Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sheila Glad, a new member of our FB group Budwig Protocol gives this awesome comment ...

Sheila Glad, a new member of our FB group Budwig Protocol gives this awesome comment ....

Hey everyone. It will be almost 4 weeks this coming Monday since my mother started Budwig. She was at her primary doctor yesterday, Thursday, and he spoke with her about a living will and basically last wishes. He also told her how her bloodwork from last month was not so good. Everything such as calcium, potassium, magnesium was so low. She was a bit sad to say the least. She told him she was eating differently, juicing, and changing her lifestyle. Doctor said that's good and to continue. It cannot hurt anything. They drew more blood though and said they will monitor her progress monthly.
This Friday morning she received a call from his office. They told her everything was back to normal. Keep in mind, this wasn't a full bloodwork panel, just the metabolic one that includes sodium and the other things I mentioned above. Just wanted to share some positive news and encourage others to keep doing the Budwig protocol/diet.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

कैंसर का बडविग उपचार कैंप और सेमीनार - स्वास्थ्य-सेतु उदयपुर 26-27 अगस्त, 2017

प्रेस –विज्ञप्ति 

दिनांक: 25 अगस्त 2017
कैंसर का बडविग उपचार

इंडिया के जाने-माने शोधकर्ता डॉ ओ.पी.वर्मा ने कैंसर पर विजय के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा हेतू उदयपुर 26 अगस्त को आ रहे हैl डॉ वर्मा जर्मन डॉ बडविज आहार पद्धत्ति से इलाज करते है जिससे 90% रोगी ठीक हो जाते हैl जर्मनी के डॉ. ओटो वारबर्ग ने कैंसर के कारण की पहचान कर ली थी। उन्हें इस खोज के लिए वर्ष 1931 नोबल पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया था। इस ईलाज को पूर्णता तक पहुचाने के लिए डॉ बडविज सात बार नोबेल पुरुस्कार के लिए नामांकित हुई थीl डॉ वर्मा दो दिन तक रोगियों को स्वास्थ्य सेतु में देखेंगेl

बडविग आहार का सबसे मुख्य व्जंजन सूर्य की अपार ऊर्जा और इलेक्ट्रॉन्स से भरपूर ओमखंड है जो अलसी के कोल्ड-प्रेस्ड तेल और लो-फैट पनीर को ब्लेंड करके बनाया जाता है। बडविग उपचार पद्धति से कैंसरमुक्त भारत बनाने का सपना सच किया जा सकता है।

स्वास्थ्य-सेतु, एफ -४०, सेक्टर में उनकी वार्ता ‘कैंसर का बचाव ही उपचार है’ रविवार प्रातः 9.३० बजे रखी गई हैl सभी के लिए प्रवेश निशुल्क हैl रोगी 9828056166पर सम्पर्क करेंl

श्री जयन्ती जैन
रिटायर्ड कमिश्नर सैल्स टेक्स
संस्थापक स्वास्थ्य सेतु

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Maya (Manju) Dwajan

Are We willing to Receive???!! Surprised?..... We wall up so much that even if the help is right in front, we fail to recognize and ASK.
Two weeks ago, was traveling from Mumbai to Surat... All the hustle bustle of everyone getting in, adjusting the luggages happened. I overheard the conversation of making and sending some oils and medicine, before the person got off the train. Once the train started and we were on our way... I asked this gentleman.. What he did and what was the medicines all about??? And that opened a treasure chest for me.
I have been in a phase , where my body kicked up fantastic intensities, nothing seemed to be working. Though I could create Magic for others... my own body was resistant and throwing tantrums. I withdrew from everything... All professional activities... All Energy work !
The gentleman's name is Dr. O P Verma, he specializes in Cancer Cure through Budwig protocol. (NO I DON'T have cancer.. lest everyone jumps in to conclusions). He was so gracious... He sent me the books, many reading material on FLAXSEED and also put me on to the source where I can get the right material. It's been few days since I have started... I can see the difference in my body
Sharing his book and a snap shot of the you tube. Gratitude to you Dr Verma and Mohit Ji .. You were literally God sent.
If you are Open to Receiving... If you Believe in Magic and Miracles.... It can happen anytime... Anywhere

Friends, She is Maya (Manju) Dwajan... I met her recently when I was travelling from Mumbai to Kota. I am proud that such an angle is my friend. She is a spiritual person. She is a Yoga expert, a Saint, a Healer, a Teacher and a motivator. She is self-employed and works for Access Consciousness and Founder of EVOLVE. She also worked in Appolo Hospital and CDR Hospitals, Hyderabad. Big hands for her. Dr O P Verma

मैं गेहूं हूँ

लेखक डॉ. ओ.पी.वर्मा    मैं किसी पहचान का नहीं हूं मोहताज  मेरा नाम गेहूँ है, मैं भोजन का हूँ सरताज  अडानी, अंबानी को रखता हूँ मुट्ठी में  टा...