Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Healing Journey of Chris Locher

Healing Journey of Chris Locher

On our Facebook group Budwig Protocol 

A beautiful Wednesday to all, this i have to share with you all' I received some really good news for a change! Just done with my follow up MRI and met up with my oncologist, my original tumor has shrunk by half and the second tumor that was right next to a ventricle water no longer visible!
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Chris Locher .... and mind you all such came after I cut all traditional medication and switched to a budwig lifestyle two plus month ago' a line up of pictures and recipes I posted for all to use' this individual menu ideas worked for me following the basic ideas of doctor budwig' living and especially eating healthy really seems to be key to so many thing' another thing that's sure I'm encourage even more to continue my Vegan plus one life' a new MRI update will happen in late April' best of all to you now!
Om Verma Hi Chris Locher elaborate your healing journey in detail for our viewers
Sarang Kulkarni So happy for you
Malu Norabuena Chris Locher how wonderful!! Happy for you!!!
Lenka Eliaskova Very happy for you 😍😍😍
Alex Widmer I really needed this today. I have so many doubts about this journey. Thank you Chris.
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Ira Bhatnagar We are all with you.
LikeReply22 hrs
Trina Williams That's great news : )
LikeReply22 hrs
NG Msohappy Great news, Chris! Did you have surgery as well, or just Budwig? I am asking because my mom is too old (85) for surgery, and the doctors won't do anything for her urothelial tumor with lung metastases; they said to enjoy her while she's still alive. BUT I started her on Budwig breakfast (CC with oil and flax seeds) and the beets/carrot/apple/parsley juice, about 4 months ago... I don't see any changes in good or bad so far...just...she's very weak and her skin is itching everywhere, with red blemishes....
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Dawne Ulvano Samson Sounds like an allergy...I am no doctor. I had this happen to me. Found out I was allergic to Kiwi fruit
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Silvana Bejleri So happy for you 👏👏👏👏
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Suzanne Johnson What great news my husbands cancer has also disappeared 👍
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Alex Widmer Tell us more about his journey please
LikeReply3 hrs
NG Msohappy Great news!
UnlikeReply17 hrs
Dawne Ulvano Samson Amen!!! Wonderful news. Keep up the great work. Remember , this is a life time change...DO NOT go back to your old ways. Stay healthy. 
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Diana Craules Very Happy for You!!! 😊

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