Nigella sativa or Black Seed is an
annual flowering plant, native to southwest Asia, eastern coastal

The Black seeds have a rough surface and an oily white
interior, similar to onion seeds. Black seed has a peculiar aromatic and pungent
smell, while onion seeds don’t have this smell. Black seeds have a slightly
bitter, peppery flavor and a crunchy texture. The seed is used as a spice,
medicine, cosmetic and flavoring agent.
Common names

History of Black Seed

Easton’s Bible dictionary states the Hebrew word ketsah
refers to N. sativa without doubt.
Discoredes, a Greek physician of the 1st Century
A.D. said that black seeds were taken to treat Headaches, flu, toothache, and
intestinal worms. They also used it as a diuretic, to promote menstruation and
increase milk production in women.
Ibn Sina (980-1037), most famous for his volumes called
"The Canon of Medicine", regarded by many as the most famous book in
the history of medicine, East or west, refers to black seed as the seed that's
stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue. Black seed was included in the list of natural drugs of Al-Tibb
al-Nabawi. Recent research indicates that black seed boosts the human immune
system if taken over time.
Narrations found in Islamic literature
Khalid bin Sad said, "We went out and with us was Ghazi
bin Abjar. He fell sick along the way to al-Madinah. Ibn Abu 'Atiq came to
visit him and said, 'You should use this black seed. Take five or seven seeds and
grind them, then apply to his nostrils with drops of olive oil and Ayesha
narrated to them that she heard the Messenger say, "This black seed is a
cure for every disease except death." [Saheeh Sunan ibn Majah (3449)]. Ibnul
Qaiyum said, "It is a cure for
every disease except death is like the statement of Allah."
Cleopatra, the Beautiful and mysterious queen of Egypt had
been using black seed oil in her cosmetics and soaps.
Nutritional Power House
The Black Seed contains 40% fixed oils and 1.4% volatile
oils. The most effective compounds are thymoquinone,
dithymoquinone, thymohydroquinone and thymol. These are powerful Anti-bacterial
and Anti-viral against 30 different pathogens tested; TQ is the best
anti-fungal against dermatophytes and yeasts, and thymol against mold.

(kidney protecting)
necrosis factor alpha inhibitor
inhibitor (anti-diabetic)
(liver protecting)
The benefits and uses of the Black Seed
& other kinds of rheumatism Mildly
heat a small amount of Black Seed Oil and then .
stroke the rheumatic area
intensely. A tsp of the oil should also be drunk three times daily
Seed Oil for Pain Relief
The mix of vinegar (1 tsp), honey (2
tsp) and kalonji oil (1/2 tsp)
when taken twice a day is helpful in pain management. The massage with black
seeds oil is helpful for relieving the effects of arthritis. Eating two pieces
of dry fig along with 4 drops of kalonji oil is beneficial in joint pain, backache,
and neck pain.
Diabetes Black seed oil causes gradual partial regeneration of
pancreatic beta-cells, increases the insulin concentrations, and decreases the
elevated glucose, according to the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Mix
a cup of whole Black Seeds, a cup of watercress or mustard seeds, half a cup of
pomegranate peel, and half a cup of fumitory. Grind the mixture. Take half a tsp
of the mixture together with a tsp of Black Seed Oil daily before breakfast for
one month.

Asthma, Dry Cough
& Bronchial Problems - Black
seed improves lung function, reduces respiratory symptoms and chest wheezing.
Mix a tsp of Black Seed Oil in coffee. Take twice daily. Also rub chest with
Black Seed Oil every night and inhale the vapor of Black Seed Oil in hot water.
Flu & Nasal
Congestion Placing three to four
drops of Black Seed Oil in each nostril can relieve nasal congestion.
Black Seed Oil for Hair Problems
Smooth and
stronger hair Black Seed Oil is an important remedy.
1- Baldness Rub Kalonji oil
on the head twice a day, which is helpful to prevent baldness. Baldness can
also be prevented when a mixture of coffee (one cup) is taken along with
Kalonji oil (1/2 spoon)
twice a day.
2- Rub your hair with lime juice, leave it for 15 minutes.
Now, wash it with shampoo and use Kalonji oil when hair gets dry. Following the
procedure for one week will prevent premature falling of hair.
3- Dandruff - Heat the mix of Black Seed Oil (10
grams), Coconut oil (30 grams) and Mehandi powder (30 grams) for few minutes
till it converted into paste. Apply the paste over your head and wash.
Seed Oil for Migraine
Kalonji oil is good in the treatment of headache. To cure
migraine, it is suggested to instill Black
Seed Oil (one drop) in the opposite nasal area of the headache. Take Black Seed Oil half tea spoon twice a day is good to overcome migraine. To relieve from headache, massage with Kalonji oil is also effective.
Seed Oil (one drop) in the opposite nasal area of the headache. Take Black Seed Oil half tea spoon twice a day is good to overcome migraine. To relieve from headache, massage with Kalonji oil is also effective.
Seed Oil for Beauty

Hypertension Nigella sativa helps to lower blood pressure. Mix any
drink with a tsp of Black Seed Oil and also take two cloves of garlic every
morning with breakfast. Rub all the body with Black Seed Oil and expose your
body to sun rays for half an hour once every three days. Repeat for one month.
Laziness and
Fatigue One tablespoon of Black
Seed Oil with a glass of pure orange juice every morning for at least 10 days.
Memory Improvement A tsp of Black Seed Oil mixed in 100mg of boiled mint
for at least 15 days.
disease and dementia - A tsp of
Black Seed Oil with a cup of tea/coffee to be taken three times daily. Thymoquinone
was shown to protect neurons against synapse damage, thus, it could be
therapeutic in Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

Sleeping Disorder A tablespoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with honey in any
hot drink in the evening.
Seed Oil for Dental Problems
To get relief from painful tooth and soreness, Black Seed
Oil can be rubbed over the affected part. Continue the after 15 seconds. Dental
problems such as premature fall of teeth, teeth weakening, bleeding from teeth,
bad smell, etc. it is advisable to take the mix of Black Seed Oil (1/2 tsp) and 1
cup of curd twice a day.

Drug addiction Black seed helps people recover from drug addiction.
A study of 35 opiate addicts found black seed was an effective therapy in
long-term treatment of drug dependence.
Liver health It supports liver health.
Obesity – Black seed oil gives satisfactory results.
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Post-surgical scar prevention
Seed Immunity Booster
The Black Seed is an excellent herb for
maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. The
prophetic reference that the Black Seed cures all illnesses is not exaggerated as it at first appears. The Black Seed has been used for a variety of medical problems for several thousand years.
prophetic reference that the Black Seed cures all illnesses is not exaggerated as it at first appears. The Black Seed has been used for a variety of medical problems for several thousand years.
Dr. Qaadi started a series of researches in
the United States and proved that the use of the Black Seed strengthens
immunity since the ratio of the T assistant lymph cells increased by an average
of 72% compared to the restraining cells. Also, there was a considerable
development in the activity of natural killer cells with an average of 74%.
The study, published in a famous African
Journal of Medicine, tells the story of an HIV patient who went into complete
remission after black seed treatment. The patient was treated with Nigella
sativa for a period of six months, after which there was no detectable HIV
virus or antibodies against HIV in his bloodstream. Further, the HIV stayed
Black Seed cures Cancer
Nigella sativa is an incredibly powerful
and natural cancer cure. It is the best of the best and wipe out cancer cells
very quickly in every type of cancer. There are literally tons and tons of
information and in depth research results on the remarkable benefits of Nigella
sativa on cancer. It seems to have a strong affiliation for colon, brain, bone,
blood, cervical, prostate, breast and pancreatic cancers.
In a recent study, at the Kimmel Cancer
Centre, Jefferson were able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that black seed
destroys pancreatic tumor cells at a rapid rate with an astonishing 80 percent
success rate! Further research at South Carolina found that black seed
increased the growth rate of bone marrow cells by an incredible 250 percent and
it also inhibited the growth rate of all tumors by a minimum 50 percent!
Black seed works to fend off cancer through
a variety of mechanisms:
1. Anti-proliferation
2. Apoptosis induction
3. Cell cycle arrest
4. Reactive oxygen species generation
5. Anti-metastasis
6. Anti-angiogenesis
Black cumin expert, Maria Hurairah recommends 3 tsps of oil a day or 2 tsps
of oil + 1 tsp of seed powder mixed with
raw honey or freshly squeezed juice. It must be taken on an empty stomach one
hour before a meal. You can increase the dosage after 2-3 weeks if desired.
This is the basic plan, however, to thoroughly target cancer olive leaf, luffah
leaves and energizing honey is also used along with healthy diet.
ورد حديث في صحيح البخاري عن عائشة - رضي الله عنها - أنها قالت: قال رسول الله -
صلى الله عليه وسلم: " إن هذه الحبة السوداء شفاء من كل داء إلا السام، قلت: وما السام؟ قال الموت
صلى الله عليه وسلم: " إن هذه الحبة السوداء شفاء من كل داء إلا السام، قلت: وما السام؟ قال الموت