Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sour cabbage – Professor of Probiotics

Sour cabbage – Professor of Probiotics
Sour cabbage (Germans call it Sauerkraut) is finely cut cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria. It has a long shelf life and a distinct sour taste, both of which result from the lactic acid that forms when the bacteria ferment the cabbage.

मैं गेहूं हूँ

लेखक डॉ. ओ.पी.वर्मा    मैं किसी पहचान का नहीं हूं मोहताज  मेरा नाम गेहूँ है, मैं भोजन का हूँ सरताज  अडानी, अंबानी को रखता हूँ मुट्ठी में  टा...