Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Lady Flaxseed

The Lady Flaxseed 

When talking about the "Flaxseed Lady" from Freudenstadt, then one speaks about one or the other superlatives. Multiple nominations for the Nobel Prize, author of many books and countless scholarly works, hated by your enemies and loved by thousands of patients who owe their therapy her life.
As a certified pharmacist, qualified chemist with a doctorate in chemistry and physics, which later also that medicine began to studeiren, she was top consultant for drugs and fats at the Federal Institute for Lipid Research. Already in 1949 she published jointly with Prof. Kaufmann: "New Ways of fat analysis", whereby the application of Papierchromotographie was born on the Fettgebeit so to speak. In 1952 she wrote then in the work: "The biology of fats V. The Papierchromotographie of blood lipids, tumor problem, and Lipid Research," that it must be regarded as proved that the highly unsaturated fatty acids constitute the decisive this factor in the function of Atemfermente, so the two . Pair Ling, the Nobel laureate Otto Warburg could not find. What seems so insignificant for laymen, in reality, was perhaps one of the biggest breakthroughs in medicine. 
Only now it was known that the highly unsaturated fatty acid constituted the decisive factor in achieving the desired effect of respiratory arousal. In combination with sulfur protein, it plays a, if not the decisive role much more as the bridge formation between fat and protein in the oxygen uptake AND recovery, with all growth processes in the formation of blood. 
Based on this theory could not only Dr. Budwig help many cancer patients by reaching through the development of their oil-protein diet that cancer cells are able to bring them back to "breathe", but other doctors such as Dr. Dan C. Roehm from Florida or Dr. Robert E. Willner from Miami. On the following pages we have compiled once, now what's so unique about this therapy. 
Dr. Jan Roehm wrote in 1990 in an article about that, although very skeptical, in the meantime it was convinced that cancer is curable by the oil-protein diet. We should never forget that we are all heliotrope and light with its electrons (photons) need. The human tissue is unique in that it is able to accurately record these electrons and releasing it again as needed. The absorption takes place via the so-called resonance, which means that oscillate in the same bandwidth as the fabric must our incoming rays. You can compare which one must adjust this with the antenna of a television. 
Yet for this to happen, our cells need certain unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid or linolenic acid. Together with sulfur-containing proteins, these fatty acids form a compound whose dipolarity and inherent resonance allows the human body to absorb electrons to store and dispense as needed. 
these "force" it is what ensures that we "live" and controls all vital functions as our PH levels, and protein synthesis, etc. By the end of the twenties, the Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg discovered how important this dipolarity already in the beginning of human life. It is also interesting the fact that he found out that the oxygen uptake of a fertilized egg by 2200%! increases. 
Yet let us do the work of Otto Warburg quite look right from the start. Warburgversuchte the fallow in cancer cells cellular respiration to stimulate again by experimenting with butyric acid. But this was wrong because they had at this time no detailed knowledge of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The honor of having found a factor that is able to bring oxygen back into the anaerobic living cancer cells, due to the scientist Dr. Johanna Budwig. 
She published the first of these important findings, even if years later Nobel Prize winner as the famous vitamin Pope Linus C. Pauling and Albert Szent-György, pretending they did not know this work. Dr. Budwig sees the human body as an antenna that is able to receive this vital and healing electrons when the two antennas called sulfhydryl and unsaturated fatty acids "are set correctly." 
In the sulfhydryl group they are with cysteine ​​or methionine, for example, found in dairy products, on the safe side and in the fatty acids of the linoleic and linolenic acid. But be careful. The real "secret" is out, however, to know where these fatty acids also really still be intact. In margarine are theoretically large amounts of linoleic acid. But these are the "trans-form" and not in the "cis" form before. In the trans form, the atoms are opposite to each other and not parallel to each other as in the cis form. 
This "little difference" of course is not on the lid of the margarine or on the cover of sunflower oil that you can buy anywhere. The problem with the trans form, however, is that no electron absorption can take place and thus a vicious cycle begins. 
How are we so sick? By too much of this "electron robbers" or in other words, by taking food and poisons to us which block cell respiration. Electrons are known predators such as margarine, animal fat, butter, nitrates, radiation and cytostatica (chemotherapy). They all prevent the absorption of electrons. Interestingly, this includes (from certain amounts) antioxidants such as vitamins. So be careful when they use high-dose vitamins. Incidentally, this also knew Prof. Linus Pauling, who requested the work of Dr. Budwig in person at your. 
If you've read the last sentences carefully, then why the work of Dr. Budwig under all circumstances not understand easily, the "masses" should be made ​​available. Entire industries would have to retool your production and people probably would not buy most of the goods offered in supermarkets. * The margarine industry could no longer delude ourselves that the unsaturated fatty acids are essential in their products or no net like compounds in their carbon members of the fatty acids and thus have no man would eat more margarine. * Saturated fats and unsaturated fats wrong, as they occur in almost every candy in the world and in most baked goods in products such as sauces should be withdrawn from the market or the production of these products would to be changed so that a production with real high unsaturated fats would be possible. * Denatured goods that the largest share of the goods constitute in any supermarket on the shelves, would no longer be produced because it nobody wants to buy more or buy from law because may . * The current status quo of political party funding should be eliminated. No government could more hinstehen and say that she is interested in the health of the people and at the same time allow disease-causing fats. , you can calculate very quickly even certainly, that we're not talking in the millions, but billions, and that we of a health talk-revolution, which would be unique in the history of mankind. But we ourselves would consider us again in the mirror, because we are not already become so comfortable that we are all too happy to believe the lies of advertising. We take no more time to review the statements and uncomfortable instead we hope that everything will not even be that bad, until one day ........ Many people first of all have a problem with that " Diet "to cure Kebs, where it" has scientifically proven "that there is no cancer diet. excerpt from the book: Cancer - the problem and the solution will not actually get Do all human cancer who eat these oils? There is very important that the person is seen as a body, soul and spirit. Which factor is primarily effective at the moment can be very different. I'm still convinced that if a woman has a very bad marriage relationship, must endure day after day oppression and taunts of her husband, then I can not help you with quark-flax oil. All three factors together are the human. A further example.In November it is very cold here. Suppose that several people have to spend a night outdoors. Then one takes a warm bath and everything is OK Another gets by lymphoma and another pneumonia. Not everyone suffering equally. The survival function of the human always plays a very important role. Or even a different case. I have a patient with lung metastases from Ulm doctor came along with it. I advise them, first the diet and then oil wrap with Eldi oils to quickly resolve the metastasis, the patient was rubbed with oils all over the body, but of course the whole person must be considered in the design of nutrition and environment. This patient knew that she was abandoned. I built the diet into different stages. Now the patient lives in Ulm and always goes to yoga. I have banned her yoga in this case and their Autogenic training recommended in order to calm her body and her body is balanced and calm. Sometimes yoga and sport is very important, but sometimes the patient should not do this. These guide the patient is very important. There is no equal treatment for everyone. The patient must also feel themselves what is good for him. At these words, you can easily see that the oil-protein diet may be only part of the therapy, according to the motto: There is no cure-all cancer diet - but all cancer therapies are nothing without our diets. Budwig 2000 , there are now over 40 years since Dr. Johanna Budwig successfully treated cancer patients. I write the word successfully deliberately because I thought intensively with this therapy, and Dr. Budwig was so nice and has provided me many letters of thanks from patients, proving that their therapy is not just a theoretical construct, but practical to implement. confirm this again and again other doctors around the world who use their therapy. And if they 'engagement with non-conventional cancer therapies, then you know that the use of oil-protein diet throughout the world in other successful therapies such as Gerson therapy, the Stockholm protocol or the Metabolic Assessment Program by Dr. Taylor is integrated.Also, the therapist after the 10 points program or procedure by Dr. Seeger RBTI Therapy by Dr. Reams, know the importance of this therapy. Thus it is all astonishing, at least theoretically, that not all oncologists deal with this simple therapy although the accuracy of the therapy in vitro and in vivo can be detected. I would not go back to the tricky political and industrial situation that contributes to that successful therapies generally have little chance to prevail in medicine, but encourage them not to let prejudices are simply the future. So when they hear the next time the oncologist once again that the Budwig therapy is quackery that has never healed a sick Gerson cancer therapy and Dr. Contreras praying with his patients, rather than to treat them "right", then ask them your oncologist if he was as ever in these hospitals and in these therapists and talked there with the patient. Only then is it possible that there are treatments such as those of Dr. Budwig also in the next millennium. It is up to each of us for this to make a contribution. Only when we begin to question basically ALL cancer therapies, we are able to explore, which cancer therapies are really successful. We can no longer rely on the study A or B because we do not know who made ​​this study why and in what order. Wherever we have made ​​the "scientific" double blind studies, we know this by now.The increasing number of cancer deaths unfortunately it proves to us daily. Let us begin to question the modern science and their Beurteilunsgkriterien again and much stricter than before. How is that possible? Very simple. We just have to go back to what science in the strict sense means, that the finding of facts. Cancer patients have long been fed up with assumptions in the form of studies that will be affected by the struggle for a Nobel Prize and money. built is the scientific way wide with space for everyone. There is no reason anyone from this path to come across, be it conventional medicine or healers. According to Brockhaus Encyclopedia Science begins with the collection, sorting and describing a material. Then the resulting hypotheses need to be confirmed or replaced by new ones. Dr. Budwig has gone exactly this way. She has her brilliant knowledge focussiert to a point, proved the hypothesis and packed the whole thing into a system. To this day, no one came about to include proved that something is wrong with the oil-protein diet. course, there are plenty of professors who testify as an expert witness in court and try to portray Dr. Budwig as a quack. But at least when it comes to the scientific aspects of therapy, fail all these experts and then try the person Johanna Budwig attack rather than their therapy. Rarely is a theoretical structure of practice were as perfect as evidenced in the oil-protein diet . So we let a proven therapy for over 40 years, not so easy to destroy, just because a now 90-year old scientist never received the support they need and because financial interests of a few people speak against the spread of this therapy. Yet not only for cancer would be a rethinking of the generality important and urgently needed. Especially when No. 1 killer, heart disease, the interaction between fat and protein plays an extremely important role. Jade Beutler has studied and described how the oil-protein diet would be applicable to the problem heart disease and the theories of Dr. Budwig many years ago from the U.S.. cardiac disease and essential fatty acids , it is only 80 years ago that Paul Dudley White introduced the ECG from Germany to America. His staff told him then that the device would not be very valuable because there is so little heart disease in America. 30 years later, the statistics were so quickly skyrocketed, so that the device was very useful for diagnosis. There have been many attempts to explain this increase. One of the most common explanations was that this was mainly due to the escalation of food manufacturing processes. The result of this was a diet rafinierten products that had no resemblance to what nature blazes once. Although there is abundant evidence of how this type of diet is unhealthy, this does not seem to arrive, however, against the desire to rafinierter food. Our body is designed to feature a food with enzymes and fiber and is not prepared for a dead and chemically altered food. Despite the relatively constant amount of added saturated fats undertaken at this time, you wrote it exclusively to these fats that the mortality rate increased so dramatically. However, we will soon see, that saturated fats play a much smaller role than previously thought. , the pioneering work of Dr. Johanna Budwig, we have to thank for that little light came into this thing. She was one of the first to recognize the adverse effects of essential fatty acids processed. The two essential fatty acids are linoleic acid (omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid called (omega-6 fatty acid). They belong to a group of 50 nutrients that are essential for our life. these nutrients we need to include in our diets and can not be manufactured by the body itself. A deficit of these two fatty acids influences our fat metabolism. Essential fats belong to the class of unsaturated fatty acids. This class is very sensitive to heat, light and air. During the processing of these oils but these are exposed to exactly these "opponents". In scientific terms - the unsaturated bonds are saturated. These processes in the processing rob the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 their properties and turn them absolutely saturated, altered fats (hydrogenated trans isomers). Dr.Budwig found out that we are deficient in these essential fatty acids. The intake of processed products such as margarine make the problem worse in that it replaces the need fats in our metabolic system. This trend is unfortunately still going on. Dr. Budwig writes not only heart disease such circumstances, but also the incidence of cancer, stroke, and other ailments of our time. This has been thoroughly analyzed and a leading researcher, Dr. Ronald Rudin, found that at least 80% of all Americans do not eat enough of these essential fatty acids. The significance in relation to heart disease is even greater. Saturated and processed fat promotes the clumping tendency of the blood or a thicker, thus causing a higher blood pressure and strain on the work of the heart. This clumping promotes atherosclerosis on our walls of the arteries. Thus, the transport of oxygen is reduced to our heart muscle and causes angina and heart attacks. Also, prostaglandins, hormone-like substances are formed by the essential fatty acids. An important function of prostaglandins as their effect on our muscle tone. Any disorder caused by a lack of intake of essential fatty acids, resulting in muscle spasms. To do anything to complicate the whole, processed fat has been proven in many Stduien that the bad LDL cholesterol and Trigylzeride increased while simultaneously reducing the good HDL. All the above abnormalities verurachen the increase of the thickness of the liquid blood or the reduced volume of the vessels. Thus the work of the heart muscle is difficult and can lead to an enlarged right ventricle (cor pulmonale). Unlike processed or saturated fats, the essential fatty acids have been scientifically proven that they reduce clumping, improve the flow of saturated fatty acids in the blood or reduce the attachment derselbigen on the artery walls. At the same time, the thickening of the blood decreases and reduces the workload on the heart. Should preferably be omega 3 - and omega take 6 fatty acids in the form of flaxseed oil to be, so a balance of prostaglandins is secured and thus the contraction and relaxation of the arteries. Scientific studies also have a normalization of blood fat in people with too high a mirror determined by substitution with essential fatty acids.Furthermore, it was demonstrated that lowering the LDL levels and triglycerides and increase HDL levels. Essential fatty acids also excellent transport oxygen in the hemoglobin to each of our trillions of cells. A reduction of oxygen (hypoxia) or a total loss (anoxia) to the heart muscle with resulting tissue death is called a myocardial infarction (heart attack). We should not forget that our heart is an electrically operated organ. You can prove this with the ECG already mentioned. Without electrical pulses our heart will stop beating. Unedited, essential fatty acids carry an electrical signal to the electron cloud. Dr. Budwig points out that this bio-electronic Dynamo all life functions improved, including the electrical line and the force of contraction of the heart muscle. Source: Copyright © by Sensei-Verlag, courtesy these oils eat? It is very important that the person is seen as a body, soul and spirit. Which factor is primarily effective at the moment can be very different. I'm still convinced that if a woman has a very bad marriage relationship, must endure day after day oppression and taunts of her husband, then I can not help you with quark-flax oil. All three factors together are the human. A further example. In November it is very cold here. Suppose that several people have to spend a night outdoors. Then one takes a warm bath and everything is OK Another gets by lymphoma and another pneumonia. Not everyone suffering equally. The survival function of the human always plays a very important role. Or even a different case. I have a patient with lung metastases from Ulm doctor came along with it. I advise them, first the diet and then oil wrap with Eldi oils to quickly resolve the metastasis, the patient was rubbed with oils all over the body, but of course the whole person must be considered in the design of nutrition and environment. This patient knew that she was abandoned. I built the diet into different stages. Now the patient lives in Ulm and always goes to yoga. I have banned her yoga in this case and their Autogenic training recommended in order to calm her body and her body is balanced and calm. Sometimes yoga and sport is very important, but sometimes the patient should not do this. These guide the patient is very important. There is no equal treatment for everyone. The patient must also feel themselves what is good for him. At these words, you can easily see that the oil-protein diet may be only part of the therapy, according to the motto: There is no cure-all cancer diet - but all cancer therapies are nothing without our diets. Budwig 2000 , there are now over 40 years since Dr. Johanna Budwig successfully treated cancer patients. I write the word successfully deliberately because I thought intensively with this therapy, and Dr. Budwig was so nice and has provided me many letters of thanks from patients, proving that their therapy is not just a theoretical construct, but practical to implement. confirm this again and again other doctors around the world who use their therapy. And if they 'engagement with non-conventional cancer therapies, then you know that the use of oil-protein diet throughout the world in other successful therapies such as Gerson therapy, the Stockholm protocol or the Metabolic Assessment Program by Dr. Taylor is integrated. Also, the therapist after the 10 points program or procedure by Dr. Seeger RBTI Therapy by Dr. Reams, know the importance of this therapy. Thus it is all astonishing, at least theoretically, that not all oncologists deal with this simple therapy although the accuracy of the therapy in vitro and in vivo can be detected. I would not go back to the tricky political and industrial situation that contributes to that successful therapies generally have little chance to prevail in medicine, but encourage them not to let prejudices are simply the future. So when they hear the next time the oncologist once again that the Budwig therapy is quackery that has never healed a sick Gerson cancer therapy and Dr. Contreras praying with his patients, rather than to treat them "right", then ask them your oncologist if he was as ever in these hospitals and in these therapists and talked there with the patient. Only then is it possible that there are treatments such as those of Dr. Budwig also in the next millennium. It is up to each of us for this to make a contribution. Only when we begin to question basically ALL cancer therapies, we are able to explore, which cancer therapies are really successful. We can no longer rely on the study A or B because we do not know who made ​​this study why and in what order. Wherever we have made ​​the "scientific" double blind studies, we know this by now. The increasing number of cancer deaths unfortunately it proves to us daily. Let us begin to question the modern science and their Beurteilunsgkriterien again and much stricter than before. How is that possible? Very simple. We just have to go back to what science in the strict sense means, that the finding of facts. Cancer patients have long been fed up with assumptions in the form of studies that will be affected by the struggle for a Nobel Prize and money. built is the scientific way wide with space for everyone. There is no reason anyone from this path to come across, be it conventional medicine or healers.According to Brockhaus Encyclopedia Science begins with the collection, sorting and describing a material. Then the resulting hypotheses need to be confirmed or replaced by new ones. Dr. Budwig has gone exactly this way. She has her brilliant knowledge focussiert to a point, proved the hypothesis and packed the whole thing into a system. To this day, no one came about to include proved that something is wrong with the oil-protein diet. course, there are plenty of professors who testify as an expert witness in court and try to portray Dr. Budwig as a quack. But at least when it comes to the scientific aspects of therapy, fail all these experts and then try the person Johanna Budwig attack rather than their therapy. Rarely is a theoretical structure of practice were as perfect as evidenced in the oil-protein diet . So we let a proven therapy for over 40 years, not so easy to destroy, just because a now 90-year old scientist never received the support they need and because financial interests of a few people speak against the spread of this therapy. Yet not only for cancer would be a rethinking of the generality important and urgently needed.Especially when No. 1 killer, heart disease, the interaction between fat and protein plays an extremely important role.Jade Beutler has studied and described how the oil-protein diet would be applicable to the problem heart disease and the theories of Dr. Budwig many years ago from the U.S.. cardiac disease and essential fatty acids , it is only 80 years ago that Paul Dudley White introduced the ECG from Germany to America. His staff told him then that the device would not be very valuable because there is so little heart disease in America. 30 years later, the statistics were so quickly skyrocketed, so that the device was very useful for diagnosis. There have been many attempts to explain this increase. One of the most common explanations was that this was mainly due to the escalation of food manufacturing processes. The result of this was a diet rafinierten products that had no resemblance to what nature blazes once. Although there is abundant evidence of how this type of diet is unhealthy, this does not seem to arrive, however, against the desire to rafinierter food. Our body is designed to feature a food with enzymes and fiber and is not prepared for a dead and chemically altered food. Despite the relatively constant amount of added saturated fats undertaken at this time, you wrote it exclusively to these fats that the mortality rate increased so dramatically.However, we will soon see, that saturated fats play a much smaller role than previously thought. , the pioneering work of Dr. Johanna Budwig, we have to thank for that little light came into this thing. She was one of the first to recognize the adverse effects of essential fatty acids processed. The two essential fatty acids are linoleic acid (omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid called (omega-6 fatty acid). They belong to a group of 50 nutrients that are essential for our life. these nutrients we need to include in our diets and can not be manufactured by the body itself.A deficit of these two fatty acids influences our fat metabolism. Essential fats belong to the class of unsaturated fatty acids. This class is very sensitive to heat, light and air. During the processing of these oils but these are exposed to exactly these "opponents". In scientific terms - the unsaturated bonds are saturated. These processes in the processing rob the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 their properties and turn them absolutely saturated, altered fats (hydrogenated trans isomers). Dr. Budwig found out that we are deficient in these essential fatty acids.The intake of processed products such as margarine make the problem worse in that it replaces the need fats in our metabolic system. This trend is unfortunately still going on. Dr. Budwig writes not only heart disease such circumstances, but also the incidence of cancer, stroke, and other ailments of our time. This has been thoroughly analyzed and a leading researcher, Dr. Ronald Rudin, found that at least 80% of all Americans do not eat enough of these essential fatty acids. The significance in relation to heart disease is even greater. Saturated and processed fat promotes the clumping tendency of the blood or a thicker, thus causing a higher blood pressure and strain on the work of the heart. This clumping promotes atherosclerosis on our walls of the arteries. Thus, the transport of oxygen is reduced to our heart muscle and causes angina and heart attacks. Also, prostaglandins, hormone-like substances are formed by the essential fatty acids. An important function of prostaglandins as their effect on our muscle tone.Any disorder caused by a lack of intake of essential fatty acids, resulting in muscle spasms. To do anything to complicate the whole, processed fat has been proven in many Stduien that the bad LDL cholesterol and Trigylzeride increased while simultaneously reducing the good HDL. All the above abnormalities verurachen the increase of the thickness of the liquid blood or the reduced volume of the vessels. Thus the work of the heart muscle is difficult and can lead to an enlarged right ventricle (cor pulmonale). Unlike processed or saturated fats, the essential fatty acids have been scientifically proven that they reduce clumping, improve the flow of saturated fatty acids in the blood or reduce the attachment derselbigen on the artery walls. At the same time, the thickening of the blood decreases and reduces the workload on the heart. Should preferably be omega 3 - and omega take 6 fatty acids in the form of flaxseed oil to be, so a balance of prostaglandins is secured and thus the contraction and relaxation of the arteries.Scientific studies also have a normalization of blood fat in people with too high a mirror determined by substitution with essential fatty acids. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that lowering the LDL levels and triglycerides and increase HDL levels. Essential fatty acids also excellent transport oxygen in the hemoglobin to each of our trillions of cells. A reduction of oxygen (hypoxia) or a total loss (anoxia) to the heart muscle with resulting tissue death is called a myocardial infarction (heart attack). We should not forget that our heart is an electrically operated organ.You can prove this with the ECG already mentioned. Without electrical pulses our heart will stop beating. Unedited, essential fatty acids carry an electrical signal to the electron cloud. Dr. Budwig points out that this bio-electronic Dynamo all life functions improved, including the electrical line and the force of contraction of the heart muscle.Source: Copyright © by Sensei-Verlag, courtesy these oils eat? It is very important that the person is seen as a body, soul and spirit. Which factor is primarily effective at the moment can be very different. I'm still convinced that if a woman has a very bad marriage relationship, must endure day after day oppression and taunts of her husband, then I can not help you with quark-flax oil. All three factors together are the human. A further example. In November it is very cold here. Suppose that several people have to spend a night outdoors. Then one takes a warm bath and everything is OK Another gets by lymphoma and another pneumonia. Not everyone suffering equally. The survival function of the human always plays a very important role. Or even a different case. I have a patient with lung metastases from Ulm doctor came along with it. I advise them, first the diet and then oil wrap with Eldi oils to quickly resolve the metastasis, the patient was rubbed with oils all over the body, but of course the whole person must be considered in the design of nutrition and environment. This patient knew that she was abandoned. I built the diet into different stages. Now the patient lives in Ulm and always goes to yoga. I have banned her yoga in this case and their Autogenic training recommended in order to calm her body and her body is balanced and calm. Sometimes yoga and sport is very important, but sometimes the patient should not do this. These guide the patient is very important. There is no equal treatment for everyone. The patient must also feel themselves what is good for him. At these words, you can easily see that the oil-protein diet may be only part of the therapy, according to the motto: There is no cure-all cancer diet - but all cancer therapies are nothing without our diets. Budwig 2000 , there are now over 40 years since Dr. Johanna Budwig successfully treated cancer patients. I write the word successfully deliberately because I thought intensively with this therapy, and Dr. Budwig was so nice and has provided me many letters of thanks from patients, proving that their therapy is not just a theoretical construct, but practical to implement. confirm this again and again other doctors around the world who use their therapy. And if they 'engagement with non-conventional cancer therapies, then you know that the use of oil-protein diet throughout the world in other successful therapies such as Gerson therapy, the Stockholm protocol or the Metabolic Assessment Program by Dr. Taylor is integrated.Also, the therapist after the 10 points program or procedure by Dr. Seeger RBTI Therapy by Dr. Reams, know the importance of this therapy. Thus it is all astonishing, at least theoretically, that not all oncologists deal with this simple therapy although the accuracy of the therapy in vitro and in vivo can be detected. I would not go back to the tricky political and industrial situation that contributes to that successful therapies generally have little chance to prevail in medicine, but encourage them not to let prejudices are simply the future. So when they hear the next time the oncologist once again that the Budwig therapy is quackery that has never healed a sick Gerson cancer therapy and Dr. Contreras praying with his patients, rather than to treat them "right", then ask them your oncologist if he was as ever in these hospitals and in these therapists and talked there with the patient. Only then is it possible that there are treatments such as those of Dr. Budwig also in the next millennium. It is up to each of us for this to make a contribution. Only when we begin to question basically ALL cancer therapies, we are able to explore, which cancer therapies are really successful. We can no longer rely on the study A or B because we do not know who made ​​this study why and in what order. Wherever we have made ​​the "scientific" double blind studies, we know this by now.The increasing number of cancer deaths unfortunately it proves to us daily. Let us begin to question the modern science and their Beurteilunsgkriterien again and much stricter than before. How is that possible? Very simple. We just have to go back to what science in the strict sense means, that the finding of facts. Cancer patients have long been fed up with assumptions in the form of studies that will be affected by the struggle for a Nobel Prize and money. built is the scientific way wide with space for everyone. There is no reason anyone from this path to come across, be it conventional medicine or healers. According to Brockhaus Encyclopedia Science begins with the collection, sorting and describing a material. Then the resulting hypotheses need to be confirmed or replaced by new ones. Dr. Budwig has gone exactly this way. She has her brilliant knowledge focussiert to a point, proved the hypothesis and packed the whole thing into a system. To this day, no one came about to include proved that something is wrong with the oil-protein diet. course, there are plenty of professors who testify as an expert witness in court and try to portray Dr. Budwig as a quack. But at least when it comes to the scientific aspects of therapy, fail all these experts and then try the person Johanna Budwig attack rather than their therapy. Rarely is a theoretical structure of practice were as perfect as evidenced in the oil-protein diet . So we let a proven therapy for over 40 years, not so easy to destroy, just because a now 90-year old scientist never received the support they need and because financial interests of a few people speak against the spread of this therapy. Yet not only for cancer would be a rethinking of the generality important and urgently needed. Especially when No. 1 killer, heart disease, the interaction between fat and protein plays an extremely important role. Jade Beutler has studied and described how the oil-protein diet would be applicable to the problem heart disease and the theories of Dr. Budwig many years ago from the U.S.. cardiac disease and essential fatty acids , it is only 80 years ago that Paul Dudley White introduced the ECG from Germany to America. His staff told him then that the device would not be very valuable because there is so little heart disease in America. 30 years later, the statistics were so quickly skyrocketed, so that the device was very useful for diagnosis. There have been many attempts to explain this increase. One of the most common explanations was that this was mainly due to the escalation of food manufacturing processes. The result of this was a diet rafinierten products that had no resemblance to what nature blazes once. Although there is abundant evidence of how this type of diet is unhealthy, this does not seem to arrive, however, against the desire to rafinierter food. Our body is designed to feature a food with enzymes and fiber and is not prepared for a dead and chemically altered food. Despite the relatively constant amount of added saturated fats undertaken at this time, you wrote it exclusively to these fats that the mortality rate increased so dramatically. However, we will soon see, that saturated fats play a much smaller role than previously thought. , the pioneering work of Dr. Johanna Budwig, we have to thank for that little light came into this thing. She was one of the first to recognize the adverse effects of essential fatty acids processed. The two essential fatty acids are linoleic acid (omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid called (omega-6 fatty acid). They belong to a group of 50 nutrients that are essential for our life. these nutrients we need to include in our diets and can not be manufactured by the body itself. A deficit of these two fatty acids influences our fat metabolism. Essential fats belong to the class of unsaturated fatty acids. This class is very sensitive to heat, light and air. During the processing of these oils but these are exposed to exactly these "opponents". In scientific terms - the unsaturated bonds are saturated. These processes in the processing rob the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 their properties and turn them absolutely saturated, altered fats (hydrogenated trans isomers). Dr.Budwig found out that we are deficient in these essential fatty acids. The intake of processed products such as margarine make the problem worse in that it replaces the need fats in our metabolic system. This trend is unfortunately still going on. Dr. Budwig writes not only heart disease such circumstances, but also the incidence of cancer, stroke, and other ailments of our time. This has been thoroughly analyzed and a leading researcher, Dr. Ronald Rudin, found that at least 80% of all Americans do not eat enough of these essential fatty acids. The significance in relation to heart disease is even greater. Saturated and processed fat promotes the clumping tendency of the blood or a thicker, thus causing a higher blood pressure and strain on the work of the heart. This clumping promotes atherosclerosis on our walls of the arteries. Thus, the transport of oxygen is reduced to our heart muscle and causes angina and heart attacks. Also, prostaglandins, hormone-like substances are formed by the essential fatty acids. An important function of prostaglandins as their effect on our muscle tone. Any disorder caused by a lack of intake of essential fatty acids, resulting in muscle spasms. To do anything to complicate the whole, processed fat has been proven in many Stduien that the bad LDL cholesterol and Trigylzeride increased while simultaneously reducing the good HDL. All the above abnormalities verurachen the increase of the thickness of the liquid blood or the reduced volume of the vessels. Thus the work of the heart muscle is difficult and can lead to an enlarged right ventricle (cor pulmonale). Unlike processed or saturated fats, the essential fatty acids have been scientifically proven that they reduce clumping, improve the flow of saturated fatty acids in the blood or reduce the attachment derselbigen on the artery walls. At the same time, the thickening of the blood decreases and reduces the workload on the heart. Should preferably be omega 3 - and omega take 6 fatty acids in the form of flaxseed oil to be, so a balance of prostaglandins is secured and thus the contraction and relaxation of the arteries. Scientific studies also have a normalization of blood fat in people with too high a mirror determined by substitution with essential fatty acids.Furthermore, it was demonstrated that lowering the LDL levels and triglycerides and increase HDL levels. Essential fatty acids also excellent transport oxygen in the hemoglobin to each of our trillions of cells. A reduction of oxygen (hypoxia) or a total loss (anoxia) to the heart muscle with resulting tissue death is called a myocardial infarction (heart attack). We should not forget that our heart is an electrically operated organ. You can prove this with the ECG already mentioned. Without electrical pulses our heart will stop beating. Unedited, essential fatty acids carry an electrical signal to the electron cloud. Dr. Budwig points out that this bio-electronic Dynamo all life functions improved, including the electrical line and the force of contraction of the heart muscle. Source: Copyright © by Sensei-Verlag, courtesy

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