Medicine, i am now completely Herpes Free, after the application and usage of Dr Ebalewel Medicine. Currently the only cure for Herpes, Cancer,Diabetes and every other Human diseases is Dr Ebalewel Herbal Medicine. As i am A living witness of this great miracle, you can save more patient from pharmaceutical scandals by sharing or contacting this great Natural healer for the Medication
via email; ( also call him or Whatsapp on +2348110603048, Let Stop Herpes with Dr Ebalewel Herbal Medicine. Let`s save life by sharing this on all social network as God will bless you as you share this information that will give every Herpes patient’s a hope for a new Life. Thanks for your Time.

deanfneilsarah said...

Hello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr. okorom rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my husband also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog whereby Dr. okorom cured herpes, we (Me and My Husband) decided to contact him which we did, he asked us to buy some items, unfailingly we sent him the money he will need in buying the items required, He castes the spell and asked us to go for check-up after three days of casting the spell, Luckily for us we were tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you want to discuss with me on how he cured us, kindly email me on or you can contact the great Herbalist and a spell caster on or you can call him via his mobile phone number on +2348158168556'''

Unknown said...

Though i haven't meet DR. OBOITE but i have being hearing and seeing his wonderful deeds on people's life.. This made me contacted him because i was also diagnosed of getting HIV CURE, When i contacted Him, without wasting time, he started his Miraculous work in my Life, I am happy and Glad to say that i am now cured after using his herbal Medicine.. You can also reach him on his email: or reach him on his cell phone or add him to WhatsApp +2348070666383

He also special on curing










Amelida Sophia said...

I am very happy today to share this amazing testimony on how Dr. idahosa the herbal doctor was able to cure me from my HIV Virus with his herbal medicine. I have been a HIV patient for almost 8 months now and have tried different methods of treatment to ensure that I am cured of this terrible disease, but none worked for me, so I had to leave everything to God to handle as I was a Christian who had faith that one day God would intervene in my life, yet I felt so sad and desperate as I was losing almost everything due to my illness, A few months ago while I was surfing the internet I saw different recommendation about Dr idahosa on how he have been using his herbal Medicine to treat and cure people, these people advice we contact Dr. idahosa for any problem that would help immediately, I contacted Dr idahosa and I told him how I got his contact and also about my disease, after some time Dr. idahosa told me to have faith that he would prepare for me a medication of herbal herbs, he told me I would take this medicine for a few weeks and also asked my home for home address so as possible for him to submit the drug for me, so my good friends after all the process and everything Dr idahosa actually sent me the medicine, I took it as I was directed by Dr. idahosa, after a few weeks passed, while on Dr.idahosa medication I began to experience changes in my body, I had to call my doctor at the hospital for some blood test after test my hospital doctor told me that I was no longer with the Hiv virus and my blood is pretty good, I can not even believe this, Friends well today i am Hiv Free and i want everyone to know that there is a cure for Hiv for those who will contact Dr idahosa after reading my testimony, you can kindly contact Dr. idahosa in ( or call him +2348134261542, God bless you all ...

Anonymous said...

I've had HIV problem over 4 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the doctor. about a hundred times, and though about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was surfing the internet I found Dr. Eveoko contact number. I called him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Eveoko herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Eveoko and very happy with my hubby and family.his email or contact his hot line/whatsapp:+2348022010422 so any type of disease HIV/AIDS,CANCER, ALS, Hepatitis B, PCV.. HERPES, email me for more info

deanfneilsarah said...

Hello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr. okorom rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my husband also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog whereby Dr. okorom cured herpes items, unfailingly we sent him the money he will need in buying the items required, He castes the spell and asked us to go for check-up after three days of casting the spell, Luckily for us we herpes, we (Me and My Husband) decided to contact him which we did, he asked us to buy somre tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you want to discuss with me on how he cured us, kindly email me on or you can contact the great Herbalist and a spell caster on or you can call him via his mobile phone number on +2348158168556..,


Greetings to the general public,i want to inform the
public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called
ezomo.i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs
like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the
symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet
searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about
how Doctor ezomo cured them. when i cative. I
pray for you Dr ezomo God will give you everlasting life, you shall
not die before your time for being a sincere and great man. Am so happy,
you can also contact him if you have any problem Email: or contact me at for advice and cure the following

deanfneilsarah said...

Hello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr. okorom rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my husband also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog whereby Dr. okorom cured herpes items, unfailingly we sent him the money he will need in buying the items required, He castes the spell and asked us to go for check-up after three days of casting the spell, Luckily for us we herpes, we (Me and My Husband) decided to contact him which we did,

he asked us to buy some tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you want to discuss with me on how he cured us, kindly email me on or you can contact the great Herbalist and a spell caster on he is a very kind man and helpful,,,

mellisamoore said...

am melissa moore. I cannot believe this. I cannot believe that a man like Dr. ezomo is still in this earth. My beloved brothers and sister fathers and mothers you all need to hear this. I was infected with gentian herpes for more than 5years now. And right now one faithful day my spirit drag me to open the internet and I search and see this man and seeing this man I no is the Gods doing so I decide to talk with him about my problems and he told me he can help me at. At first I was doubting him because for 5years I have been in this situation and now you came from no where and said you will help me. Then I said let me give him a try he ask me to get some items for the process which I did and later he send me something which I take and use it. And told me to go and sleep and once I am wake the next morning I should go for checkup. Which really I did and it was negative. Please if you no you are in any kind of problem try and reach him true email: and receive your own 0r contact me at for more information

Anonymous said...

I have been using this black seed for 3 months now. So far, it has cured my HIV/AIDS, eliminated my insomnia, improved energy and metabolism, in the morning I feel recharged and I no longer feel sleepy after a meal. As for the scent, it does smell like motor oil 😂 but I chase it down with 100% Cranberry Juice 1tsp. twice a day AFTER a meal. I also experienced vivid dreams for about 5 days now it's diminishing to during the first 2 or 3 hours of sleep 😴 . contact : EMAIL.. or call/whatsapp +2348169340571

Peter james said...

i am Rose from UNITED STATES i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 12 years which made loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears and joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not en-devour to email or whatsapp Dr Tebe on +2348140544262 for healings Thanks

Anonymous said...

Natural herbs have cured so many illness that drugs and injection cant cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. i read people's testimonies online on how they were cured of herpes, hiv, diabetics etc by Dr. Ogba Kosu herbal medicine, so i decided to contact the doctor because i know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with hiv for the past 7 years but Dr. Ogba Kuso cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from herpes but to God be the glory, they were cured too .I know is hard to believe but am a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs. He is also a spell caster, he cast spell to restore broken marriages and he cast good luck spells to prosper and excel in life. Contact Dr. Ogba Kosu on:
Phone/Whatsap no: +2348137291215

Lawrence Margare said...

Am Margaret by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes for 3years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Sarah Deanfneil post on how Dr okorom saved her from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr okorom on his email address we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest woman on earth now. this testimony is real.thanks to Dr okorom God bless you.please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine. you can also reach him on his whatsApp number +393510460470

Michael Olly said...

I never thought i would be HIV negative again after been diagnosed in 2015, i have tried everything possible in life from one doctor to another, one hospital to another, series of tests, different kinds of medication, i had already lost hope until i meet Great Dr. OSAGIE online testimonies, a specialist in herbal medication from Africa, i contacted him ( OR
DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM) and he prepared HIV herbal medication for me which i took for 7days and now i am completely cured. i want to use this medium to express my gratitude to him for saving my life and curing me from HIV, for taking away all my pains and sorrows, I''m indeed grateful and i am so happy I''m now HIV negative. i will continue to tell the good news of your great works to everyone, if you have HIV or other disease contact him, Email: his email: ( OR
DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM ) or His Whatsapp number: +2347030465649...thank you He also have a herbal cure for Following DISEASES,this is 100% Real

peter james said...

i am Rose from UNITED STATES i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 12 years which made loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears and joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not en-devour to email or whatsapp Dr Tebe on +2348140544262 for healings Thanks

Tamara Barrow said...

Greetings to everyone reading this testimony, I am Katherine, i am here to testify of a great man who was able to cure me permanently from HIV Disease just with his herbal medicine,i have been HIV Positive for 5 years before i came across Dr voodoo Email on the internet on how he has been using his herbal medicine to treat and cure patients from different virus, so i contacted him and i explain to him concerning my problem, i followed up with the instructions he gave me and he urge me to have faith in his words that he was going to restore my health back, after some couple of days Dr voodoo sent me some medicine which he gave me prescription on how to take for 2 weeks, to make the long story short, I have been confirmed Negative from my recent test in the hospital, just within 2 weeks Dr voodoo was able to make me healthy and see reasons to live again, though science says there is no cure, i believe God has sent this great man to save people, you can all contact him for his medicine, he has presently been treating diseases like, HERPES,CANCER,BLOOD DISEASE,DIABETES,HIV,TYPHOID, and many others, you can contact this man on add him on whatsApp +2349061243458, God Bless you sire!

peter james said...

i am Rose from UNITED STATES i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 12 years which made loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears and joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not en-devour to email or whatsapp Dr Tebe on +2348140544262 for healings Thanks

Mary12 said...

Natural herbs have cured so many illness that drugs and injection cant cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. i read people's testimonies online on how they were cured of herpes, hiv, diabetics etc by Dr. Ogba Kosu herbal medicine, so i decided to contact the doctor because i know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with hiv for the past 7 years but Dr. Ogba Kuso cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husand to him immediately because they were both suffering from herpes but to God be the glory, they were cured too .I know is hard to believe but am a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs. He is also a spell caster, he cast spell to restore broken marriages and he cast good luck spells to prosper and excel in life. Contact Dr. Ogba Kosu on:
Phone/Whatsap no: +2348137291215

Tamara Barrow said...

Hello viewers I am glad to have met with the powerful herbal healer called Dr voodoo who use his herbs to cure my HIV disease I suffered from 15years, but now I am a happy woman and i am free from this sickness that has been problem to my living, after using Dr voodoo herbal medicine within 1week i was diagnose negative, I will recommend Dr voodoo to everyone reading this article because this herbal healer is capable to heal anything, the scientist said has no cure, Email him : or add Dr voodoo on whatsApp: +2349061243458

Anonymous said...

I never believed i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man dr.okorom and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Doctor Shapson assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my Dr to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email dr.okorom on :

peter james said...

i am Rose from UNITED STATES i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 12 years which made loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears and joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not en-devour to email or whatsapp Dr Tebe on +2348140544262 for healings Thanks

Tamara Barrow said...

My Name is Katherine, and am really grateful and thankful for what Dr voodoo has done for me and my family. I Was having HIV/AIDS for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and cause I was unable to work and I was also loosing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. he cured me of my diseases and am so happy and so pleased to Write about him today. if you need his help of you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, add Dr voodoo on whatsApp: +2349061243458 or just contact Dr voodoo via email,

Tamara Barrow said...

My Name is Katherine, and am really grateful and thankful for what Dr voodoo has done for me and my family. I Was having HIV/AIDS for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and cause I was unable to work and I was also loosing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. he cured me of my diseases and am so happy and so pleased to Write about him today. if you need his help of you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, add Dr voodoo on whatsApp: +2349061243458 or just contact Dr voodoo via email,

deanfneilsarah said...

Hello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr. okorom rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my husband also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog whereby Dr. okorom cured herpes items, unfailingly we sent him the money he will need in buying the items required, He castes the spell and asked us to go for check-up after three days of casting the spell, Luckily for us we herpes, we (Me and My Husband) decided to contact him which we did,
he asked us to buy some tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you want to discuss with me on how he cured us, kindly email me on or you can contact the great Herbalist and a spell caster on he is a very kind man and helpful
he cure the following

Tamara Barrow said...

My Name is Katherine, and am really grateful and thankful for what Dr voodoo has done for me and my family. I Was having HIV/AIDS for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and cause I was unable to work and I was also loosing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. he cured me of my diseases and am so happy and so pleased to Write about him today. if you need his help of you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, add Dr voodoo on whatsApp: +2349061243458 or just contact Dr voodoo via email,

Unknown said...

my name is Chandler from England, I want to thank Dr Mercy for helping me Getting Rid of my HIV VIRUS. I was Diagnosed of this Virus for 3 years but after the Usage of Dr Mercy Herbal Medicine, I was Cured and up till now, The Symptoms of the HIV Virus is completely Gone.. So anyone who wants to reach Dr Mercy should do that by emailing him or whatsApp call him +2349051208634.God we Bless You

peter james said...

i am Rose from UNITED STATES i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 12 years which made loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears and joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not en-devour to email or whatsapp Dr Tebe on +2348140544262 for healings Thanks

Anonymous said...

Finding out I was HERPES wasn’t easy But as time has passed, I have slowly come to terms with my HERPES, status and try to tackle it with a positive attitude. In mid-2012 I became quite ill. I developed persistent flu-like symptoms, headaches, a nagging cough and sores that wouldn’t heal. My skin felt as if it was crawling, my legs ached, I felt nauseous and lost weight. Then exhaustion hit. It was an indescribable tiredness and no matter how much I slept I never felt rested. In 2013 I was hospitalized when my CD4 count nosedived to 86 (Hepatitis B, Herpes-negative people have a CD4 count of between 700 and 1,000; a CD4 count of below 200 is considered dangerously low). It was a terrible time. There are lot to say about Dr ofemu but i can only mention few right now, this man is a very great, good and powerful Dr. ofemu, all thanks to him for given me a second chance, if you are out there passing through any problem, you can contact him today on his email via: (, contact his united state office on +12057193764 and i know that he will help you also.
Contact him for any kind of disease below like:
1 Cancer
2 Hiv
3 Hepatitis C
4 Barrenness
5 Herpes
6 Hpv
7 Gonorrheal
8 STI (sexually transmitted infection)
9 STD (sexually transmitted disease)
10 Stroke.
11 Fibroid
Contact Him for any kind of Disease Via ( or call/text +12057193764 contact my Africa branch on whatsapp or call +2348158836673

peter james said...

My name is Peter James From USA, Dr tebe is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr tebe, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that any one who contacted him is always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you,so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative,i am very amazed and happy about the healing DrTebe gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs But if you feel like contacting Dr tebe at once you can email him now for your own healing too at:( or email him on his other email for fast help ( add him on whatsapp +2348140544262 Thanks

peter james said...

Finding out I was GENITAL HERPES AND HEPATITIS B wasn’t easy But as time has passed, I have slowly come to terms with my GENITAL HERPES AND HEPATITIS B, status and try to tackle it with a positive attitude. In mid-2012 I became quite ill. I developed persistent flu-like symptoms, headaches, a nagging cough and sores that wouldn’t heal. My skin felt as if it was crawling, my legs ached, I felt nauseous and lost weight. Then exhaustion hit. It was an indescribable tiredness and no matter how much I slept I never felt rested. In 2013 I was hospitalized when my CD4 count nosedived to 86 (Hepatitis B, Herpes-negative people have a CD4 count of between 700 and 1,000; a CD4 count of below 200 is considered dangerously low). It was a terrible time. There are lot to say about Dr Tebe but i can only mention few right now, this man is a very great, good and powerful Dr. Tebe, all thanks to him for given me a second chance, if you are out there passing through any problem, you can contact him today on his email via: (, contact him on Whatsapp +2348140544262 and i know that he will help you also.
Contact him for any kind of disease below like:
1 Cancer
2 Hiv
3 Hepatitis C
4 Barrenness
5 Herpes
6 Hpv
7 Gonorrheal
8 STI (sexually transmitted infection)
9 STD (sexually transmitted disease)
10 Stroke.
11 Fibroid
Contact Him for any kind of Disease Via ( or whatsapp +2348140544262

peter james said...

i am Rose from UNITED STATES i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 12 years which made loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears and joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not en-devour to email or whatsapp Dr Tebe on +2348140544262 for healings Thanks

Tamara Barrow said...

this is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure ten years HIV in my body, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for is death because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man who is well know of HIV and cancer cure, i decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the HIV aids in my body, he prepare the herb for me, and give me instruction on how to take it, at the end of the two week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital was also negative, then i took my friend who was also HIV positive to the Dr voodoo after the treatment she was also confirm negative . He also have the herb to cure cancer please i want every one with this virus to be free, that is why am dropping his email address, i want you to email him he is a great man. the government is also interested in this Dr voodoo thank you for saving my life, and I promise I will always testify for your good work you can also add him on whatsApp +2349061243458

Rose tannis said...

My name is Peter James From USA, Dr tebe is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr tebe, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that any one who contacted him is always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you,so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative,i am very amazed and happy about the healing DrTebe gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs But if you feel like contacting Dr tebe at once you can email him now for your own healing too at:( or email him on his other email for fast help ( add him on whatsapp +2348140544262 Thanks

Rose tannis said...

My name is Peter James From USA, Dr tebe is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr tebe, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that any one who contacted him is always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you,so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative,i am very amazed and happy about the healing DrTebe gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs But if you feel like contacting Dr tebe at once you can email him now for your own healing too at:( or email him on his other email for fast help ( add him on whatsapp +2348140544262 Thanks

Anonymous said...

I'm From United states. Hello all viewer on-line HIV has a cure but doctor said HIV/Aids has no cure until i met Dr JOHN who help me to cure the HIV virus from my system. I was infected with HIV/AIDS in 2016, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how i can get a solution, so that my body can be okay. until this faithful day as i was browsing the net I saw a testimony on how Dr JOHN helped people in curing HIV Disease, quickly I copied his Email so i contacted him for solution for my HIV cure, Dr JOHN told me that his going to prepare herbal medicine for my health, then he prepared the medicine and sent it to me through DHL courier to my house address i gave to him and luckily after a month of taking it my HIV was cured. Dr JOHN is well recognize across the global as one of the best herbalist doctor in Africa, you don’t have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure have already be found by Dr JOHN Herbal medicine, He also cure HERPES,CANCER, ALS,HEPATITIS B, DIABETIC ,call/WhatsApp his Mobile number: +2347064365391 or Email him on:

Anonymous said...

I'm From United states. Hello all viewer on-line HIV has a cure but doctor said HIV/Aids has no cure until i met Dr JOHN who help me to cure the HIV virus from my system. I was infected with HIV/AIDS in 2016, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how i can get a solution, so that my body can be okay. until this faithful day as i was browsing the net I saw a testimony on how Dr JOHN helped people in curing HIV Disease, quickly I copied his Email so i contacted him for solution for my HIV cure, Dr JOHN told me that his going to prepare herbal medicine for my health, then he prepared the medicine and sent it to me through DHL courier to my house address i gave to him and luckily after a month of taking it my HIV was cured. Dr JOHN is well recognize across the global as one of the best herbalist doctor in Africa, you don’t have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure have already be found by Dr JOHN Herbal medicine, He also cure HERPES,CANCER, ALS,HEPATITIS B, DIABETIC ,call/WhatsApp his Mobile number: +2347064365391 or Email him on:

Anonymous said...

I'm From United states. Hello all viewer on-line HIV has a cure but doctor said HIV/Aids has no cure until i met Dr JOHN who help me to cure the HIV virus from my system. I was infected with HIV/AIDS in 2016, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how i can get a solution, so that my body can be okay. until this faithful day as i was browsing the net I saw a testimony on how Dr JOHN helped people in curing HIV Disease, quickly I copied his Email so i contacted him for solution for my HIV cure, Dr JOHN told me that his going to prepare herbal medicine for my health, then he prepared the medicine and sent it to me through DHL courier to my house address i gave to him and luckily after a month of taking it my HIV was cured. Dr JOHN is well recognize across the global as one of the best herbalist doctor in Africa, you don’t have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure have already be found by Dr JOHN Herbal medicine, He also cure HERPES,CANCER, ALS,HEPATITIS B, DIABETIC ,call/WhatsApp his Mobile number: +2347064365391 or Email him on:

Anonymous said...

God bless Dr. Egbesu for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES.out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Egbesu, how he cured HERPES/HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HERPES/HIV,thank you Dr Egbesu ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
Dr Egbesu cure the flowing virus, contact or add him on whatsapp +2348158836673 contact his united state office on call/text +12057193764
1 cancer cure
2 diabetes cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 warts cure
6 HPV cure
7 Hiv
8 get your ex back
9 pregnancy herbal medicine
10 prostate enlargement
11 Hepatitis B

Rose tannis said...

My name is Peter James From USA, Dr tebe is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr tebe, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that any one who contacted him is always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you,so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative,i am very amazed and happy about the healing DrTebe gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs But if you feel like contacting Dr tebe at once you can email him now for your own healing too at:( or email him on his other email for fast help ( add him on whatsapp +2348140544262 Thanks

Rose tannis said...

i am Rose from UNITED STATES i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 12 years which made loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears and joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not en-devour to email or whatsapp Dr Tebe on +2348140544262 for healings Thanks

Tamara Barrow said...


My mouth is short of words, i am so happy because Dr voodoo has healed me from HIV ailment which i have been suffering from the past 5years now, i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in life to always i can become HIV negative one day, but there was no answer until i found Dr voodoo the parish of African who provide me some healing spell that he uses to help me, now i am glad telling everyone that i am now HIV Negative, i am very happy, thank you Dr voodoo for helping my life comes back newly without any form of crisis, may the good lord that i serve blessed you Dr voodoo and equip you to the higher grade for healing my life. i am so amazed. so i will announced to everyone in this whole world that is HIV positive to please follow my advice and get healed on time, because we all knows that HIV disease is a deadly type,contact Dr voodoo for your HIV healing spell today at: He will be always happy to assist you online and ensure you get healed on time, contact Dr voodoo today for your healing spell immediately, you can also add him on whatsApp +2349061243458 thank you sir.

Dr Ogudugu Solution Temple said...

Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will be cured from HERPES virus again. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HERPES) for the past 3 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Ogudugu helped someone in curing his HERPES disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. If you are having a similar problem just email him on ( ) or you can whatsApp his mobile number on +27663492930

Dr Ogudugu Solution Temple said...

I have been casting spells for many years and I have helped many people, I might be able to help you too. I am honest, and I genuinely care for all the clients who choose me to cast a spell for them.

If you have any questions about Love, Money, curse, protection, bad luck, divorce, court cases, or about me please call or email me. I really want you to feel comfortable before moving forward with any spells, or other services. I will take the time to explain things to you and provide you with honest advice, to what is best for your situation. I will not pressure you into having a spell cast, I will leave that decision up to you, and when or if you decide to move forward, I might be able to help you.
I will respect your Privacy. I will not seek to obtain any of your personal information beyond what you might voluntarily offer and all information you might give me including emails, phone numbers and photos will remain private and confidential.
I perform my Rituals only at night between the hours of 0.00 - 0.59 (South African time) lasting 1 hour but of course, this depends on the nature of the ritual, some rituals might take hours and can also become necessary to be performed at specials places like; flowing streams, cemeteries and other places dictated by the gods.
I do not want anyone to be under any illusions about my spells and its numerous rituals. Real and effective Voodoo is no child's play, it is expensive because, after the rituals, I will have to destroy all the materials involved by fire and the ashes scattered over a flowing stream or river.
You will get what you seek.But please understand this might take a lot of time and that individual results may vary. contact +27663492930,

Herbal cure for Following DISEASES,this is not scam is 100% Real.

-DIARRHEA and so on...

Alfreed Siang said...

Hello everyone,my name is ALFREED SIANG i am here to say a big thank you to my doctor DR OLU who helped me enlarge my penis.i have never had a happy relationship in my life because of my inability to perform well due to my small penis, due to frustration,i went online in search of solution to ending my predicament and than i came across testimony on how DR OLU has helped them, so i contacted him and he promised to help me with penis enlargement,i doubted at first but i gave him a trial and he sent me the product which i used according to his prescription and in less than a week,i saw changes in my penis and it grow to the size i wanted and since then,i am now a happy man and no lady complains again about my penis.if you also need the services of my doctor,you can also contact him on his or his whataspp is +2348140654426

Tamara Barrow said...


My mouth is short of words, i am so happy because Dr voodoo has healed me from HIV ailment which i have been suffering from the past 5years now, i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in life to always i can become HIV negative one day, but there was no answer until i found Dr voodoo the parish of African who provide me some healing spell that he uses to help me, now i am glad telling everyone that i am now HIV Negative, i am very happy, thank you Dr voodoo for helping my life comes back newly without any form of crisis, may the good lord that i serve blessed you Dr voodoo and equip you to the higher grade for healing my life. i am so amazed. so i will announced to everyone in this whole world that is HIV positive to please follow my advice and get healed on time, because we all knows that HIV disease is a deadly type,contact Dr voodoo for your HIV healing spell today at: He will be always happy to assist you online and ensure you get healed on time, contact Dr voodoo today for your healing spell immediately, you can also add him on whatsApp +2349061243458 thank you sir.

Boante Ray said...

I am here to give my testimony about chief dr lucky who helped me in my life, i want to inform the public how i was cured from herpes simplex virus by chief dr lucky,i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on herpes and i saw comment of people talking about how chief dr lucky cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my herpes result came out negative. I pray for you chief dr lucky am cured you can also get your self cured my friends if you really need my doctor help, you can reach him now.
Call or What's App +2348132777335
Website :

Anonymous said...

I know this could be disrespectful but i would still share my testimony with you all whom would also need same help, i got married to my wife 3 years ago until i came across DR AZIBA we could not have a child because my Penis was too small to perform and could not erect, this almost cost me my marriage, i wept in close door, no help coming , so i went online for a helpful research and i came across a review written about DR. AZIBA who prepares PENIS ENLARGEMENT PRODUCT and his contact details were also written on how he prepares root and vegetables natural product to help grow penis , so i applied and he send it to my address and instruct me on how to use, within the period of (7days) my penis is already growing from 3:5 to 6:5 and DR made it known to me that i can stop when am satisfied with the result, my dear friends this is worth celebrating and sharing with my fellow men same goes to women who needs this for there man, i will write down his contact details so you all can contact the DR AZIBA as well.

WhatsApp: +2348100368288


Some other solution you need Dr Aziba help you get cured.



Dr via Email:
WhatsApp : +2348100368288

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Mary Morgan said...

I Never believed i was ever going to be HSV FREE again, DR.Ehiaguna has given me reasons to be happy, i was HSV positive for 2 years and all the means and medicine i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR.Ehiaguna on how he was able to cure someone from HSV 2, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that DR.Ehiaguna can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR.Ehiahuna , i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HSV NEGATIVE, friends you can reach DR.Ehiaguna on any treatment of any Disease cos i saw many testimony of different disease like, HEPATITIS,HIV AIDS,EPILEPSY, CANCER,CFS he is the one only one i can show you all up to, reach him on or whatsApp him now +2348073908953. quick contact him for help and you can just quickly drop your number on your first mail as i did for easily conversation

Mary Morgan said...

I Never believed i was ever going to be HSV FREE again, DR.Ehiaguna has given me reasons to be happy, i was HSV positive for 2 years and all the means and medicine i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR.Ehiaguna on how he was able to cure someone from HSV 2, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that DR.Ehiaguna can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR.Ehiahuna , i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HSV NEGATIVE, friends you can reach DR.Ehiaguna on any treatment of any Disease cos i saw many testimony of different disease like, HEPATITIS,HIV AIDS,EPILEPSY, CANCER,CFS he is the one only one i can show you all up to, reach him on or whatsApp him now +2348073908953. quick contact him for help and you can just quickly drop your number on your first mail as i did for easily conversation

Becky Lynch said...

Good evening to you all I want to write a shortly message to the world how doctor ehiaguna help with his great herbal medicine to cured me from this horrible virus HSV 1 and 2 I get his email from someone name Olivia mason how she was also cured by doctor ehiaguna I never believe there was cure until I meet her testimony, I contacted doctor ehiaguna I don’t believe there was cure well I am so happy to write this testimony to the world, this man immediately when I sent him email and this man response within 20 minus and give me the necessary process and the herbal was sent to within 4 day I took it according to the instruction so with 2 week I was completely cured and I get my test done I was confirm negative I am so happy if you want to get his contact you can message him with this email or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953 he can fix this.HIV.HEPATITIS.ANTHRAX.HPV.CANCER.ALSAND ALSO SOLVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEM


I never thought that there will be a miracle on the internet until i came in contact with Priest Babaka, finally i made it with his help, with his spiritual power which was recommended by a lady in baby center he help before, i never believe it was real until i confirm it now because i have tried so many things to make sure i get pregnant but no luck, immediately i contact him. he did some spiritual prayers and send me a medicine which i took, i got pregnant three weeks after, and i now have a son to show. thank you so much priest and i recommend Priest Babaka for everyone out there that is willing to have a child of her own out there. contact him for help too he is real and powerful, i have confirmed it, contact him on email: or Facebook at priest.babaka

I never thought that there will be a miracle on the internet until i came in contact with Priest Babaka, finally i made it with his help, with his spiritual power which was recommended by a lady in baby center he help before, i never believe it was real until i confirm it now because i have tried so many things to make sure i get pregnant but no luck, immediately i contact him. he did some spiritual prayers and send me a medicine which i took, i got pregnant three weeks after, and i now have a son to show. thank you so much priest and i recommend Priest Babaka for everyone out there that is willing to have a child of her own out there. contact him for help too he is real and powerful, i have confirmed it, contact him on email: or Facebook at priest.babaka

margret said...

I can't believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all herpes patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for Herpes,i saw people's testimony on blog sites of how @dr_ahonsi prepare herbal cure and brought sick people back to life again. i had to try it too and you can't believe that in just few weeks i started using it, all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the herpes DRUGS the doctors gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain,delay in treatment leads to death. My dear, Even the government are interested in this man, his remedies are one of a kind,,kindly contact him now on email:( you shall meet up with your demands. I pray

Tamara Barrow said...

I was diagnosed of herpes 3 years, and ever since then i have been taking treatment to prevent outbreaks, burning and blisters, but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr. VOODOO on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according to his instructions for up to 2 weeks. After completing the medication i went back to my doctor for another test and the virus was all gone and i was completely cured, since then i have not had any signs of outbreak. I'm so filled with joy. With herbal medication Herpes Virus is 100% curable. I refer Dr VOODOO to everyone out there with the virus Email: Add Dr voodoo on whatsApp +2348140120719

Anthonio Charley Croch said...

It’s obvious some patients with HIV are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus since 2014. I was introduced by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of Genital Herpes after using Doc Olori Native Cure . This is a year and 2 weeks since I was delivered from HIV. All thanks to God for using this Great and sincere herbalist to heal me. I have promised to keep telling good things about him. Please feel free to share Your problems with him . Thanks. Write him on whats-app {+234811049248} handout at Native Cure.

Lynne Wilson said...

Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption. Dr Afrid Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpes,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Copd,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on or visit his website even talked on whatsapps +2349057260738 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Afrid a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases please do contact him he's a nice man.

Tamara Barrow said...

I want to share this great testimony to the world on how Dr VOODOO cure me from HSV1&2 with his herbs, I was nervous when i first contact him about the cure for HSV but i decided to give him a try because i was desperate to get cured and be free from HSV. Dr VOODOO prepared the remedy and sent it to me through UPS,which I use just the way Dr VOODOO instructed me and thank God today I am a beneficiary to this cure and I went back to the hospital after 7 days of taking the herbs and I tested HSV1&2 Negative. So I will tell you all who are looking for a cure to his/her HSV1&2 that Dr VOODOO took research before he could finally get the solution to it and a lot of people are benefiting from him right now. He also cured my friend from HPV. Dr VOODOO heals with natural herbs. Please I urge you to contact him now through his email address: or call and WhatsApp him on +2348140120719. He is capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, CANCER of all kinds, DIABETES and so many other infections.

Tamara Barrow said...

The doctors said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure Email DR. VOODOO at Add Dr voodoo on whatsApp +2348140120719

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