Great Cancer Survivor - Ratan Lal Tailor
दुनिया कैंसर से डरती है और कैंसर हमसे
दुनिया कैंसर से डरती है और कैंसर हमसे

Then he suffered from hematuria and frequent urination. He actually developed metastasis in right Kidney, ureter and UV junction. Second surgery was performed and Right Kidney and ureter was removed. TURP (Prostate) was also performed. A few months later, he had Mets in abdomen including liver. He was prescribed Nexavar (Sorafenib), but was discontinued because he developed severe diarrhea and other complications.
Then he came to me in September, 2014. During conversation he told me that he never fears from cancer and he will not die of cancer. I was impressed from his strong will power and positive attitude. I gave him my book and suggested him to take Budwig Protocol. He deeply studied the book and followed the protocol religiously with full faith. On 25th May, 2015 he had colonoscopy, USG and Biopsy. All his doctors declared him CANCER FREE. What a result! Budwig Protocol is just great. He is highly thankful to me as well as Dr. Budwig.